

■ (SPEC) Iris loczyi Kanitz

1891, botanist Kanitz

Iris loczyi Kanitz (August Kanitz, 1891); Section Limniris, Series Tenuifoliae, Height 6-12" (15-30 cm); Very pale blue or bluish purple, Falls creamy to white veined purple blue; Pl. Exped. Szechen. 58. tab. 6. fig. 2. 1891 illustrated.

See below:
Courtesy of Harrie de Vries on The Flower Photo SiteThe Flower Photo SiteThe Flower Photo Site

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Pl. Exped. Szechen. 58. tab. 6. fig. 2. 1891 illustrated.
Iris loczyi Kanitz, Növényt. Gyujtesek Eredm. Grof Szechenyi Bela Keletazsiai Utjabol: 58 (1891).
Khassanov, F.O. & Rakhimova, N. (2012). Taxonomic revision of the genus Iris L. (Iridaceae Juss.) for the flora of central Asia. Stapfia 97: 174-179.
Images courtesy of The Flower Photo Site
More Images available on Plantarium
Wendelbo, P. & Mathew, B (1975). Flora Iranica 112: 1-79. Naturhistorisches Museums Wien.
Yutang, Z., Noltie, H.J. & Mathew, B. (2000). Flora of China 24: 297-313. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.

Iris loczyi Kanitz, Bot. Resl. Szech. Cent. As. Exped. 58. 1891.

天山鸢尾 tian shan yuan wei

Iris tenuifolia Pallas var. thianschanica Maximowicz; I. thianschanica (Maximowicz) Vvedensky.
Plants forming hard tussocks. Rhizomes knobbly. Leaves linear, 20--40 cm × ca. 3 mm, rigid, midvein absent, base surrounded by maroon-brown, persistent sheaths. Flowering stems not or only slightly emerging above ground; spathes 3, 10--15 × ca. 1.5 cm, 1- or 2-flowered, midvein distinct, apex acuminate. Flowers pale violet, veined darker, 5.5--7 cm in diam. Perianth tube filiform, to 14 cm; outer segments oblanceolate or narrowly obovate, ca. 6 × 1--2 cm; inner segments oblanceolate, 4.5--5 cm × 7--8 mm. Stamens ca. 2.5 cm. Ovary ca. 1.2 cm. Style branches ca. 4 cm × 8 mm. Capsule subsessile, reddish brown, ovoid to cylindric, 4--7 × ca. 2 cm, 6-veined, apex shortly beaked. Fl. May--Jun, fr. Jul--Sep.

Sunny grasslands, hillsides. Gansu, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang [Afghanistan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan; SW Asia (Iran)].

This species has usually been considered to be restricted to C Asia, and would therefore be expected to occur in China only in Xinjiang and W Xizang. Two of us (Noltie and Mathew) have seen no material from China, so the records from the other, more eastern provinces should be viewed with caution and are likely to refer to the doubtfully separable Iris tenuifolia.
Ali, S.I. & Mathew, B. (2000). Flora of Pakistan 202: 1-35. Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi.
Malyschev L.I. & Peschkova , G.A. (eds.) (2001). Flora of Siberia 4: 1-238. Scientific Publishers, Inc., Enfield, Plymouth.
Alexeyeva, N. (2008). Genus Iris L. (Iridaceae) in the Russia. Turczaninowia 11(2): 5-68.

Courtesy of Harrie de Vries on The Flower Photo SiteThe Flower Photo SiteThe Flower Photo Site

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2010-07-12
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loczyiTheFlowerPhotoSite1.jpgjpg loczyiTheFlowerPhotoSite1.jpg manage 85 K 02 Aug 2016 - 18:32 BobPries Courtesy of Harrie de Vries on The Flower Photo Site
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