(SPEC) Iris macedonica Nadji 1892, Abd ur Rahmen Nadji Iris macedonica Nadji (Adb ur Rahmen Nadji, 1892) Subgenus Iris; Original reference in Empire Ottoman; Géog...
■ (SPEC) Iris machowii probably referred to Iris spuria by BIS YYYY, Rodionenko? Iris machowii. (George Rodionenko?. Main.InfoClassificationSeries Spuriae ...
(Spec) 'Maihura' YYYY, Collector? 'Maihura' Subgenus Scorpiris, (Juno). A good form of Iris vicaria from the Maihura river, Hissar mountain range, Tadjikistan. Sl...
(SPEC) 'Maikujaku' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Maikujaku' Series Laevigatae. "a fine variety with six petals and stamens like style arms with twisted crests. It is deep blu...
(SPEC) 'Maizuru' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Maizuru' Series Laevigatae. Three petaled white with heavy violet dots. In Tokyo it is called 'Orizuru'. (Translation, 'Dance o...
(SPEC) 'Mangaliae' 1939 Prodan The World Checklist dismisses this as a synonym of iris variegata. Original description is Iris mangaliae Prodan, Fl. Dobrudscha Me...
(SPEC) 'Mansfield' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Mansfield' (G. Meijer) Spec Iris latifolia; Flowers purple, dark blue blotch with white strip. Award of Merit B.C. 1926. See ...
■ (SPEC) 'Mary Barnard' 1962, Anderson 'Mary Barnard' (E. B. Anderson, R. 1962) I unguicularis, 9" (23 cm). Winter bloom. Bluish violet self. Collected by Barna...
■(SPEC) Iris masia Stapf ex Fos. 1888, Botanical author Stapf Iris masia Stapf ex Foster. (Collected by Sintenis, 1888, in Sueverek, N. Mesopotamia); Section Li...
(SPEC) 'McMurtrie #ANMc2325' YYYY, McMurtrie 'McMurtrie #ANMc2325' It is 2n=18 while the form of danfordiae in commerce is a sterile triploid 3n=27; By collec...
(SPEC) 'Megami' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Megami' Series Laevigatae. Three petaled white with heavy violet dots. (Translation, 'Goddess'). Iris laevigata Fischer. M...
(SPEC) Iris melanosticta Bornm. 1907, Bornmueller Iris melanosticta Bornm. In Gartenflora p. 495, 1907 Probably a synonym of Iris grant duffi. Main.BobPries...
(Spec) Iris mellita Janka = Iris suaveolens 1876, Von Janka Iris mellita: (Victor von Janka, 1876), in Mathematikai és Természettudományi Közlemémyek. Pest = Bu...
(SPEC) 'Mellita Vandee' 1958, Van de Water Schacht 'Mellita Vandee' (Irene Van de Water and W. Schacht, R. 1958) I. mellita, 6" (15 cm). Extra early bloom. Self, ...
(SPEC) 'Menelik' YYYY, J. G. Eldering 'Menelik' (J. G. Eldering, ) SPEC Iris latifolia; flowers dark purple See below: * * References References: Awaitin...
(SPEC) 'Mer De Glace' 1913, Van Tubergen 'Mer De Glace' )Van Tubergen, 1913) English Iris; Color code WW; :Awaiting registration information See below: * * Ref...
(SPEC) 'Mermieri' 1898, Krelage 'Mermieri' (E. H. Krelage and Son, 1898). Spanish; Color Code Y4L; light yellow self. Barr 1898; Krelage Sons 1898; A.M., R.H.S….
(SPEC) 'Middleton Blue' ‘Middleton Blue’. Section Lophiris. Offered by the British Iris Society Seed Exchange. Perhaps from Myddleton, the garden of E. A. Bowles….
(SPEC) 'Midnight' YYYY, Bond 'Midnight' (Sandra Bond). Six petaled deep violet, with very prominent white central stripe on falls; 2ft. (60 cm) shown at the 1988 ...
(SPEC) 'Mirabeau' 1914, Van Tubergen 'Mirabeau' (Van Tubergen, 1914 ) English Iris; Color code B9M; See below: * * References References Van Tubergen 1914...
■ (SPEC) Iris miraculosa Small, see (LA) 'Miraculosa' 1929, Small .Iris miraculosa (John Kunkel Small, 1929) Now considered a Louisiana hybrid 'Miraculosa' but or...
(Spec) 'Miss Bluejay' 1956, Davidson 'Miss Bluejay' ( B. LeRoy Davidson, R. 1956). Series Longipetalae ; Form of Iris missouriensis ; 24" (60 cm). Early bloom. C...
(Spec) 'Miss Peacock' 1956, Davidson 'Miss Peacock' ( B. LeRoy Davidson, R. 1956). Series Longipetalae; Form of Iris missouriensis , 21" (52.5 cm), Early bloom s...
(Spec) 'Miss Pink Dove' 1956, Davidson 'Miss Pink Dove' ( B. LeRoy Davidson, R. 1956). Series longipetalae; Form of Iris missouriensis, 21" (52.5 cm), Early bloom...
(Spec) 'Miss White Canary' 1956, Davidson 'Miss White Canary' ( B. LeRoy Davidson, R. 1956). Series Longipealae; Form of Iris missouriensis . 20" (50 cm), Early ...
(SPEC) 'Mississippiensis' 1931, Alexander 'Mississippiensis' (Edward Johnston Alexander, 1931, South and Central Louisiana). Flower stalk 4 8" (10 20 cm) very zig...
(SPEC) 'Momiji no Nishiki' YYYY, Horinaka ‘Momiji no Nishiki’. (Akira Horinaka). Series Laevigatae. Pale with small reddish purple spots. (Translation, 'Maple Bro...
(SPEC) 'Monday's Child' 1957, Quigley 'Monday's Child' (Mr. Mrs. Lloyd Quigley, R. 1957) I. tenax, 9" (23 cm). Early bloom. White self, with small spot of yello...
(SPEC) Iris moorcroftiana Wallich ex Don 1828, Wallich ‘Moorcroftiana’. ( Nathanael Wallich ex Don Cat. no. 5051. 1828); Series Ensatae. 6 8” (15 20 cm), The onl...
(SPEC) 'Mori No Shita' YYYY, Hybridizer ‘Mori No Shita’. Series Laevigatae; Color Code 6BM; 6 petaled, medium blue self. Wada 1935. Iris laevigata Fischer. M...
(SPEC) Iris moricolor Small aka 'Moricolor' 1931, Small ‘Moricolor’. ( John Kunkel Small, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; 36” (90 cm); R; Very deep mulberry purple...
■ (SPEC) 'Mostar' 1994, Tankesley Clarke 'Mostar' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994) SPEC, 25" (64 cm). Late bloom. Blue violet self; beards light yellow; ...
■ (SPEC) 'Mottled Beauty' 1960, Perry ‘Mottled Beauty’. (Perry’s Hardy Plant Farm, R. 1960). Series Laevigatae, 24” (61 cm), Late bloom. Color Code W2. Standard...
(SPEC) 'Mrs. Barclay' 1912, Van Tubergen 'Mrs. Barclay' (Van Tubergen, before 1912) English Iris; Color code W7; Van Waveren 1912; See below: * * References ...
(SPEC) 'Munich Blue' 1994, Tankesley Clarke 'Munich Blue' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994) SPEC, 22" (56 cm). Midseason bloom. Dark violet blue self; bea...
■ (SPEC) Iris munzii R. C. Foster 1938, Botanical author R.C. Foster Iris munzii R. C. Foster (Robert C. Foster, R. 1938, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Tulare County, ...
(SPEC) 'Murasame' YYYY, Hybridizer ‘Murasame’. Series Laevigatae. Three petaled violet, early flowering, somewhat dwarfer than other cultivars. (Translation, 'Pa...
■ (Spec) 'Murrayana' 1935, Andrew Murray 'Murrayana' (Andrew Murray (collector), R. 1935). Series Laevigatae. Color Code WW; Pure white. (Collected on Salmonier...