■ (Spec) Iris qinghainica Zhao

1980, Y.T. Zhao

Iris qinghainica Zhao (Yu-tank Zhao, 1980). Subgenus Limniris; Series Tenuifoliae. In Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18(1): 55 (1980).

See below:

I  qinghainica.jpg


Iris qinghainica Y.T.Zhao, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 55 (1980).
Innes, C. (1985). The World of Iridaceae: 1-407. Holly Gare International Ltd., Ashington.
Yutang, Z., Noltie, H.J. & Mathew, B. (2000). Flora of China 24: page 305. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.

Iris qinghainica Y. T. Zhao, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 55. 1980.

青海鸢尾 qing hai yuan wei

Rhizomes knobbly. Leaves grayish green, linear, 5–25 cm × 2–3 mm, midvein absent, base surrounded by maroon-brown fibers. Flowering stems not emerging above ground; spathes 3, green, lanceolate, 6–10 × 0,6–1,8 cm, 1- or 2-flowered. Flowers violet, 4,5–5 cm in diam. Perianth tube filiform, 3–6 cm; outer segments narrowly oblanceolate, limb spreading, 3–3,5 cm × 5–8 mm; inner segments narrowly oblanceolate, ca. 3 cm x 4 mm. Stamens 1,8–2 cm. Ovary ca. 1,5 cm. Style branches ca. 2,5 cm × 3 mm. Capsule not seen. Fl. Jun--Jul, fr. Jun--Aug.

* Sunny grasslands, mountainsides, loess hills; 2500--3100 m. SW Gansu, NE Qinghai.


Cryptobasis qinghainica (Y.T.Zhao) M.B.Crespo, Mart.-Azorín & Mavrodiev, Phytotaxa 232: 61 (2015).

Chromosome counts




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-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r9 - 07 Jun 2017, AlainFranco
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