

■ (SPEC) Iris stenophylla Haussk.& Siehe ex Baker

1900, Botanical author Haussknecht & Siehe:

Iris stenophylla Haussk. & Siehe ex Baker in The Gardeners' Chronicle 170. 1900. Subgenus Scorpiris, (Juno). See registration as 'Persica Stenophylla'.

See below: ----


Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker provided a description in Curtis's Botanical Magazine vol.126, series3 table 7734, 1900 as;</br
Iris stenophylla.
Native of Asia Minor. Nat. Ord. lrideae. — Tribe Morea. Genus Iris, Linn.; {Benth. & Hook.f. Gen. Plant, vol. iii. p. 686.)

Iris (Juno) stenophylla ; bulbo ovoideo, tunica extima brunnea primnm fissa, interiorum 3 exterioribus in vaginas elongatas pallidas obtusas folia basi amplectentes prodactis, radicibus crassis, foliis 6-7 temp, florent. tube floris vix longioribus demtim elongatia 8-10 poll, longis anguste linearibua in apicem acuminatam angustiitis concavis, scapo brevi unifloro, flore 4 poll, expans., spathse valvis herbaceis, perianthii tubo 2 1/2-pollicari exserto ovario pluries longiore lilacina, limbi aegmentis exterioribus 2 1/2 pollicaribus stipitatis, stipite ^-pollicari suberecto cra^sso, limbo late ovato-oblongo baai cordate coeruleo parte reflexa rotundata apice late saturate violacea et macalis paucia violaceis conspersa, crista media angusta aurea, interioribus parvis vix pollicaribus patenti-deflexis obovato-spatlialatis obtusis paliide coeruleis, styli ramis amplia segmentis fere seqnilongis, 1^ poll, latis bilobis crenatia caeruleis, filamentia liberis,

I. Stenophylla, Hausshn. mss. ex Baker in Gard. Chron. 1900, vol. i. p. 170, fig. 65. I. Heldreichii, Sort.
This singularly beautiful plant is a near ally of Iris persica, L., the figure of Which (tab. 1) is the first of the 7733 which precede that of I. stenophylla in this Magazine. It belongs to the section Juno of the sub-genus Xiphion which consists of about fourteen species, all natives of Western Asia, characterized by the bulbous rootstock, and very small spreading or deflexed inner segments of the perianth. As in I. persica and others, the leaves are not fully developed till long after flowering. It was discovered in the Cilician Taurus, by Heldreich I assume, as the bulbs which were purchased by the Royal Gardens, Kew, from Mr. Siehe, of Mersina (near Tarsus) in 1898, were labelled I. Heldreichii. It flowered ia a sheltered sunny border, in the open air, in February of this year.

Descr. — Bulh ovoid, about an inch in diameter, with very stout vermiform roots ; outer coat short, dark brown, cleft to the base, three succeeding elongating, imbricating, obtuse, very pale, forming a neck two inches long, sheathing the bases of the young leaves. Leaves at the flowering time rather longer than the perianth-tube, after flowering elongating to eight or ten inches, narrowly linear, gradually contracted to an acuminate point, concave. Scape very short. Spathe bright green, nearly as long as the perianth tube. Flower solitary; four inches broad. Perianth-tube two and a half inches long, pale lilac ; outer segments stoutly stipitate, stipes half an inch long ; blade two inches long, very broadly ovate-oblong, base broadly cordate, pale blue, the reflexed portion rounded, deep violet-blue on the upper fourth, and with a few large deep violet spots lower down, crest narrow, golden-yellow ; inner segments hardly an inch long, spreading and reflexed, spathulately ovate-oblong, obtuse, concave, pale blue. Filaments free. Style-arms nearly as long as the outer perianth-segments, one inch and a half broad, nearly orbicular, two lobed and irregularly crenate, blue.— J. D. H. -




Chromosome counts

2n=26, Hall, 2000.


Iris stenophylla Haussk. & Siehe ex Baker
  • Subsp. stenophylla
  • Subsp. allisonii Mathew



a name="Distribution">----

Distribution and Cultivation

Distribution: Region:


Özgür KOÇAK photoPaul Tyerman photoHans Achilles photoPhoto by KirstenÖzgür KOÇAK photoTony Hall photoBiodiversity Heritage LibraryTony Hall photo

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-- BobPries - 2010-04-20
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Iris-stenophylla-subsp.-stenophylla-11.jpgjpg Iris-stenophylla-subsp.-stenophylla-11.jpg manage 173 K 18 Jan 2015 - 23:11 BobPries Özgür KOÇAK photo
Iris-stenophylla-var.-alisonii-11.jpgjpg Iris-stenophylla-var.-alisonii-11.jpg manage 80 K 18 Jan 2015 - 23:16 BobPries Paul Tyerman photo
Iris-stenophylla-var.-alisonii-21.jpgjpg Iris-stenophylla-var.-alisonii-21.jpg manage 49 K 18 Jan 2015 - 23:18 BobPries Hans Achilles photo
Stenophylla-Kocak.jpgjpg Stenophylla-Kocak.jpg manage 194 K 18 Jan 2015 - 23:14 BobPries Özgür KOÇAK photo
Stenophylla_allisoni_THall.jpgjpg Stenophylla_allisoni_THall.jpg manage 343 K 18 Jan 2015 - 23:24 BobPries Tony Hall photo
Stenophylla_bot_Mag_7734.jpgjpg Stenophylla_bot_Mag_7734.jpg manage 87 K 20 Nov 2013 - 13:56 BobPries Biodiversity Heritage Library
Untitled-Stenophylla_Hall.jpgjpg Untitled-Stenophylla_Hall.jpg manage 317 K 18 Jan 2015 - 23:21 BobPries Tony Hall photo
irisstenophylla01.jpgjpg irisstenophylla01.jpg manage 59 K 08 Oct 2014 - 18:54 TerryLaurin Photo by Kirsten
Topic revision: r9 - 06 Sep 2016, BobPries
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