

■(SPEC) Iris warleyensis Fos.

1902, Foster

Iris warleyensis Foster. (Sir Michael Foster, 1902, Collected Bokhara); Subgenus Scorpiris; Juno; YL; light yellow;

See below:
Photo by John BaumfalkKen Walker photoKen Walker photoKen Walker photoIris warleyensisPhoto by John BaumfalkTony Hall photoPhoto by John BaumfalkTony Hall photoBiodiversity Heritage LibraryWarleyensis from Dykes the Genus irisbPanayoti Kelaidis photoBiodiversity Heritage LibraryBiodiversity Heritage Library


Foster provides the following description in The Gardeners' Chronicle, vol. xxxi. p. 385-386. Fig. 134;

"In bulb, habit, stem leaves, and inflorescence, this plant closely resembles I. orchioides var. coerulea [now I. magnifica var. coerulea]; The resemblance is carried so far that it agrees with I. orchioides coerulea, and differs from both the typical orchioides, and from I. bucharica, in that the horny margin of the leaf is more conspicuous, and is entirely free from setae. It differs from I. orchioides coerulea wholly in color, and in two or three features of form. These latter are as follows:-In this plant the strap-shaped claw with a wavy edge expands somewhat suddenly into a short oval, almost orbicular blade. In I. orchioides coerulea the strap-like claw with an even edge expands gradually into a long, narrow, oval blade. In this plant the blade is deflexed abruptly both from before backwards, and from side to side; this does not occur in I. orchioides coerulea. In this plant the crest on the blade is less plicate, and does not extend so far as the claw. In this plant the horizontally-extended small inner petal is conpicuously mucronate. In I. orchioides coerulea the inner petal is simply lanceolate, not mucronate at all, or very obscurely so.
In color, the plant in question differs widely from I. orchioides coerulea. In the latter the blade of the outer petal varies a good deal in tint, but the color is never deeper than lavender, while a pale yellow zone which surrounds the yellow crest extends some distance over the blade in front of the crest.
In I. warleyensis the claw of the outer petal is pale violet in color, with two or three parallel veins much deeper in color, and a low white median ridge which, as the claw passes into the blade, becomes a crenate crest, deep violet or purple behind, bright orange in front. Around the crest, that is at its sides, is a conspicuous zone of bright orange, outside this the blade is a rich deep violet hue, save for the extreme margin which stands out as a conspicuous white border. The several plants, however, vary a good deal in color. In some the white margin is much less conspicuous, in some wholly absent. In some plants the orange zone or "signal" round the crest is broad, in others narrow, and in yet others wholly absent. And individual plants vary a good deal in the depth, or even the exact hue of the violet or purple; but in all the color is a deep rich one, not a pale one as in I. orchioides coerulea. The small, horizontal, mucronate standard is violet in color. The style is violet on its outer upper surface, paler within; its tall quadrate crests with gently wavy margin are violet in color. Seeds not yet seen; ripening capsule like that of I. bucharica. Habitat same as I. bucharica.
The Garden 61: 241. 12 Apr. 1902
F.C.C., R.H.S. 1902, shown by Will.; Hort. Dir. 44: 58. 1903;
Curtis Botanical Magazine, 1904,
Barr 1903; Krel. 1905; Grull. 1907; Van W. 1907;
Arnott in The Garden, p.635, 26 December 1908, illustrated;
Wal. 1913;
Dykes, The Genus Iris 206. 1913,
Van T. 1916; 1928; Hocker 1936;


Warley Iris; Iris degerensis B Fedtsch.
2n=24 Simonet 1934; 2n=24 Zakharyeva.

Photo by John BaumfalkKen Walker photoKen Walker photoKen Walker photoIris warleyensisPhoto by John BaumfalkTony Hall photoPhoto by John BaumfalkTony Hall photoBiodiversity Heritage LibraryWarleyensis from Dykes the Genus irisbPanayoti Kelaidis photoBiodiversity Heritage LibraryBiodiversity Heritage Library

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-- BobPries - 2010-04-20
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I._warleyensisJB6.JPGJPG I._warleyensisJB6.JPG manage 28 K 25 Mar 2017 - 17:55 BetsyHiggins Photo by John Baumfalk
Iris-warleyensis-1Walker1.jpgjpg Iris-warleyensis-1Walker1.jpg manage 64 K 14 Jan 2015 - 21:23 BobPries Ken Walker photo
Iris-warleyensis-2Walker.jpgjpg Iris-warleyensis-2Walker.jpg manage 59 K 14 Jan 2015 - 21:23 BobPries Ken Walker photo
Iris-warleyensis-3Walker1.jpgjpg Iris-warleyensis-3Walker1.jpg manage 60 K 14 Jan 2015 - 21:24 BobPries Ken Walker photo
Iris_warleyensis_2__17-03-11.jpgjpg Iris_warleyensis_2__17-03-11.jpg manage 973 K 01 May 2011 - 19:26 Main.deesen Iris warleyensis
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Warleyensis_from_Dykes.jpgjpg Warleyensis_from_Dykes.jpg manage 62 K 20 Apr 2010 - 14:08 BobPries Warleyensis from Dykes the Genus iris
Warleyensis_in_Denver.jpgjpg Warleyensis_in_Denver.jpg manage 193 K 28 Feb 2012 - 18:56 BobPries Panayoti Kelaidis photo
juno warleyensisJB.jpgjpg juno warleyensisJB.jpg manage 73 K 14 Apr 2019 - 12:36 BetsyHiggins Photo by John Baumfalk
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warleyensis_The_Garden.jpgjpg warleyensis_The_Garden.jpg manage 90 K 21 Nov 2013 - 14:12 BobPries Biodiversity Heritage Library
Topic revision: r19 - 14 Apr 2019, BetsyHiggins
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