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(SPEC) Iris wendelboi Grey-Wilson & Mathew

1973, Grey-Wilson & Mathew

Iris wendelboi Grey-Wilson & Mathew. (Christopher Grey-Wilson and Brian Mathew, 1973, Southwestern Afghanistan); Subgenus Scorpiris, (Juno); 1-2 Deep violet flowers, Bright golden yellow frilled crests; Collected by Christopher Grey-Wilson and Tom Hewer # 561 & 575. Iris Year Book, 1973. 111, 120 (1973); Kew Bull., 29(1): 72 (1974). Grey-Wilson (1973) offers the following "The bulbs are similar in size and form to those of I. drepanophylla Aitch. & Baker with a light brown membranous tunic, the roots white, fleshy and swollen towards the top. The leaves are more or less fully developed at flowering time; they are deeply channeled, grey-green above and below and with a prominent silvered margin, about 1 cm. broad and curling on the ground in rather odd way, which we had not noticed in any other Juno. The nodes are obscured by the overlapping leaf-bases and the plants seldom exceed 15 to 20 cm in height and carry 1 or 2 flowers. The flowers themselves are a striking deep purple-blue the fall with a golden, crispy edged, prominent crest. The haft to the fall is not lobed and more or less parallel sided and as broad as the blade; moreover the margin is horizontal and not down turned as in I. drepanophylla. The standards are tiny, 0.4 cm. long, linear and upright."This species clearly must be associated with the yellow flowered wingless Afghan Junos (I. drepanophylla, I. xanthochlora and I. porphyrochrysa) but with its striking purple-blue flowers with their gold crests and linear undivided standards and the grey-green leaves it holds a somewhat remote position in this section."

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2010-04-21
Topic revision: r5 - 26 Feb 2016, Harloiris
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