■ (SPEC) 'Abbeville Red' circa 1940, Collected 'Abbeville Red'/'Abbeville Red Fulva' Louisiana Iris, (Collected clone, appears in several parentages circa 194...
■ (Spec) 'Acuta' 1813, Wildenow 'Acuta' (Karl Ludwig Willdenow, 1813, Europe Asia). D Sib; 12" (30 cm); Soft, medium blue, with prominent white center and blue ...
■ (Spec) Iris acutiloba var. bimaculata Trautv. YYYY, Trautvetter 'Iris acutiloba Bimaculata'( Ernst Rudolf Trautvetter, ) A variety of Iris acutiloba with ...
■ (SPEC) Iris albertii Regel 1877, Botanical author Regel Iris albertii Regel (Eduard August von Regel, 1877, collected Turkestan); Section Iris . TB; Color Cl...
■ (SPEC) Iris albicans Lange 1860, Botanical author Lange Iris albicans Lange (Johan Martin Christian Lange, 1860). Section Iris , 16 20" (40 55 cm) Usually white...
■ (SPEC) Iris albispiritis Small 1929, Small Iris albispiritis Small (John Kunkel Small) Originally described in Addisonia as: IRIS ALBISPIRITUS Ghost Iris Native...
■ (SPEC) Iris albomarginata R. C. Foster 1936, Botanical author R. C. Foster Iris albomarginata R. C. Foster (Robert C. Foster); Subgenus Scorpiris . Juno; 8 12" ...
■ (SPEC) 'Albopurpurea Monstrosa' or Iris laevigata var albopupurea monstrosa unknown 'Albopurpurea Monstrosa' Series Laevigatae. This a botanical name that wou...
■ (Spec) Iris amoena Candolle 1812, Candolle Iris amoena ( Augustin Pyramus de Candolle in Les Liliacées (Redouté) table 336, 1812). This was probably an early ...
■ (SPEC) 'Anticosti Discovery' 1998, Huber 'Anticosti Discovery' ( Tony Huber, R. 1998). Seedling # Ex AC 05. Section Limniris, Series Laevigatae.SPEC (versic...
■ (SPEC) Iris arenaria Waldstein Kitaibel ('Arenaria') 1802, Botanical author Waldstein Kitaibel 'Arenaria'. (F. G. von Waldstein and P. Kitaibel, 1802, C...
■ (SPEC) Iris pallida 'Argentea' 1906, Goos Koenemann 'Argentea' (Goos and Koenemann, 1906). TB; B1L; Blue self, Leaves variegated white and green; G K 19...
■(SPEC) 'Armenian Caucasus' YYYY, McMurtrie 'Armenian Caucasus' Early; Garden Name for Iris reticulata from that area. See Reticulatas.com. 2n=20 See below: ...
■ (SPEC) 'Assyriaca' 1895, Leichtlin 'Assyriaca' ( Max Leichtlin, 1895, collected in Euphrates valley) Subgenus Scorpiris , Juno Color Class W; This is now consi...
■ (Spec) Iris atrocyanea Small Iris atrocyanea ( John Kunkel Small, 1929) Originally described as species but later considered to be only a variation of Iris bre...
■(Spec) Iris barthii Prodan Buia 1946, Prodan Buia Iris barthii ( Julius Prodan and Alexandra Buia, 1946) Species published in Bul. Grad. Bot. Univ. Cluj xx...
■(SPEC) Genus Belamcanda now Iris domestica YYYY, Linneaus Previously Belamcanda chinensis: (Carl Linnaeus). Distinguished from the genus Iris by the six perian...
■ (SPEC) Iris bismarckiana Damm. Spreng. 1890, E. Dammann C. Sprenger Iris bismarckiana E. Dammann C. Sprenger (E. Dammann and Carl Sprenger, 1890, N. Pale...
■(SPEC) 'Blue Rose' 1945, Christiansen 'Blue Rose' (K. Christiansen, R. 1945) SPEC. Evansia. Double. Color Class B1M. Sport from I. gracilipes . See below: ...
■(Spec) 'Bob Thompson' 1979, Bob Thompson 'Bob Thompson' Collected in Crete by Bob Thompson, but apparently distinct from 'Cretensis'." Said to be introduced by...
■ (Spec) 'Born To Be Wild' 2010, Aitken 'Born To Be Wild'. ( J. Terry Aitken, R. 2010) Seedling #03SIB 2C. SPEC, height 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Stan...
■ (SPEC) 'Bourne Graceful' 1975, Dr. Jack Ellis 'Bourne Graceful' (Dr. Jack R. Ellis, R. 1975). Section Lophiris, (Evansia), height 42" (107 cm). Early thro mid...
■ (SPEC) 'Bukko Form' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Bukko Form' "One of the most graceful of irises, and quite vigorous once established. Similar to Iris gracilipes 'Alba',...
■ (SPEC) Iris capnoides Vved. 1971, Botanical author Vvedensky Iris capnoides Vved. ( A. I. Vvedensky), Western Tian Shan and Ala Tau mountains near Tashkent and...
■ (SPEC) Iris cedreti Dins. 1972, Botanical author J. E. Dinsmore Iris cedreti Dinsmore (John Edward Dinsmore, 1972, Cedars of Lebanon region at 2,000 meters); Se...
■ (Spec) Iris cengialti Ambrosi; see also 'Cengialti' 1854, Ambrosi Iris cengialti: (Francesco Ambrosi, 1854) Although this was considered a species by Ambrosi ...
■ (SPEC) Iris chrysophylla Howell 1897, Howell Iris chrysophylla Howell (T. J. Howell, 1897, Oregon); CA (Series Californicae); 8" (20 cm); Color Class Y1; Flower...
■ (SPEC) 'City Of Sails' 1986, May 'City Of Sails' (Merrilyn May, R. 1986). Seedling #U 715. Iris unguicularis . 8" (20 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards pale ...
■ (SPEC) 'Claret Cup' 1948, Hillson 'Claret Cup' ( H. M. and R. C. Hillson, R. 1948). Iris versicolor; Color Class R1M; red violet self. (Iris Kermesina X Unkno...
■(SPEC) Iris clausii Schwarz YYYY, botanical author Schwarz 'Clausii' (Otto Schwarz). Section Iris . Formerly placed as a species but the following information pr...
■ (Spec) 'Contraband Girl' 1953, Duplechain 'Contraband Girl' ( Mrs. W. E. Duplechain, R. 1953). LA 36", Midseason bloom. Color Class Rv1L. Lavender pink self (F...
■(SPEC) Iris corygei Hort. ex Lynch 1904, Lynch Iris corygei (Richard Irwin Lynch,1904) in The Book of the Iris 146. believed to be an Iris variegata hybrid. Se...
■ (SPEC) Iris cristata Solander 1789, botanical author Solander 'Cristata' (Daniel Solander, 1789) Tiny woodland Iris in South and Eastern USA, especially in the ...
■ (SPEC) Iris cristata var. alba Dykes 1913, Dykes 'Cristata Alba' (William Rikatson Dykes, 1913) Gen. Iris 107, 241 . 1913; White form of Iris cristata' See b...
■ (SPEC) 'Cristata McDonald ' 1932, Crissey/McDonald/Borsch 2010, Schmieder 'Cristata McDonald' (W. L. Crissey and C. L. McDonald, Wm. Borsch Son, R. 1932) SPE...
■ (SPEC) Iris croatica Horvat 1962, Botanical authors I. M Horvat. 'Croatica' (Ivo and Marija Horvat, 1962, Croatia) Section iris. Flowers dark violet, Standard...
■(SPEC) Iris dabashanensis C. A. Wilsion 2020, Wilson Iris dabashanensis (Carol Wilson) Under construction. See below: * * References References Original...
■(SPEC) 'Danica' 1860, Lange 'Danica' (Collected by Johan Martin Christian Lange, 1860, Saltholmen, Denmark). Spur; Blue. "Produces one or two lateral heads of ...
■ (SPEC) Iris darwasica Regel 1884, botanical author Regel Iris darwasica Regel (Eduard August von Regel, 1884, Bokhara); Section Regelia. Color Class S6D; Height...
■ (SPEC) 'Dash It All' 2013, Schmieder 'Dash It All' ( Barbara and David Schmieder, R. 2013) Seedling #972 IC1 1. SPEC ( I. cristata ), 5 (13 cm), Midseason bl...
■(SPEC) 'Eco White Angel' 1993, Jacobs 'Eco White Angel' ( Don Jacobs, not registered 1993) SPEC (cristata), 4" (10 cm). Midseason bloom. Selection of I. crist...
■ (SPEC) 'Ecru' pre 1992, Selected 'Ecru' A pale yellow/ivory form, with black circle signals" Laurie's Garden 1992, also Redbud Lane 1992. "This clone actually...
■ (SPEC) Iris unguicularis 'Eye Eye' 2017, Avent 'Eye Eye' (Tony Avent, 2017. Probably not yet registered) Taken from the Plant Delights catalog it is said to ...
■ (SPEC) 'Fée D'Hiver' 2000, Ransom 'Fée D'Hiver' (Lawrence Ransom, R.2000). SPEC (unguicularis), 10" (26 cm), Early to late bloom (October to March in Southwest ...
■(SPEC) Iris fernaldii R.C.Fos. 1938, R. C. Foster Iris fernaldii Foster (Robert C. Foster, R. 1938; collected Lake Country, California); CA (Series Californica...
■ (SPEC) Iris filifolia Boiss. 1839, Bossier Iris filifolia Bossier (Edmond Boissier, 1839 45, Spain, North Africa and Rock of Gibraltar); Subgenus Xiphium . he...
■ (SPEC) Iris florentina L. 1758, Botanical author Linneaus Iris florentina Linnaeus (botanical author Linnaeus) in Syst. ed. X 863. (see also Iris germanica 'Fl...
■ (SPEC) Iris foetidissima L. 1753, botanical author Linneaus Iris foetidissima L. (Carolus Linnaeus, 1753, Europe and North Africa); Section Limniris . Evergre...
■ (Spec) 'Foetidissima Citrina' Under construction 1926, Syme 'Foetidissima Citrina' (Syme, John Thomas Irvine Boswell (né Syme) (afterwords Boswell Syme)). S...
■ (SPEC) Iris fosteriana Ait. Bak. 1887, Aitchison Baker Iris fosteriana Ait. Baker (J. E. T. Aitchison and John Gilbert Baker, 1887, Transcaspia N. W. ...
■(SPEC) 'Freckle Face' Iris domestica formerly Belamcanda chinensis YYYY, unknown 'Freckle Face' Not regeistered but in commerce since 1990, See Geo. Park Se...
■ (SPEC) Iris fulva Ker Gawl 1812, John Bellenden Ker alias John Gawler Iris fulva Ker Gawl ( John Ker Gawler, 1812, South Central United States); Series Hexag...
■ (SPEC) Iris x fulvala Dykes 1913, Dykes Iris x fulvala (William Rikatson Dykes, 1913) In The Genus Iris: 81 (1913). Dykes notes "Evidence of the affinity o...
■ (SPEC) 'Gamlin Blue' 1998, Gamlin 'Gamlin Blue' (Bob Gamlin by Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 1998) SPEC (ruthenica), 4 6" (10 15 cm). Late bloom and rebloo...
■ (SPEC) Iris germanica L. 1753, botanical author Linneaus Iris germanica L. (Carolus Linnaeus, 1753); Section Iris . TB; Early bloom; Color Class B1M; Medium blu...
■ (SPEC) Iris germanica L. alba Service 2002, Collected by Nigel Service Iris germanica 'Alba' (Nigel Service, 2002). Section Iris; Iris germanica 'Alba'. See ...
■ (SPEC) Iris germanica vulgaris Dykes YYYY, Botanical author Dykes 'Germanica Vulgaris' ( William Rickatson Dykes), Section Iris. Early bloom. Color Class B3D)...
■ (SPEC) Iris giganticaerulea Small 1929, Small Iris giganticaerulea (John Kunkel Small, R. 1929); Vinic; 32 48" (80 120 cm); Color Class BD; , illustrated in co...
■ (Spec) 'Giganticaerulea Alba' aka Iris giganticaerulea forma alba 1932, Nicholls 'Giganticaerulea Alba' ( Jesse C. Nicholls Jr., R. 1933) Vinic. Midseason to l...
■(SPEC) 'Gold Doubloons' 1998, Aldridge 'Gold Doubloons' (Donna Aldridge, R. 1998) SPEC (pseudacorus), 36 40" (90 101 cm). Early to late bloom. Deep clear yello...
■ (Spec) 'Gone With The Wind' 2016, Tony Avent 'Gone With The Wind' (Tony Avent, Unregistered) Spec (Iris domestica). 72" tall, China, zone 5a 8b. See below: ...
■ (SPEC) 'Goshobeni' circa 1960, Ikeda 'Goshobeni'. (Heinosuke Ikeda, unregistered species, about 1960) Series Laevigatae. Light red purple with slender three p...
■ (SPEC) Iris gracilipes Gray 1858, Gray Iris gracilipes (Asa Gray, 1858, Japan) in Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences ser. 2, 6(2): 412. 1858...
■ (SPEC) Iris graeberiana Van Tub. ex Sealy 1950, Botanical author Van Tubergen ex Sealy Iris graeberiana C. G. Van Tubergen ex Sealy (Sealy, 1950, Turkestan); Su...
■ (SPEC) Iris graminea L. 1753, botanical author Linneaus Iris graminea L. (Carl Linnaeus, 1753, Central and southern Europe to Caucasus); Section Limniris, Serie...
■ (SPEC) 'Halkis' YYYY, Norman Stevens 'Halkis' (Norman Stevens, ) I. reticulata 'Halkis' was found on Mount Halkis, Turkey by Norman Stevens. See below: *...
■ (SPEC) 'Hello Yellow' YYYY, Selector unknown A form of Iris domestica ( Belamcanda Chinensis) The selection of a shorter clear yellow variation of Iris dome...
■ (SPEC) Iris histrio Reich. 1873, Botanical author Reichenbach Iris histrio (Heinrich Reichenbach, 1873, Lebanon); Collected by Boissier on Mount Gherizin abou...
■ (SPEC) Iris hookeri Penny YYYY, Botanical author Penny Iris hookeri Penny (Penny, ex G. Don in Loudon's Hortus Britannicus, Supplement i. 591). Series Tripetala...
■ (SPEC) Iris hookeriana Foster 1887, Botanical author Foster Iris hookeriana Foster ( Sir Michael Foster, 1887, collected West Tibet and Kashmir); Section Pseud...
■ (SPEC) 'Hyacinthiana' 1914, Farrer 'Hyacinthiana' (Collected by Reginald Farrer, 1914 1915, Tibet or W. China Kansu). Series Ensatae; Color Code B1L; foliage ...
■ (SPEC) hyrcana Iridodyctium hycanum (Woronow ex Grossheim) Rodionenko Iris hyrcana One of the earliest blooming iris from the reticulata group, often showing ...
■ (SPEC) 'Hyrcana Artjushenko Form' YYYY, Artjushenko 'Hyrcana Artjushenko Form' (Dr. E. T. Artjushenko, collected in the southeast Transcaucasus, Azerbajdjzhan...
■(SPEC) 'Ida' 1973, van Eeden ‘Ida’. (P. B. van Eeden, 1973). Section Hermodactyloides. Standards lobelia blue (RHS 91a,b), falls pale lobelia blue, veined green,...
■ (SPEC) Iris illyrica Tommasini 1875, Tommasini 'Illyrica' (Mutius von Tommasini, 1875, Lago di Garda to northeast shores of the Adriatic). Dark blue self. Dykes...
■ (SPEC) Iris innominata L. F. Hend. 1930, Henderson Iris innominata Louis Forniquet Henderson (Collected by Mrs. John R. Leach, 1928, Curry County, Oregon) Cal (...
■ (SPEC) 'J.S.Dijt' 1939, J. S. Dijt 'J. S. Dijt' (J. S. Dijt. R. 1939). Section Hermodactyloides. Ret; 3½" (8.5 cm), Flower diameter 2 ¼" (6 cm), B7D; Dark red...
■ (SPEC) 'Japonica Ledger' 1925, Hybridizer 'Japonica Ledger' Section Lophiris, (Evansia), (Brought from the garden of the British Legation in Tokyo to England ...
■ (SPEC) Iris jordana (now considered a group under Iris atrofusca) 1913, Wallace 'Jordana' (Robert W. Wallace, 1913). Section Oncocyclus; Early bloom season. C...
■ (SPEC) 'Joyful At Morning' 2005, Komarnicki 'Joyful At Morning' (Lech Komarnicki, R. 2005) Seedling #96/8 N 295. SPEC ( I. versicolor ), 31" (80 cm). Early mids...
■ (SPEC) Iris juncea Poir. 1789, Botanical author Poiret Iris juncea Poir. (Jean Louis Marie Poiret, 1789, North Africa and Sicily); Subgenus Xiphium, Spanish Iri...
■ (SPEC) Iris junonia Schott Kotschy 1854, botanical author Schott Kotschy Iris junonia Schott Kotschy. (Heinrich Wilhelm Schott and Karl Georg Theodor Ko...
■ (SPEC) 'Kamayama' 1968, Witt 'Kamayama' This cultivar was obtained from Japan in 1968 by Jean Witt and has not received a properly registered name. It is 3...
■ (SPEC) 'Kermesina' 1901, Perry 'Kermesina' (Amos Perry, 1901). Series Laevigatae. RM; red violet, Perry 1906; (Additional cultivars have been selected out of ...
■(SPEC) 'King of the Blues' 1898, Barr " Sons 'King of the Blues' (Barr Sons, 1898) SPEC Iris latifolia; flowers dark blue See below: * * References R...
■ (SPEC) Iris kirkwoodiae Chaud. 1972, Botanical Author Chaudhary Iris kirkwoodii Chaud. (Collected by E. K. Balls and later S. Albury, M. Cheese, and J. Wats...
■ (SPEC) Iris kolpakowskiana 1877, Botanical author Regel Iris kolpalkowskiana Regel (Eduard August von Regel, 1877) Subgenus Hermodactyloides , (Regel in Acta ...
■(SPEC) 'Kopetdaghense' 1998, Kurbanov ‘Kopetdaghense’. (D. Kurbanov, 1998, Western Kopetdag, Turcomania). Section Hermodactyloides. Described as a new species Ir...
■ (SPEC) 'Korolkowii Brown And Green' circa 1951, Lloyd Austin 'Korolkowii Brown And Green' (Lloyd Austin, unregistered ) Section Regelia "Flowers of silvery wh...
■ (SPEC) 'Kun e Abr' YYYY, Collected by 'Kun e Abr' (Collector? date) A Iris reticulata collected in the Elbruz Mountains near Kun e Abr, Iran. See below: * *...
■(SPEC) 'Lacustris Alba' (Iris lacustris alba) 1931, W. E. Saunders 'Lacustris Alba' (W. E. Saunders Bulletin of the American Iris Society 39: 21. April 1931. See...
■ (SPEC) Iris lacustris forma albiflora Cruise Catling 1972, Cruise Catling 'Lacustris Albiflora' ( J.E. Cruise and P. M. Catling, 1972) in a white flowered...
■ (SPEC) (laevigata)'Atropurpurea' 1940, Perry 'Atropurpurea' Series Laevigatae. Brilliant violet purple blue, Wada introduced this cultivar in Japan in 1935, 1...
■ (SPEC) 'Laevigata Variegata' 1916, Van Tubergen 1916 'Laevigata Variegata' (Van Tubergen). Series Laevigatae, Medium blue self. with beautiful white and gree...
■ (SPEC) 'Lake Sevan Form' 1976, Milan Prasil 'Lake Sevan' (Milan Prasil 1976). Iris reticulata variety 'Lake Sevan' From Paul Christian catalog: "First found ne...
■ (SPEC) Iris latifolia Miller "English Iris"...note name change to Iris jacquinii (Shrank) ined. 1768, Miller Iris latifolia Miller, ( Philip Miller, 1768) Subg...
■(SPEC) 'Lepida' 1842, Heuffel 'Lepida' (Collected by Johann Heuffel in 1842 in Banat) Classed as a TB (?) in 1939 checklist. recorded in Flora 36: 621. 1853 pr...
■ (SPEC) Iris leptophylla Lingelsheim 1922, Lingelsheim Iris leptophylla Lingelsheim (collected by Limpricht, described by A. von Lingelsheim, 1922, Szechuan, Chi...
■(SPEC) Iris lineata Foster ex Regel 1887, Botanical author Foster Iris lineata Foster ex Regel ( Sir Michael Foster by way of Regel, 1887, Northeastern Afghanis...
■ (SPEC) Iris longifolia of Royle 1839, Royle Iris longifolia Royle; (John Forbes Royle 1839) a synonym for Iris lactea in Royle, J.F., Illustrations of the b...
■ (SPEC) Iris longipetala Herb. 1841, Botanical author Herbert Iris longipetala Herbert (William I. Herbert, 1841), California coast); Series Longipetalae, Long...
■ (SPEC) Iris lupina Fos. 1887, Foster Iris lupina (Sir Michael Foster, 1887) Described by Foster in "Some New Irises, continued". The Gardeners' Chronicle I. p.7...
■ (SPEC) Iris lusitanica 1803, Ker Gawler Iris lusitanica (John Ker Gawler), Curtis's Botanical Magazine 18: table 679, 1803 Bot. Mag. give the following descri...
■ (SPEC) Iris iberica subspecies lycotis (Woron.) Takht. 1915, Originally described as a species by Woronoff reduced to subspecies by Takhtajan 'Lycotis' ( G….
■ (SPEC) Iris machowii probably referred to Iris spuria by BIS YYYY, Rodionenko? Iris machowii. (George Rodionenko?. Main.InfoClassificationSeries Spuriae ...
■ (SPEC) 'Mary Barnard' 1962, Anderson 'Mary Barnard' (E. B. Anderson, R. 1962) I unguicularis, 9" (23 cm). Winter bloom. Bluish violet self. Collected by Barna...
■(SPEC) Iris masia Stapf ex Fos. 1888, Botanical author Stapf Iris masia Stapf ex Foster. (Collected by Sintenis, 1888, in Sueverek, N. Mesopotamia); Section Li...
■ (SPEC) Iris miraculosa Small, see (LA) 'Miraculosa' 1929, Small .Iris miraculosa (John Kunkel Small, 1929) Now considered a Louisiana hybrid 'Miraculosa' but or...
■ (SPEC) 'Mostar' 1994, Tankesley Clarke 'Mostar' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994) SPEC, 25" (64 cm). Late bloom. Blue violet self; beards light yellow; ...
■ (SPEC) 'Mottled Beauty' 1960, Perry ‘Mottled Beauty’. (Perry’s Hardy Plant Farm, R. 1960). Series Laevigatae, 24” (61 cm), Late bloom. Color Code W2. Standard...
■ (SPEC) Iris munzii R. C. Foster 1938, Botanical author R.C. Foster Iris munzii R. C. Foster (Robert C. Foster, R. 1938, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Tulare County, ...
■ (Spec) 'Murrayana' 1935, Andrew Murray 'Murrayana' (Andrew Murray (collector), R. 1935). Series Laevigatae. Color Code WW; Pure white. (Collected on Salmonier...
■ (SPEC) 'Navy Blue Gem' 1998, Schafer/Sacks 'Navy Blue Gem' ( Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 1998) SPEC (cristata), 4" (10 cm). Late midseason bloom. Dark blu...
■ (SPEC) Iris nectarifera 1980, Adil Güner This topic is yet to be developed A species within the Section Oncocyclus. See below: * * References * * Chromoso...
■ (Spec) Iris x neglecta Hornm. see also 'Neglecta' 1813, Hornemann….......................................related links .. Color class Neglecta Iris x neglecta...
■ (SPEC) Iris nigricans Dinsm. ex Post. 1913, Botanical author Dinsmore Iris nigricans Dinsm (John Dinsmore. Registered in 1939 checklists as a cultivar 'Nigric...
■(SPEC) Iris notha M.Bieb or Iris spuria subspecies notha 1843, Bieberstein Notha (Bieberstein, 1819, Caucasus) accepted by some authors as a species while oth...
■(SPEC) 'Noubeni' YYYY, HYBRIDIZER 'Noubeni' Section Limniris, Series Laevigatae. 3 petaled, deep red purple self, found about 140 years ago. Iris laevigata Fisch...
■(SPEC) 'Nova' 1991, Ellis 'Nova' (Dr. J. R. Ellis, unregistered, described 1991). Section Lophiris, Possibly a form of Iris confusa or Iris wattii or possibl...
■ (Spec) Iris ochroleuca L. = Iris orientalis 1771, Linneaus Iris ochroleuca (Carl Linnaeus, 1771) Modern binomial nomenclature started with Linneaus' Species Pla...
■ (SPEC) Iris odaesanensis Lee 1974, Botanical author Lee Iris odaesanensis Lee ( Dr. Yong No Lee, 1974, Mount Odaesan, Korea); Section Limniris, Series Chinens...
■(SPEC) 'One Starry Night' 2023, Schafer/Sacks 'One Starry Night' (Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 2023) Awaiting registration information See below: * * R...
■(SPEC) Iris orchioides Carrière 1880, Botanical author Carrière Iris orchioides Carrière (Élie Abel Carrière, 1880, East Bokhara); Subgenus Scorpiris (Juno), Col...
■ (SPEC) Iris orientalis Miller 1731, Botanical author Miller Iris orientalis Miller (synonym Iris ochroleuca). (Philip Miller, 1731, Turkey, Greece and the Greek...
■(SPEC) 'Pabularia' 1888, Naudin 'Pabularia' (Charles Victor Naudin 1888, described by L. Wittmack 1898). Series Ensatae. 20" (50 cm); Said to be distinct. Larger...
■ (SPEC) Iris pallasii Fisch. ex Trevir. 1821, Fischer Iris pallasii Fisch. ex Trevir., Index Seminum (WROCL) 1821: 2 (1821). It was reported in table 2331 of ...
■ (SPEC) Iris pariensis Welsh 1986, Welsh Iris pariensis (Stanley L. Welsh, 1986) Described in the Great Basin Naturalist (1986); considered a synonym of Iris ...
■ (SPEC) Iris perrieri Simonet ex Fournier 1935, Botanical author Simonet ex Fournier Iris perrieri Simonet ex Fournier. (Marc Simonet ex P. Fournier, 1935, Savoy...
■ (SPEC) 'Perryana' 1873, Ware 'Perryana' The Florist: "One of the most striking and curious plants of its extensive family, and one which sooner or later will fi...
■(SPEC) 'Pink Peaks' 1988, Shafer/Sacks 'Pink Peaks' (Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 1988) Versicolor, 9" (23 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards dark pink with dist...
■ (SPEC) Iris polakii Stapf 1885, Stapf Iris polakii (Otto Stapf, 1885) in Denkschr. Acad. Wien l. 20. 1885 (found in Persia) Considered by some current authors...
■ (SPEC) 'Powder Blue Giant' 1997, Norris 'Powder Blue Giant' (Samuel Norris by Jan Sacks and Marty Schafer, R. 1997) SPEC (cristata), 6" (15 cm). Midseason bl...
■ (Spec) 'Prairie Lights' 2015, Norris 'Prairie Lights' ( Kelly Norris, R. 2014) SPEC (spuria), 29.5" (75 cm), Early bloom. Standards golden green at base fading ...
■ (SPEC) Iris prismatica var. austrina Fernald 1947, Fernald 'Austrina' (Merit Lyndon Fernald, 1947) Originally described in Rhodora 49: 133 (1947). See below: ...
■ (SPEC) Prismatica 'Plicata' 1992, Reid 'Plicata' Series Prismaticae . unregistered seed strain. Iris prismatica Pursh ex Ker Gawl. "White flowers with pale ...
■(SPEC) Iris probstii C. A. Wilson 2020, Wilson Iris probstii (Carol Wilson) Original description in Phytokeys September 2020 See below: * * References ...
■ (Spec) 'Pseudacorus Alba' 1906, Perry 'Pseudacorus Alba'. (Amos Perry, 1906) Series Laevigatae White. (note could be a cultivar name for any white pseudacorus...
■ (SPEC) Iris regis uzziae Feinbrun 1978, Botanical author Feinbrun Iris regis uzziae Feinbrun (Professor Naomi Feinbrun, 1978, Edom, southern Jordan and Central ...
■ (SPEC) 'Reticulata Cyanea' 1874, Regel 'Reticulata Cyanea' (Eduard August von Regel, 1874). Section Hermodactyloides. Reticulata. Color Code B3M; medium blue ...
■ (SPEC) Iris rosenbachiana Regel 1884, Botanical author Regel Iris rosenbachiana Regel (Eduard August von Regel, 1884, Turkestan); Subgenus Scorpiris . Juno; Co...
■ (SPEC) 'Rowden Cantata' 2002, Carter 'Rowden Cantata' ( John and Galen Carter, R. 2002) SPEC ( Iris versicolor ), 26" (66 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Stand...
■ (SPEC) Iris rudskyi Considered a variant of Iris variegata by the World Checklist originally considered a separate species by Horvat; Iris rudskyi Horvat ...
■ (SPEC) Iris ruthenica Ker Gawl. 1808, Botanical author Ker Gawler Iris ruthenica Ker Gawl. (John Ker Gawler, 1808, Transylvania to northern China and Korea); ...
■ (SPEC) Iris sanguinea var. nana forma alba 1990, We Du ‘Nana Alba’. (Weaver, Richard and Renè Duval, 1990). Series Sibiricae. “Iris sanguinea ‘Nana Alba’ (5 7 ...
■ (SPEC) Iris serotina 1860, Willkomm Lange Iris serotina Willk ( Moritz Willkomm and Johan Lange, 1860, Southeastern Spain, and the middle Atlas and Rif Mo...
■(SPEC) 'Seti Na Beregu' 2013, Loktev 'Seti Na Beregu' Сети на берегу (Sergey Loktev, R. 2012) Seedling #Z1 9. SPEC (lactea), 15 (38 cm), Midseason bloom. Standar...
■ (SPEC) 'Shrevei' 1927, Small 'Shrevei' (John Kunkel Small, 1927, collected Central U.S.A) Laev B; A variety of I. virginica with longer branches and capsules t...
■ (SPEC) Iris sibirica L. 1753, Botanical author Linnaeus Iris sibirica L. ( Carl Linnaeus, 1753, Central Europe Russia); Section Limniris, Series Sibiricae;...
■ (SPEC) Iris spuria L. Iris spuria L. (Carl Linnaeus, 1753, Central and southern Europe, Spain to Persia, Algeria); Section Limniris, Series Spuriae, Spur BD; Da...
■(SPEC) 'Sue's Memory' 2020, Nelson 'Sue's Memory' (Dr. E. Charles Nelson, R. 2020) SPEC (lazica), 6" (15 cm), Early to late season bloom. Lavender blue (RHS ...
■ (Spec) 'Sulphur Queen' YYYY, HYBRIDIZER? 'Sulphur Queen' An unregistered cultivar of Iris pseudacorus that has been listed since 1990 perhaps longer in the tr...
■ (SPEC) 'Summer Azure' 2002, Schafer Sacks 'Summer Azure' ( Marty Schafer and Jan Sacks, R. 2002) SPEC (prismatica), 18" (46 cm), M. S. light blue (RHS 97B),...
■ (SPEC) 'Suslik' 1996, Burton 'Suslik' (John Burton II, R. 1995). Seedling #CP4. SPEC (Iris pumila), 4.5" (11 cm), Early bloom. Dark red violet, deeper around ve...
■ (SPEC) 'Swords Of Murex' 2001, Alexander 'Swords Of Murex' (Barbara Alexander, R. 2000) SPEC (I. versicolor), 22" (56 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium t...
■ (SPEC) Iris tenax Doug. 1829, Botanical author Douglas Iris tenax Douglas ( David Douglas, 1829, Washington and Oregon); CA (Series Californicae ); 6 14" (15 35...
■ (SPEC) Iris tenuissima Botanican author Dykes, 1912 Iris tenuissima Dykes (W. R. Dykes1912). Flower color is typically cream or off white, veined in gold or vio...
■ (SPEC) Iris thompsonii R. C. Foster 1937, Botanical author Robert C. Foster Iris thompsonii R. C. Foster (Robert C. Foster, 1937). Series Californicae . Flo...
■ (Spec) 'Top Gold' before 2002, Paul Christian 'Top Gold' ( unregistered), Subgenus Scorpiris (Juno). April May bloom season after Reticulatas and at beginning ...
■(SPEC) 'Transylvania Native' 1994, Tankesley Clarke 'Transylvania Native' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994) SPEC (aphylla), 13" (33 cm). Early bloom. B...
■ (SPEC) Iris trojana Kerner ex Stapf 1887, Botanical author Kerner ex Stapf Iris trojana Kerner ex Stapf. (Anton Joseph Kerner von Marilaun, 1887, Western Asia M...
■ (SPEC) Iris tuberosa L. 1753, Botanical author Linneaus Iris tuberosa L. (Carolus Linnaeus, 1753, Mediterranean areas southeastern France and northern Africa to...
■(SPEC) 'Turkish Blue' 2020, Nelson 'Turkish Blue' (Dr. E. Charles Nelson, R. 2020) Seedling EMR 1020. SPEC (lazica), 6" (15 cm), Early to late season bloom. ...
■(SPEC) 'Unguicularis Speciosa' 1900, Van Tubergen 'Unguicularis Speciosa'. (C. G. Van Tubergen, 1900). Series Unguiculares; Color Code B3D; falls deep violet b...
■(SPEC) 'Varbosiana' Maly Bosnia 'Varbosiana' Believed to be a form of I. germanica, but larger and brighter. 1939 Check List shows Correvon 1927 1937, Turrell,...
■ (Spec) Iris ventricosa Pall. 1773, botanical author Peter(Pyotr) Simon von Pallas Iris ventricosa Pall.; ( Peter Pallas, 1773, found near River Argun, Asia) S...
■(SPEC) Iris verna L. var. smalliana Fernald see 'Vernamont' 1947, Fernald 'Smalliana' (Meritt Lyndon Fernald, 1947) A variety of Iris verna originally describe...
■ (SPEC) Iris versicolor L. 1753, Botanical author Linneaus Iris versicolor L. ( Carolus Linnaeus, 1753, E. U.S.A); Section Limniris, Series Laevigatae. 8 32" (20...
■(SPEC) Iris vinicolor Small aka 'Vinicolor' 1926, Small Iris vinicolor (John Kunkel Small, 1926) originally described in Addisonia as: IRIS VINICOLOR Wine colore...
■ (SPEC) 'Walter Butt' 1962, Anderson 'Walter Butt' (E. B. Anderson, R. 1962) I unguicularis, 8 15" (2070 cm), Winter bloom. Standards pale bluish violet; fFal...
■ (SPEC) 'Weymouth Midnight' 1997, Bennett by Russell 'Weymouth Midnight' ( Norman Bennett by John Clive Russell, R. 1996) SPEC (laevigata), 18" (46 cm). Midsea...
■ (SPEC) 'White Pearl' 1910, Wallace 'White Pearl' ( R. Wallace and Company, 1910) gives: "INTERESTING WINTER IRIS. One of the most interesting plants at the...
■ (SPEC) Iris versicolor 'Wild Wine' 1984, Sindt 'Wild Wine' ( W. G. Sindt, R. 1983) Seedling #SV7. LAEV, 24" (60 cm). Midseason bloom. Dark red to maroon. Seed ...
■ (SPEC) Iris winkleri 1884, Botanical author Regel Iris winkleri Regel. (Eduard August von Regel, 1884, Turkestan); Subgenus Hermodactyloides . "Stem almost non ...
■ (SPEC) 'Yellow Conundrum' prior to 1960, Hanselmayer 'Yellow Conundrum' ( Eric and Bob Tankesley Clarke, R. 1994). SPEC, 8 10" (20 25 cm). Early bloom. Variab...
■(SPEC) Iris zagrica Mathew Zarrei 2009, Botanical authors Brian Mathew and Mehdi Zarrei Iris zagrica Mathew Zarrei, 2009, Published in Curtis's Botanical M...
■ (SPEC) 'Zwanenburg Beauty' before 1969, Van Tubergen 'Zwanenburg Beauty' ( C. G. van Tubergen, not registered, noted in 1969 checklist). Regelia hybrid, Flowers...