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■(SPU) 'Cinnamon Roll'

1980, Niswonger

'Cinnamon Roll'. ( O. David Niswonger, R. 1979). Seedling #Sp 8-72. SPU, 42" (107 cm}. Midseason bloom. Dark brown self; yellow signal. 'Intensity' X 'Elixir'. Cape Iris 1980. Honorable Mention 1982.

See below: * References

Colleen Modra photoCinnamon Roll photo curtesy of SchreinersCinnamonRoll171104-2


From AIS Bulletin #237 April 1980 Introducing CINNAMON ROLL (Niswonger '80) Sp 8-72: Intensity X Elixir, Spuria, 42" (107 cm DR8. This has been one of my favorite seedlings for several years. It's dependable, easily grown, vigorous, especially resistant to the late freezes as far as bloom is concerned. It's deep brown blooms with a yellow signal and three blooms open at one time, make an attractive clump in the spuria border. It's foliage stays greener most of the years compared with other hybrids of similar backgrounds. Hybridizers in the colder areas will want to include this one in their program. $10.00.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2010-07-29
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Cinnamon-Roll--_Colleen_Modra.jpgjpg Cinnamon-Roll--_Colleen_Modra.jpg manage 51 K 27 Aug 2010 - 15:44 BobPries Colleen Modra photo
CinnamonRoll171104-2.jpgjpg CinnamonRoll171104-2.jpg manage 23 K 17 Oct 2010 - 19:56 ColleenModra  
cinnamonroll.jpgjpg cinnamonroll.jpg manage 41 K 29 Jul 2010 - 13:35 BobPries Cinnamon Roll photo curtesy of Schreiners
Topic revision: r15 - 03 Jul 2023, Harloiris
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