■'Happy Choice' 1977, Niswonger 'Happy Choice' ( O. David Niswonger, R. 1976) Seedling #Sp 9 76. SPU, 42" (107 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards pale blue; ...
(SPU) 'Harpeth Hills' 1935, Washington 'Harpeth Hills' ( Thomas Washington, R. 1934). Spuria, Medium blue bitone. Thomas Washington, Nesmith (listed), 1935. See b...
(SPU) 'Hazy Hills' 1931, Washington 'Hazy Hills' ( Thomas Washington, R. 1931). SPU. Standards deep delft blue; falls hazy blue, old gold flush; smoky blue and ol...
(SPU) 'Heart Of Blue' 1959, Corliss 'Heart Of Blue' (Philip Corliss, R. 1958) SPU, 52" (132 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class B3D. Cobalt blue bitone, yello...
(SPU) 'Heart Of Brown' 1964, Corliss 'Heart Of Brown' ( Philip Corliss, R. 1959) Seedling #59 5 15. SPU, 62" (157 cm). Midseason bloom. Medium brown self, small y...
(SPU) 'Heart Of Pharaoh' 1964, Corliss 'Heart Of Pharaoh' ( Philip Corliss, R. 1959) SPU, 58" (147 cm). Early bloom. Sea blue self, small yellow signal with mediu...
■(SPU) 'Heaven Bound' 2008, Jenkins 'Heaven Bound' ( B. Charles Jenkins by Jim Hedgecock, R. 2008) Seedling #CJL 47 D. SPU, 32" (81 cm). Late midseason bloom. ...
(SPU) 'Huaco' 1939, Allen 'Huaco' ( George M. Allen, R. 1939). SPU. Red self blend. Validity of the parentage is questioned as other hybridizers have not been abl...
(SPU) 'Huajilla' 1939, Allen 'Huajilla' ( George M. Allen, R. 1939). SPU. Light yellow self. ( I. ochroleuca x 'Elephantina') X I. pseudacorus . Note: Validity...
(SPU) 'Hyerensis' before 1913, Collected 'Hyerensis' (collected before 1913; in Hyères, Southern France). Blue. E. Turbat et Cie, Correvon (listed), 1929. See bel...