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(SPU) Spuria - I

■(SPU) 'Ibex Ibis' 2012, Kasperek 'Ibex Ibis' ( Brad Kasperek, R. 2012) Seedling #SPH 350. SPU, 45 (114 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms light mediu...
■(SPU) 'Ice Glow' 2003, Jenkins 'Ice Glow' (B. Charles Jenkins, R. 2000) Seedling #89K116A. SPU, height 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. White, falls with yellow b...
■(SPU) 'Ila Crawford' 1976, Hager 'Ila Crawford' ( Ben Hager, R. 1976) Seedling #S447C. SPU, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Ruffled white self; orange yellow signa...
r16 - 24 Jun 2023 - 21:43 by Harloiris
■(SPU) 'Ila Remembered' 1992, Hager 'Ila Remembered' (Ben Hager, R. 1992). Seedling #S952 BRfWh. SPU, height 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white; falls ...
■(SPU) 'Imperial Beauty' 1971, McCown 'Imperial Beauty' ( Eleanor McCown, R. 1966) Seedling #66 6. SPU, 48" (122 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards deep purple (Nick...
■(SPU) 'Imperial Bronze' 1971, McCown 'Imperial Bronze' (Eleanor McCown, R. 1970). Seedling #70 8. SPU, 40" (102 cm). Midseason bloom. Vivid yellow (Nickerson 56 ...
(SPU) 'Imperial Burgundy' 1967, McCown 'Imperial Burgundy' ( Eleanor McCown, R. 1967) Seedling #67 1. SPU, 50" (127 cm). Early bloom. Deep purple red (Nickerson ...
(SPU) 'Imperial Flight' 1967, McCown 'Imperial Flight' (Eleanor McCown, R. 1966) Seedling #65 18. SPU, 48" (122 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards brilliant violet ...
■(SPU) 'Imperial Gold' 1978, McCown 'Imperial Gold' ( Eleanor McCown, R. 1978). Seedling #73 11. SPU, 54" (137 cm). Midseason bloom. Brilliant yellow self. 'Im...
(SPU) 'Imperial Night' 1967, McCown 'Imperial Night' (Eleanor McCown, R. 1966) Seedling #66 15. SPU, 48" (122 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards deep purple (Nicker...
■(SPU) 'Imperial Plum' 1974, McCown 'Imperial Plum' (Eleanor McCown, R. 1973) Seedling #71 18. SPU, 40" (102 cm). Late bloom. Deep purple (Nickerson 5P 3/9) self;...
■(SPU) 'Imperial Ruby' 1977, McCown 'Imperial Ruby' (Eleanor McCown, R. 1973) Seedling #70 5. SPU, 48" (122 cm). Midseason bloom. Deep purple red (Nickerson 7.5R...
■(SPU) 'Imperial Ruffles' 1966, McCown 'Imperial Ruffles' (Eleanor McCown, R. 1966) Seedling #65 26. SPU, 60" (152 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards pale violet ...
r12 - 08 Feb 2021 - 16:56 by Harloiris
■(SPU) 'Imperial Seas' 1994, McCown 'Imperial Seas' (Eleanor McCown, R. 1994). Seedling #87 8. SPU, 49" (124 cm). Midseason late bloom. Standards and style arm...
(SPU) 'Imperial Song' 1965, McCown 'Imperial Song' (Eleanor McCown, R. 1962) Seedling #IV 1. SPU, 60" (152 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards cream white; falls yel...
■(SPU) 'Imperial Sun' 1984, McCown 'Imperial Sun' ( Eleanor McCown, R. 1984) Seedling #78 23. SPU, 36 48" (91 122 cm). Midseason bloom. Glowing sulphur lemon t...
■(SPU) 'Imperial Veil' 1994, McCown 'Imperial Veil' (Eleanor McCown, R. 1994) Seedling #88 15. SPU, 48" (122 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards creamy mauve ...
r13 - 26 Oct 2022 - 13:16 by Harloiris
■(SPU) 'Imperial Yellow' 1991, Sloan 'Imperial Yellow' (Richard Sloan by John Wight, R. 1990) Seedling #79 4 A. SPU, 40" (102 cm). Midseason bloom. Full yellow ...
■(SPU) 'In Depth' 1988, Hager 'In Depth' ( Ben Hager, R. 1987) Seedling #S846VNoSg. SPU, 38" (97 cm). Late midseason bloom. Deep violet blue, inconspicuous yell...
■(SPU) 'Indian Pueblo' 1971, Walker 'Indian Pueblo' ( Marion Walker, R. 1967) Seedling #S 75 61. SPU, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards deep yellow heavily ...
r11 - 15 Oct 2020 - 00:21 by Harloiris
(SPU) 'Indian Summer' 1932, Washington 'Indian Summer' (Thomas Washington, R. 1932). Spuria, Medium feathered blue blend. Thomas Washington, Nesmith (listed), 19...
r4 - 08 Jul 2023 - 15:39 by RobertBobPries
■(SPU) 'Infini' 1986, Corlew 'Infini' (Glenn Corlew, R. 1992) Seedling #SP12 6A. SPU, 40" (102 cm). Midseason late bloom. Standards white; falls bright yellow, ed...
■(SPU) 'Inflation' YYYY, Ferguson 'Inflation' (Walker Ferguson, unregistered), listed in the parentage of 'Imperial Beauty', 'Imperial Night', 'Jacquinot Bay...
■(SPU) 'Innovator' 1991, Hager 'Innovator' ( Ben Hager, R. 1991) Seedling #S919LvVRdSg. SPU, 39" (99 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards deep lavender; style arms c...
(SPU) 'Intensity' 1968, Ferguson 'Intensity' ( Walker Ferguson, R. 1968) Seedling #66 4. SPU, 44" (112 cm). Early midseason bloom. Bright orangy yellow self. 'Eli...
r10 - 15 Oct 2020 - 00:24 by Harloiris
■(SPU) 'Investment' 1951, Craig 'Investment' ( Tom Craig, R. 1951) SPU, 40" (102 cm), Late bloom. Golden yellow self. ( 'Russet Flame' x 'Sunny Day') x 'Wadi Ze...
■(SPU) 'Irene Benton' 1993, Jenkins 'Irene Benton' ( B. Charles Jenkins, R. 1993) Seedling #C18 29B. SPU, 35 41" (89 104 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and sty...
■(SPU) 'Iridescent Bronze' 1995, Jenkins 'Irisdescent Bronze' ( B. Charles Jenkins, R. 1995). Seedling #BH63A. Spuria, height 26 34" (66 86 cm). Midseason to late...
Number of topics: 28
Topic revision: r3 - 07 Jul 2012, AlainFranco
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