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■(SPU) 'Missouri Morning'

2008, Niswonger

'Missouri Morning' (O. David Niswonger, R. 2007) Seedling #Sp 2-99. SPU, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards light blue with touch of violet; style arms light blue; falls same as standards, gold blaze in center. 'Missouri Rainbows' X unknown. Cape Iris 2008. Honorable Mention 2011, Award of Merit 2013, Nies Medal 2015.

See below:
Photo by AitkenPhoto by Comanche Acres Iris Gardens


From AIS Bulletin #349 April 2008 Introducing MISSOURI MORNING (Niswonger'08), Spuria, Sdlg. Sp 2-99: Missouri Rainbows X Unknown. 38" (97 cm), Mid. I feel Iris growers are still not tuned in to the joy of growing spurias. They are good for arrangements, blooms last longer than most, good accent plants for the perennial border and they extend the season. This one is a good example of a typical spuria with nice form, a color of light blue with a touch of violet and a gold blaze in the center of the falls. It is easy to grow, increases well and doesn't need to be moved as often as tall bearded irises. It's fertile both ways and good for hybridizing. $30.00. Dave Niswonger (Cape Iris).

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- LaurieFrazer - 2010-08-29
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
MissouriMorningcrp.jpgjpg MissouriMorningcrp.jpg manage 43 K 21 Nov 2012 - 13:40 TerryLaurin Photo by Comanche Acres Iris Gardens
missourimorning2.jpgjpg missourimorning2.jpg manage 20 K 08 Mar 2013 - 20:15 TerryLaurin Photo by Aitken's Salmon Creek Iris Garden
Topic revision: r15 - 20 Aug 2023, Harloiris
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