

(TB) Tall Bearded - Bk-Bn

■(TB) 'Black Accent' 1995, Tompkins 'Black Accent' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1995). Seedling# 89 13. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Black red self; beards black red...
r6 - 15 Mar 2018 - 13:52 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black And Gold' 1943, Kleinsorge 'Black And Gold' (Rudolph Kleinsorge, R. 1943) TB, 36" Midseason bloom. Color Code Y9D. Kleinsorge, Salbach 1943. See bel...
(TB) 'Black And White' 1929, Rowell 'Black And White' (Caroline Stoner Rowell, 1929) TB. Color Class W3D. See below: * * References References: From Th...
■(TB) 'Black Andromeda' 1994, Tompkins 'Black Andromeda' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1994). Seedling# 91 11. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards azure wine...
r13 - 07 Nov 2022 - 23:02 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Arts' 2015, Crump 'Black Arts' (J. Griffin Crump, R. 2015). Seedling# 09S9. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arms deep bl...
r2 - 04 Apr 2018 - 22:26 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black As Night' 1992, Meek 'Black As Night' (Duane Meek, R. 1992). Seedling# 202 1 5. TB, 37" (94 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards red black, flushed r...
r40 - 07 Feb 2024 - 23:09 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Attack' 2015, Hedgecock 'Black Attack' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2015). Seedling# T 51 B. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark purple; falls dar...
■(TB) 'Black Banner' 1942, Nicholls 'Black Banner' (Col. Jesse Nicholls, R. 1942) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Smolder' x 'The Black Douglas'. Nicholls 1947….
r12 - 23 Dec 2021 - 19:57 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Bart' 1969, Schmelzer 'Black Bart' (Hazel Schmelzer, R. 1968). Seedling# 29 7 28. TB, 37" (94 cm). Early to late bloom. Color Class RlDD, Standards v...
■(TB) 'Black Beauty' 1934, Kirkland 'Black Beauty' (James Kirkland, R. 1928) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7D. James Kirkland 1934. See below: * * Referenc...
■(TB) 'Black Belle' 1947, Stevens 'Black Belle' (Jean Stevens, R. 1947). Seedling #1/T103. TB. Late bloom. Color Code R9D. 'Sable' x 'Royal Mission'. See below: ...
(TB) 'Black Berry' 1966, Craig 'Black Berry' (Tim Craig, R. 1966). Seedling# 158 R5. TB, 22" (56 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1D, Fluorite violet self. 'Bla...
r8 - 13 Mar 2018 - 22:12 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Boots' 1970, Craig 'Black Boots' (Tim Craig, R. 1970). Seedling# 2R 7. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards deep black purple; falls darker. 'B...
r5 - 13 Mar 2018 - 22:13 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Bottom' 1974, Reynolds 'Black Bottom' (Clifford Reynolds, R. 1974). Seedling# Y 82. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Blue black self; blue white beard. 'D...
r5 - 05 Apr 2018 - 16:57 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Boy' 1948, Gersdorff 'Black Boy' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1948) TB. Early to midseason bloom. Color Class R6D. ('Velvet Drapes') x ((Sass seedling# 30 ...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Buran' 1959, Voris 'Black Buran' (Charles Voris, R. 1959). Seedling# 5N59 5. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class V1N, Purple black sel...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 23:02 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Butte' 1999, Schreiner 'Black Butte' (Schreiner, R. 1999). Seedling# AA 426 A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms dark p...
r29 - 12 Sep 2022 - 17:42 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Canyon' 1966, Smith 'Black Canyon' (Elbert W. Smith, R. 1966). Seedling# 61 ES 28 l. TB, 30 34", Midseason bloom. Color Class VlD, Black violet self; ...
r5 - 05 Apr 2018 - 16:58 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Castle' 1953, Schreiner 'Black Castle' (Bernard Schreiner, R. 1953) TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1D, Self, deep violet, near black….
■ (TB) 'Black Cat' 2015, Spoon 'Black Cat' (. Donald Spoon, R. 2014). Seedling# 2000 140BCT. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late to very late bloom. Standards velvety black (RH...
r10 - 12 Jul 2023 - 19:13 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Charger' 1959, Burbridge 'Black Charger' (Laura Burbridge, R. 1959). Seedling# D 57 1. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason late bloom. Color Class N1V, Black s...
r5 - 05 Apr 2018 - 16:58 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Charm' 1962, Hooker 'Black Charm' (Lerton Hooker, R. 1960). Seedling# 93. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class NlB, Black from blue sid...
(TB) 'Black Cherry' 1954, Rudolph 'Black Cherry' (Nate Rudolph, R. 1951). TB, 35" (89 cm), Late bloom. Color Class R1, Velvety red self. 'Ranger' x Hall's seedlin...
■(TB) 'Black Cherry Blast' 2018, Aitken 'Black Cherry Blast' (Terry Aitken, R. 2017). Seedling 09T2. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards dark cherry ...
(TB) 'Black Child' 1954, Bailey 'Black Child' (Arthur Bailey, R. 1953). TB, 30" (76 cm), Late bloom. Color Class V3, Standards dark violet; falls very dark purple...
r4 - 05 Apr 2018 - 16:59 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Delight' 1957, Ricker for Sass 'Black Delight' (Ricker for Sass, R. 1957). Seedling R 53 129. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Color Class BN1, Blue ...
r5 - 30 Sep 2021 - 13:53 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Diamond' 1951, Schreiner 'Black Diamond' (Bernard Schreiner, R. 1950) TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Dark violet self. 'Black Forest' sibling: (Dy...
r14 - 03 Feb 2024 - 16:34 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Diego' 1946, Walker 'Black Diego' (Marion Walker, R. 1946). Sdlg. 29 45. TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'San Diego' x 'The Black Douglas'. See ...
■(TB) 'Black Dragon' 1982, Schreiner 'Black Dragon' (Schreiner, R. 1982). Seedling# J 85 A. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Velvety deep dark blue black; s...
r42 - 07 Feb 2024 - 23:08 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Duet' 1966, Smith 'Black Duet' (Raymond G. Smith, R. 1965). Seedling# Bl23BR. TB re, height 29" (74 cm). Midseason bloom and rebloom. Color Class ...
(TB) 'Black Eagle' 1930, Bralliar 'Black Eagle' (Floyd Bralliar, R. 1930) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S3D. See below: * * References References: A...
r3 - 05 Apr 2018 - 17:12 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Falcon' 1945, Tompkins 'Black Falcon' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1945) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. ('The Black Douglas' x (('King Tut' x 'Buto'...
■(TB) 'Black Falls' 1996, Nebeker 'Black Falls' (Don Nebeker, R. 1995). Seedling# 1135 17. TB, 38 40" (97 107 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards dark spectrum violet...
■(TB) 'Black Fantasy' 1988, Meek 'Black Fantasy' (Duane Meek, R. 1988). Seedling# 666 6 6. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards dark wine; fall...
■(TB) 'Black Flag' 1984, Stahly 'Black Flag' (Harold Stahly, R. 1983). Seedling 78 4 B. TB, 38" (97 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards very deep violet; falls ...
(TB) 'Black Flare' 1955, Austin 'Black Flare' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1955). Seedling# El b. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason late bloom. Color Class ~V3D, Bitone, bright dar...
r6 - 05 Apr 2018 - 22:42 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Forest' 1944, Schreiner 'Black Forest'. (Robert Schreiner, R. 1944). Late midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. Dark blue self. 'Dymia' X 'Ethiop Queen'. ...
r18 - 03 Dec 2022 - 23:21 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Formal' 1959, Evans 'Black Formal' (Elva Evans, R. 1959). Seedling# 59 2 N. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1N, Black violet self, no h...
r4 - 22 Apr 2018 - 14:07 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Friar' 1945, Slothower 'Black Friar' (N. C. Slothower, R. 1945) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7D. 'Black Wings' x 'The Black Douglas'. See below: ...
r3 - 20 Mar 2018 - 22:09 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Friday' 2020, Schreiner 'Black Friday' (Schreiner, R. 2020). Seedling WW 340 A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Dark black self; bear...
(TB) 'Black Gnat' 1941, Groff 'Black Gnat' (Henry Groff, R. 1941) TB. Late bloom season. Color Class R1D. See below: * * References References: Awaitin...
r3 - 05 Apr 2018 - 22:55 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Grapes' 1993, Hamner by Shepard Iris Garden 'Black Grapes' (Bernard Hamner by Shepard Iris Garden, R. 1993). Seedling# 87 17. TB, height 35" (89 cm...
■(TB) 'Black Harmony' 1993, David 'Black Harmony' (Reuben David, R. 1993). Seedling# A B. TB, height 34" (86 cm), Midseason late bloom. Dark purple self; beard...
r10 - 05 Apr 2018 - 22:57 by Harloiris
(IB) 'Black Hawk' 1941, Schreiner 'Black Hawk' (Robert Schreiner, R. 1940) IB. Extra early bloom. Color class B1D. 'Lutin' X 'Black Wings'. Schreiner 1941. Honora...
r20 - 30 Apr 2024 - 00:40 by carlos42180
(TB) 'Black Heart' 1963, Hill 'Black Heart' (Esther Hill, R. 1963). Seedling#. C 30 9. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RlD, Red black self; self bea...
r4 - 05 Apr 2018 - 22:59 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Hills' 1951, Fay 'Black Hills' (Orville Fay, R. 1950) TB, 42" (107 cm). Midseason bloom. Blue black (deep blue violet) self, black beard. (Fay seedli...
■(TB) 'Black Hills Gold' 1986, Brown 'Black Hills Gold' (Opal Brown, R. 1986). Seedling# 82 13A2. TB, 37" (94 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards lemon yellow (...
■(TB) 'Black Hole' 2019, Black 'Black Hole' (Paul Black, R. 2015) Seedling# X34C. TB, 37" (94 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards purple black; style arms bla...
■(TB) 'Black Hope' 1963, Austin 'Black Hope' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1963). Seedling 78. TB horned, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class V3D, Standards d...
(TB) 'Black Ink' 1958, Kelway 'Black Ink' (Kelway, R. 1958). TB, 42" (107 cm), Early bloom. Color Class BN1, Blue black self. 'Black Forest' x unknown. Kelway 195...
r5 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:21 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Inside' 2016, Balland 'Black Inside' (Martin Balland, R. 2016). Seedling M 1106A2, TB, 33" (85 cm). Early bloom. Standards pink violet; styles pink ...
r15 - 21 Oct 2022 - 14:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Is Black' 2010, Schreiner 'Black Is Black' (Schreiner, R. 2010). Seedling# NN 248 1. TB, 37" (94 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and falls black (RHS...
(TB) 'Black Jade' 1962, Fay 'Black Jade' (Orville Fay, R. 1962). Seedling# 60 38. TB, 37" (94 cm). Midseason bloom. Deep blue black self, blue black beard. 'Black...
r5 - 16 Mar 2018 - 18:34 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Jazz' 1981, Heimann 'Black Jazz' (Eva Heimann, R. 1979). Seedling# EH 74 53 B. TB, 27 1/2" 31" (70 80 cm), Midseason bloom. Black self. 'Basic Black' ...
r5 - 27 Mar 2018 - 22:11 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Jewel' 1963, Morris 'Black Jewel' (Glenn Morris, R. 1963). Seedling# A10 1 58. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class VlD, Aconite violet self….
r4 - 06 Apr 2018 - 13:46 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Joppa' 1953, White 'Black Joppa' OGB (Clarence G. White, R. 1953). AB, EC, 32” (81 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards aster, heavily veined prune purple;...
r2 - 06 Apr 2018 - 13:48 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Knight' 1948, Palmer 'Black Knight' (J. W. Palmer, R. 1948. TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Personality' x Culpepper seedling. See below: * ...
r3 - 06 Apr 2018 - 13:49 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Lake' 2022, Seidl 'Black Lake' (Zdenĕk Seidl, R. 2022) Seedling G2103, TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arms purple ...
■(TB) 'Black Lipstick' 2016, Keppel 'Black Lipstick' (Keith Keppel, R. 2015). Seedling# 09 104A. TB, 35" (89 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards black purple (d...
(TB) 'Black Luster' 1946, Tharp 'Black Luster' (Mary Tharp, R. 1946) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1D. 'Swashbuckler' x 'Dark Victory'. See below: * * Refe...
r3 - 12 Mar 2018 - 21:59 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Madonna' 1985, Stahly 'Black Madonna' (Harold Stahly, R. 1984). Seedling# 79 3 B. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards very deep viole...
r11 - 17 Apr 2023 - 22:39 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Magic Woman' 2008, Tasco 'Black Magic Woman' (Richard Tasco, R 2008). Seedling# 01 TB 66 84. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards dark r...
(TB) 'Black Magician' 1940, Aylett 'Black Magician' (William Aylett, R. 1940). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4D. 'Ukiah' x 'Mrs. Valerie West'. See below: ...
r3 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:19 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Majesty' 1944, Douglas 'Black Majesty' (M. E. Douglas, R. 1944) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Cameliard' x 'Black Wings'. See below: ...
r3 - 24 Mar 2018 - 15:37 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Market' 1974, Plough 'Black Market' (Gordon Plough, R. 1973). Seedling# 67 33 25. TB, 30" (76 cm), Late midseason bloom. Deep purple black self; aste...
r11 - 04 Dec 2021 - 15:32 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Mass' 1949, Tompkins 'Black Mass' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1949) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1D. (('The Intruder' x 'Black Valor') x (('Sable' x 'The ...
r3 - 15 Mar 2018 - 13:56 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Mercury' 2002, Cadd 'Black Mercury' (Anna and David Cadd, R. 2003). Seedling# 134 91 1. TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Deep violet black, falls ...
(TB) 'Black Mesa Dawning' 2014, McVicker 'Black Mesa Dawning' (Francis McVicker, R. 2014). Seedling# 2 52. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards mid...
r2 - 06 Apr 2018 - 13:50 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Michael' 1951, Morris 'Black Michael' (Sir Cedric Morris, R. 1951). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom.. Color Class NVD1, Dark black purple self. From ...
r8 - 06 Jul 2023 - 21:22 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Midnight' 1953, Schreiner 'Black Midnight' (Schreiner, R. 1953) TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Deep red violet self, "claret black". Name tra...
r8 - 17 Mar 2018 - 14:54 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Mirror' 2017, Schreiner 'Black Mirror' (Schreiner, R. 2017) Seedling TT 274 A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Black self; beards black with ...
■(TB) 'Black Mischief' 1953, Schreiner 'Black Mischief' (Bernard Schreiner, R. 1952) TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Self, of deep "black.". 'Black Forest' x...
r11 - 03 Feb 2024 - 16:37 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Monarch' 1961, Schirmer 'Black Monarch' (Carl Schirmer, R. 1961). Seedlong# 22N. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class VlD, Blackish purple se...
r4 - 06 Apr 2018 - 13:53 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Monday' 1963, Voris 'Black Monday' (Charles Voris, R. 1962). Seedling# FMSN 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BlN, Blue black self. 'Fo...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 23:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Monk' 1968, Voris 'Black Monk' (Charles Voris, R. 1961). Seedling# 5N61 0. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class V1D, Purple violet se...
r5 - 31 Mar 2018 - 23:03 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black N Decker' 2015, Hedgecock 'Black N Decker' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2015). Seedling# Q 120 B. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards maroon black, r...
(TB) 'Black 'N Rose' 1985, Morgan 'Black 'N Rose' (Austin Morgan, R. 1985). Seedling# Ac 9 2 3. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards smoky rose; falls ebon...
r5 - 02 Apr 2018 - 13:33 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Nitie' 1962, Benson 'Black Nitie' (Z. Benson, R. 1959). Seedling# 4 4 19 6. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V3D, Standards plum purpl...
r12 - 23 Dec 2021 - 19:56 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Onyx' 1958, Schreiner 'Black Onyx' (Robert Schreiner, R. 1957). Seedling# L 518 1. TB, height 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color code = NV1. ((Seedl...
(TB) 'Black Opal' 1938, Aylett 'Black Opal' (William Aylett, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R3D. 'Grace Sturtevant' x 'Cardinal'. See below: * * Ref...
r3 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:20 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Orchid' 1950, DeForest 'Black Orchid' (Fred DeForest, R. 1950). Seedling# 11 47. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early bloom. Color Class VD1, Fluorite violet self. ...
r7 - 15 Mar 2018 - 22:04 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Orpheus' 1987, Schreiner 'Black Orpheus' (Schreiner, R. 1987). Seedling# J 103 3. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Lightly ruffled victoria vi...
(TB) 'Black Out' 1941, Groff 'Black Out' (Henry Groff, R. 1941) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B7D See below: * * References References: Awaiting original...
r4 - 06 Apr 2018 - 23:02 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Pansy' 1969, DeForest 'Black Pansy' (Caroline DeForest, R. 1968). Seedling# 65 36A. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V1DD, Black self, d...
r22 - 25 Sep 2022 - 15:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Panther' 1946, Barr 'Black Panther' (Barr Sons, R. 1946) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B9D. 'Brahmin' x 'Député Nomblot'. See below: * * References...
r5 - 17 Mar 2018 - 21:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Pearl' 1984, Meek 'Black Pearl' (Duane Meek, R. 1984). Seedling# B23 12 5. TB, 35" (89 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards deep reddish black; fa...
■(TB) 'Black Phantom' 2001, Maryott 'Black Phantom' (William Maryott, R. 2001). Seedling# X137A. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms blac...
(TB) 'Black Pirate' 1940, Miller 'Black Pirate' (William Miller, R. 1940) TB. Late bloom. Color Class R1D. Seedling x 'Black Wings'. See below: * * References...
r3 - 26 Mar 2018 - 19:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Plume' 1957, Tuller 'Black Plume' (Erwin Tuller, R. 1956). Seedling# 25 54. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BV1, Deep blue violet self. ...
r6 - 06 Apr 2018 - 23:04 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Plume by Washington' 1937, Washington 'Black Plume' (Thomas Washington, R. 1937) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class B1D. NOTE: Name released to Er...
■(TB) 'Black River' 1987, Morrison 'Black River' (Don Morrison, R. 1987). Seedling# 9756. TB, 28 30" (71 76 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled black, ...
r8 - 06 Jan 2020 - 20:51 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Rose' 1963, Vallette 'Black Rose' (Wilma Vallette, R. 1959). Seedling# B24 D6. TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class R1N, Blackish crimson...
r7 - 06 Apr 2018 - 23:07 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Ruby' 1946, Dolman 'Black Ruby' (John Dolman, R. 1946). Seedling# 285. TB, 34 36", Early to midseason bloom. Color Class R7D. 'Melanie Dolman' x S. 24...
r11 - 08 May 2020 - 14:08 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Ruffles' 1957, Hall 'Black Ruffles' (David Hall, R. 1957). Seedling# 56 52. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class N1, Ruffled black self. Blac...
r7 - 28 Mar 2018 - 18:44 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Sapphire' 2020, Lanthelme 'Black Sapphire' (Thierry and Isabelle Lanthelme, R. 2020). Seedling 1 2014. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Late midseason bloom. Stand...
(TB) 'Black Satin' 1951, Nesmith 'Black Satin' (Elizabeth Nesmith, R. 1950). Seedling# 46 55A. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class BVD1, Dark blue ...
■(TB) 'Black Sergeant' 1984, Gadd 'Black Sergeant' (Fred Gadd, R. 1983). Seedling# 26 78. TB, 32" (81 cm). Midseason bloom. Ruffled black; dark brown beard. Seedl...
r13 - 27 Dec 2020 - 21:49 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Sombrero' 1960, Smith 'Black Sombrero' (James G. Smith, R. 1960). TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BlN, Dark blue black self, beard same….
r6 - 06 Apr 2018 - 23:13 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Soul' 1983, Durrance 'Black Soul' (John Durrance, R. 1983). Seedling# D82 42. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Black; self beard. 'Soul Music' X...
r5 - 03 Apr 2018 - 00:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Sublime' 2017, Laporte 'Black Sublime' (Bernard Laporte, R. 2017). Seedling F 07 101. TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Black dark blue violet se...
r11 - 13 Dec 2023 - 22:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Suited' 2000, Innerst 'Black Suited' (Sterling Innerst, R. 1999). Seedling# 4736 1. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Black self; beards black; ...
■(TB) 'Black Sultan' 1966, Austin 'Black Sultan' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1965). Seedling# 357 TBk. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Color Class RV3, Red purple biton...
■(TB) 'Black Swan' 1960, Fay 'Black Swan' (Orville Fay, R. 1960). Seedling# 57 18. TB, 35" (89 cm). Midseason bloom. Color Class RN1D. Reddish black self; brown b...
■(TB) 'Black Taffeta' 1954, Songer 'Black Taffeta' (Gertrude Songer, R. 1953). TB, 28 30", Midseason bloom. Color Class V1D, Deep violet self (black purple); bear...
r24 - 08 Feb 2024 - 15:27 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Tie Affair' 1993, Schreiner 'Black Tie Affair' (Schreiner, R. 1993). Seedling# AA 273 B. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Velvety inky black (RHS ...
■(TB) 'Black Tornado' 1983, Plough 'Black Tornado' (Gordon Plough, R. 1983). Seedling# 79 16 21. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason late bloom. Heavily ruffled purple b...
(TB) 'Black Tower' 1951, Anderson 'Black Tower' (Elizabeth Anderson, R. 1951) TB, 40" (102 cm). Midseason bloom. Black purple self. Red purple seedling X 'The Bla...
r3 - 06 Apr 2018 - 23:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Uniform' 1957, Snyder 'Black Uniform' (W. S. Snyder, R. 1957). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class N1D, Ebon self, of mahogany underton...
r5 - 16 Mar 2018 - 03:07 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Black Valor' 1938, Nicholls 'Black Valor' (Col. Jesse Nicholls, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Valor' x 'The Black Douglas'. See below: ...
■(TB) 'Black Ware' 1980, Powell 'Black Ware' (Loleta Powell, R. 1980). TB, 31" (79 cm), Early to late bloom. Tailored blue black; pale yellow beard tipped blue….
(TB) 'Black Warrior' 1934, Nicholls 'Black Warrior' (Col. Jesse Nicholls, R. 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S3D. 'Morning Splendor' x 'Moa'. See below: ...
■(TB) 'Black Wings' 1930, Kirkland 'Black Wings' (James Kirkland, R. 1930) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. Honorable Mention 1931; Award of Merit 1933. Kirk...
r26 - 23 Dec 2021 - 19:55 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Wonder' 1940, Aylett 'Black Wonder' (William Aylett, R. 1940) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4D. 'Ukiah' x 'Mrs. Valerie West'. See below: * * R...
r3 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:20 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Black Wych' 1964, Anley 'Black Wych' (Gwendolyn Anley, R. 1964). Seedling# 15 51B. TB, 29" (74 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V3D, Standards dark violet;...
r5 - 06 Apr 2018 - 23:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blackalicious' 2006, Schreiner 'Blackalicious' (Schreiner, R. 2006). Seedling GG 377 1. TB, 37" (94 cm). Midseason bloom. Black (RHS 202A) self; beards ...
(TB) 'Blackamoor' 1932, Sass 'Blackamoor' (Jacob Sass, R. 1932) TB. Color Class B1D. * See below: * References References: From Sass catalog, 1937: BLACKM...
■(TB) 'Blackata' 2010, Filardi 'Blackata' (Bruce Filardi, R. 2010). Seedling# BF 531. TB, 32" (81 cm). Late bloom. Standards black lightening to darkest purple at...
■(TB) 'Blackbeard's Daughter' 2009, Crump 'Blackbeard's Daughter' (J. Griffin Crump, R. 2007). Seedling# 032V3. TB, 29" (74 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white;...
r23 - 05 Dec 2022 - 19:49 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blackberry And Cream' 2011, Seidl 'Blackberry And Cream' (Zdenek Seidl, R. 2011). Seedling# 06 TSM.St/16. TB, 31 (79 cm), Late bloom. Standards white, white...
r4 - 06 Apr 2018 - 23:18 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blackberry Bandit' 2023, Black 'Blackberry Bandit' (Paul Black, R. 2023) Seedling Y10B, TB, 32" (81.5 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards mid dark red...
■(TB) 'Blackberry Beacon' 2008, Filardi 'Blackberry Beacon' (Bruce Filardi, R. 2008). Seedling# BF 543A. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards darke...
■(TB) 'Blackberry Ripples' 2009, Hedgecock 'Blackberry Ripples' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2009). Seedling L 75 B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards ruf...
r13 - 19 Feb 2024 - 22:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blackberry Tease' 2004, Johnson 'Blackberry Tease' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2003). Seedling# Ti34D. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards dark pu...
■(TB) 'Blackberry Torte' 2020, Sutton 'Blackberry Torte' (Michael Sutton, R. 2019). Seedling Z 43 F. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards currant...
■(TB) 'Blackberry Towers' 2007, Middleton 'Blackberry Towers' (Gary Middleton, R. 2002). Seedling# 98/QCC 16. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards ...
r10 - 07 Feb 2024 - 23:09 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blackberry Wine' 1976, Bledsoe 'Blackberry Wine' (William Bledsoe, R. 1975). Seedling# 71 25. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Deep purple self; d...
■(TB) 'Blackbird Landing' 2011, Burseen 'Blackbird Landing' (Tom Burseen, R. 2010). Seedling# 07 20A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and sty...
■(TB) 'Blackbird Stars' 2020, Nichols 'Blackbird Stars' (Hooker Nichols, R. 2020). Seedling HG27. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms medi...
■(TB) 'Blackbird Tears' 2019, Poole 'Blackbird Tears' (Steve Poole, R. 2014). Seedling# MM 12 3. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arm...
(TB) 'Blackcap' 1947, Muhlestein 'Blackcap' (Tell Muhlstein, R. 1947) TB. Late bloom. Color Class R7D. 'Storm King' x 'Prince Valiant'. See below: * * Referenc...
r4 - 26 Mar 2018 - 15:15 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blackhills Jewelry' 2010, Jedlicka 'Blackhills Jewelry' (Leonard and Kathie Jedlicka, R. 2009). Seedling# Jeda 4 26L15. TB, 30" (76 cm). Midseason bloom. S...
r15 - 02 Feb 2021 - 18:07 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blackie' 1939, Bommersbach 'Blackie' (John Bommersbach, R. 1939) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B7D. 'Thuratus' x 'The Black Douglas'. See below: * * Refere...
r4 - 15 Mar 2018 - 22:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blackjack' 1953, Streibich 'Blackjack' (Belden Streibich, R. 1953). TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class BV1D, Blue purple self, dark, few ha...
r5 - 07 Apr 2018 - 13:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blackmail' 2007, Bruce 'Blackmail' (John Bruce, R. 2007). Seedling# 99 1 2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards deep maroon black, black veining;...
r9 - 26 Mar 2018 - 00:37 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blackness' 1959, Lewis 'Blackness' (Charles H. Lewis, R. 1957). TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class N1, Black, no markings; dark beard. 'Solid...
■(TB) 'Blackout' 1986, Luihn 'Blackout' (Walter Luihn, R. 1985). Seedling 81 11. TB, 38" (97 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards silky black violet (deeper than ...
(TB) 'Blacksmith' 1966, Voris 'Blacksmith' (Charles Voris, R. 1966). Seedling# ED 61 4. TB, 30 32", Midseason to late bloom. Color Class V1D, Very deep black purp...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 23:04 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blackwater' 2014, Schreiner 'Blackwater' (Schreiner, R. 2014) TB. Seedling# 2004 #27. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards grey purple (RHS N186B); ...
(TB) 'Blacky' 1992, Beer 'Blacky' (Manfred Beer, R. 1991). Seedling# MB 11/83A. TB, 36" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Black blue, Falls velvety; beards dark blue. 'Sw...
r6 - 14 Mar 2018 - 21:46 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blaeberry Pie' 1998, Dodsworth 'Blaeberry Pie' (B.L.C. Dodsworth, R. 1998). Seedling# EB 98 AA. TB, 41" (104 cm), Late bloom. Ruffled mulberry self; beards ...
r5 - 26 Mar 2018 - 14:09 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blagiye Pozhelaniya' 2008, Loktev 'Blagiye Pozhelaniya' Благие пожелания (Sergey Loktev, R. 2007). Seedling# 97 L16 10B. TB, 39" (98 cm). Early midseason b...
r8 - 11 Jan 2019 - 11:45 by ruiris
■(TB) 'Blagodarny Potomok' 2010, Krutchenko 'Blagodarny Ptomok' Благодарный потомок (Yuriy Krutchenko, R. 2010). Seedling# 74 4. TB, 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloo...
r5 - 26 Mar 2018 - 00:21 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blagodat' 2009, Volovik 'Blagodat' Благодать (Marina Volovik, R. 2009). Seedling# 04 06 03. TB, 32" (82 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards light pink...
r11 - 20 Apr 2020 - 18:46 by ruiris
(TB) 'Blagorodny' 2008, Sholupov 'Blagorodny' Благородный (Viktor Sholupov, R. 2008). Seedling# 507 1. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and styl...
(TB) 'Blagorodny Olen' 2005, Sholupov 'Blagorodny Olen' Благородный олень (Viktor Sholupov, R. 2004). Seedling# 89 3. TB, 33" (83 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ...
(TB) 'Blagorodny Prints 2007, Rebro 'Blagorodny Prints' Благородный принц (Nadezhda Rebro, R. 2007). Seedling# 4 30 1. TB, 34" (87 cm), Midseason late bloom. Stan...
■(TB) 'Blagorodnyi Aristokrat' 2014, Troshkin 'Blagorodnyi Aristokrat' (Andrii Troshkin, R. 2014). Seedling# TB10182 7. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Stand...
r8 - 23 Mar 2018 - 17:10 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blagovest' 2002, Sholupov 'Blagovest' Благовест (Viktor Sholupov, R. 2001). Seedling# 17 3. TB, 39" (100 cm), Midseason bloom. Standaards light beige, tinte...
r8 - 23 Mar 2018 - 18:35 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blakeley Rose' 1954, Ethridge Allen 'Blakeley Rose' (Mrs. J. B. Etheridge George Allen, R. 1954) TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Violet and red violet, ...
r4 - 07 Apr 2018 - 13:36 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blake's Achey Heart' 2011, Grosvenor 'Blake's Achey Heart' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2011). Seedling# F 85 1. TB, 34 (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards p...
(TB) 'Blakstok' 1958, Plough 'Blakstok' (Gordon Plough, R. 1957). Seedling# 51 159 4. TB, 33" (84 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class V3. Standards imperial pu...
r10 - 07 Feb 2024 - 22:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blakytna Panna' 2019, Chernoguz 'Blakytna Panna' (Alla Chernoguz, R. 2018). Seedling 08102 7. TB, 28" (71 cm). Late bloom. Light blue violet self; bear...
r5 - 11 Oct 2019 - 21:45 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blame It On Rio' 2016, Sutton 'Blame It On Rio' (Michael Sutton, R. 2016). Seedling# B 11 A. TB, 37" (94 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style...
■(TB) 'Blame The Genes' 2017, Burseen 'Blame The Genes' (Tom Burseen, R. 2017) Seedling 014 63A. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white, hea...
r3 - 08 Aug 2020 - 19:14 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blame The Possum' 2024, Fenn 'Blame The Possum' (Kenneth Fenn, R. 2024). Seedling 214 19 04, TB, 37.8" (96 cm), Late to very late bloom. Standards lavender...
(TB) 'Blanc Bleuté' 1923, Denis 'Blanc Bleuté' (Fernand Denis, 1923) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W3. 'Ricardi' X 'Dalmatica'. See below: * References *...
■(TB) 'Blanc Cassis' 2022, Cayeux 'Blanc Cassis' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2022). Seedling 14 480 A. TB, 29.5" (75 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms pure w...
■(TB) 'Blanc de Chine' 1978, Moldovan 'Blanc de Chine' (Steve Moldovan, R. 1978). Seedling# 71 7D. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Ruffled white self with tou...
r11 - 26 Jun 2023 - 17:25 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blanc De Monneret' 2017, Cayeux 'Blanc De Monneret' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2017). Seedling 06 20 A. TB, 33.5" 85 cm, Midseason bloom. Standards pure white; Fa...
■(TB) 'Blanca Peak' 2007, Miller 'Blanca Peak' (David Miller, R. 2006). Seedling# 95 21B. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. White self; beards yellow; slig...
(TB) 'Blanche Cecilia' 1950, Hunt 'Blanche Cecilia' (Eugene Hunt, R. 1950). TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class W/BV2, White and blue violet plica...
■(TB) 'Blanche Hermine' 2017, Jacob 'Blanche Hermine' (Jean Claude Jacob, R. 2017). Seedling 11/85 1. TB, 33.5" 85 cm, Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms w...
r10 - 25 Oct 2023 - 14:33 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blanche Mac' 1967, Stults 'Blanche Mac' (Rev. C. M. Stults, R. 1967). TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class WlW, Standards very clear white; falls s...
r7 - 07 Apr 2018 - 14:30 by Harloiris
◼(TB) 'Blanche Sultane' 2015, Chapelle 'Blanche Sultane' (Alain Chapelle, R. 2015) TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, cream midribs; style arms ...
(TB) 'Blanchefleur' 1939, Cayeux 'Blanchefleur' (Ferdinand Cayeux by René Cayeux, 1939). TB, Color Code W. See below: * References References Awaiting orig...
(TB) 'Blanchie Black' 1931, Black 'Blanchie Black' (M. Black, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B2M. 'Mme Chéreau' X unknown. See below: * * References...
r6 - 07 Apr 2018 - 14:33 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blanco' 1964, Craig 'Blanco' (Tom Craig, R. 1963). Seedling# 61 7. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason to late bloom. Color Class WlW, White self, slight green...
r5 - 13 Mar 2018 - 22:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bland Innocence' 1955, Crossley 'Bland Innocence' (H. E. Crossley, R. 1955). TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class VB3, Standards gentian blue (Wils...
r4 - 19 Mar 2018 - 23:36 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blaney Marlow' 1995, Spoon 'Blaney Marlow' (Donald Spoon, R. 1995). Seedling# 89 144. TB, 43" (109 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards pink (RHS 36D)...
r13 - 12 Apr 2023 - 17:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blankenburg' 2020, Behrens 'Blankenburg' (Maya Behrens, R. 2020) TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards yellow (RHS 10B); falls violet blue (RHS 93B)...
■(TB) 'Blanket of Snow' 2006, Johnson 'Blanket of Snow' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2006). Seedling# T178B. TB, 41" (104 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Milk white self, st...
■(TB) 'Blankety Blank' 1998, Burseen 'Blankety Blank' (Tom Burseen, R. 1997). Seedling# 92 148A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards white ground,...
r18 - 05 Dec 2022 - 19:48 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blankytné Vlny' 2022, Seidl 'Blankytné Vlny' (Zdenĕk Seidl, R. 2022) Seedling G1711, TB, 31" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards violet, bit lighter tha...
■(TB) 'Blaring Gale' 1992, Dow 'Blaring Gale' (Wanda Dow, R. 1988). Seedling# MC 1. TB, 33.5" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards greyed yellow (RHS 160D) infu...
r5 - 07 Apr 2018 - 14:37 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blarney Creek' 1959, Spinkston 'Blarney Creek' (Royce Spinkston, R. 1959). TB, Early midseason bloom. Color Class O5, Salmon self, dark orange beard. (Lapha...
r6 - 07 Apr 2018 - 14:38 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blarney Stone' 1962, Babson 'Blarney Stone' (Sanford Babson, R. 1962). Seedling# 1 72 3. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards green gold; falls green...
■(TB) 'Blast Off' 1971, Carter 'Blast Off' (W. C. Carter, R. 1970). Seedling# 68 2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white; falls blue violet; ...
r10 - 23 Oct 2023 - 15:38 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blatant' 1990, Byers 'Blatant' (Monty Byers, R. 1989). Seedling# F3 100. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason to late midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards cl...
■(TB) 'Blaue Welle' 1993, Fischer 'Blaue Welle' (Eberhard Fischer, R. 1993). Seedling# 3. TB, 36" (90 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards medium violet blue; ...
r7 - 15 Sep 2020 - 22:27 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blauer Adler' 2009, Gorbitz 'Blauer Adler' (Siegmar Gorbitz, R. 2009). Seedling# 9936 B4. TB, 43" (110 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and falls med...
r7 - 07 Apr 2018 - 14:46 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blauvelt' 1944, Cassebeer 'Blauvelt' (Fred Cassebeer, R. 1944) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Edward Lapham' x 'Wakarusa'. See below: * * Referen...
r3 - 28 Mar 2018 - 19:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blaze' 1931, Kirkland 'Blaze' (James Kirkland, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7M. Main.BetsyHiggins 2013 07 04
(TB) 'Blaze Away' 1958, Babson 'Blaze Away' (Sanford Babson, R. 1957). Seedling# B 99 8. TB, 29" (74 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards amber yellow, falls same, tin...
r11 - 26 Mar 2018 - 19:19 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blaze Crest' 1937, Gersdorff 'Blaze Crest' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1937) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S6M. 'Imperator' x 'Euphony'. See below: * ...
r3 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blaze Of Blue' 1964, Austin 'Blaze Of Blue' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1964). Seedling# 233. TB, 33" (84 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Deep rose, large blue blaze a...
■(TB) 'Blaze Of Fire' 1975, Christensen 'Blaze Of Fire' (Edward Christensen, R. 1973). Seedling# 8G1 22. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Full orange self, ...
■(TB) 'Blaze Of Glory' 2001, Kerr 'Blaze Of Glory' (Frederick Kerr, R. 2000). Seedling# 9406E. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Medium red; falls lighter ...
■(TB) 'Blaze The Trail' 2014, Hoch 'Blaze The Trail' (Ernie Hoch, R. 2014). Seedling# KedStWk6. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white; style arms li...
r4 - 07 Apr 2018 - 21:10 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blaze Valley' 2015, Van Hook 'Blaze Valley' (John Van Hook, R. 2014). Seedling# 0 02 V 09. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, light yellow ...
(TB) 'Blazeaway Amo' 1986, Morgan 'Blazeaway Amo' (Austin Morgan, R. 1987). Seedling# Ac5 7A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards smooth pure whi...
r4 - 02 Apr 2018 - 13:34 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blazeoff' 2023, Burseen 'Blazeoff' (Tom Burseen, R. 2022) Seedling 19 26C, TB, 35" (89 cm), Late to very late bloom. Standards pale blue, overlaid Indian ...
■(TB) 'Blazer' 1984, Stahly 'Blazer' (Harold Stahly, R. 1983). Seedling# 77 25. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light orange; falls red toned medium b...
r10 - 09 Mar 2023 - 15:35 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blazhenstvo Maya' 2010, Osipenko 'Blazhenstvo Maya' Блаженство мая (Vladimir Osipenko, R. 2010). Seedling# 05.16 1. TB, 38" (96 cm), Early midseason bloom. ...
r5 - 26 Mar 2018 - 14:22 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blazing Beacon' 2005, Tasco 'Blazing Beacon' (Richard Tasco, R. 2004). Seedling# 96 TB 15 44. TB, height 36" (91 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards au...
r40 - 11 Feb 2021 - 16:41 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blazing Fire' 1961, McCord 'Blazing Fire' (Forrest McCord, R. 1960). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y2R, Standards deep yellow; Falls same...
■(TB) 'Blazing Fury' 1968, Smith 'Blazing Fury' (Eva Smith, R. 1967). Seedling# 64 745. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class O5D, Standards cof...
r9 - 31 Mar 2018 - 16:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blazing Glory' 1975, Neubert 'Blazing Glory' (H. W. Neubert, R. 1974). Seedling# 22 71. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards greyish white; falls sam...
r4 - 07 Apr 2018 - 21:16 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blazing Hearth' 1964, Fothergill 'Blazing Hearth' (H. Senior Fothergill, R. 1964). Seedling# 1/1/1966. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Cl...
r5 - 31 Mar 2018 - 21:24 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blazing Light' 1983, Shoop 'Blazing Light' (George Shoop, R. 1983). Seedling# 76 27 2. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards yellow; falls white with...
(TB) 'Blazing Memory' 2003, Deaton 'Blazing Memory' (Cheryl Deaton, R. 2003). Seedling# 1 29 5. TB, 33" (84 cm), Late midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards white...
■(TB) 'Blazing Saddles' 1978, Dyer 'Blazing Saddles' (Perry Dyer, R. 1976). Seedling# C 7. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early bloom. Standards deep gold; falls solid ruby red...
(TB) 'Blazing Star' 1932, Nicholls 'Blazing Star' (Col. Jesse Nicholls, R. 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4M. Strong fragrance. 'Candlelight' x 'Dolly Ma...
r6 - 05 Apr 2018 - 16:34 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blazing Sunrise' 1985, Black 'Blazing Sunrise' (Paul Black, R. 1983). Seedling# B81 20. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early bloom and rebloom (October in Oklahoma). Sta...
■(TB) 'Blazing Violet' 1961, Carlson 'Blazing Violet' (Gerhard Carlson, R. 1961). Seedling# 57 38B. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class VlB, Deep blue...
■(TB) 'Bledy Mesic' 2013, Blazek 'Bledy Mesic' (Milan Blazek, R. 2013). Seedling# CCJEI. TB, 33.5 (85 cm). Late bloom. Standards light lemon yellow; falls ye...
r6 - 09 Feb 2020 - 15:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bleeding Heart' 1981, Morgan 'Bleeding Heart' (Austin Morgan, R. 1979). Seedling# M77 79. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards light lilac; ...
r4 - 02 Apr 2018 - 13:34 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Bleeding Red' 1981, Morgan 'Bleeding Red' (Austin Morgan, R. 1979). Seedling# M76 78. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards amber; fall...
r6 - 01 May 2018 - 19:39 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bleeding Rose Bronze' 1981, Morgan 'Bleeding Rose Bronze' (Austin Morgan, R. 1979). Seedling# M78 7. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards ro...
r4 - 02 Apr 2018 - 13:36 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blekitne Niebo' 2020, Kilimnik 'Blekitne Niebo' (Zbigniew Kilimnik, R. 2011). Seedling# ZK 05 91 A. TB, 37.5 (95 cm), Midseason bloom. Sky blue self; bea...
r5 - 22 Jun 2021 - 17:13 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blekitne Tango' 2014, Kilimnik 'Blekitne Tango' (Zbigniew Kilimnik, R. 2014). Seedling# ZK 10 182 C. TB, 35.5" (90 cm), Late bloom. Standards silver lavende...
r2 - 31 Mar 2018 - 15:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blenatre' 1936, Meyer 'Blenatre' (H. R. Meyer, R. 1936) TB. Early bloom. Color Class B1L. See below: * * References References: Awaiting original...
r3 - 07 Apr 2018 - 21:35 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blenda' 1944, Wareham 'Blenda' (John Wareham, R. 1944) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S7M. From seedlings derived from I. trojana x 'Dominion'. Of pinki...
■(TB) 'Blended Beauty' 1939, National Iris Gardens (H. E. Weed) 'Blended Beauty' (National, R. 1939). TB. Mid late bloom season. Color Class S9M. slight fragrance...
(TB) 'Blended Blondes' 1987, Loveridge 'Blended Blondes' (Gordon Loveridge, R. 1987). TB, 35 37" (90 95 cm), Midseason bloom. Creamy white; yellow beard. 'Fluted ...
r4 - 07 Apr 2018 - 21:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blended Frills' 1986, Brown 'Blended Frills' (Opal Brown, R. 1986). Seedling# 81 3F2. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ruffled rose purple (R...
r14 - 06 Jun 2023 - 13:13 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blended Lace' 1961, Christensen 'Blended Lace' (Edward Christensen, R. 1961). Seedling# 8C 1 10. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class V3L, Standard...
r4 - 07 Apr 2018 - 14:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blended Splendid' 2014, Burseen 'Blended Splendid' (Tom Burseen, R. 2013). Seedling# 010 85A. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late bloom. Standards and style arms peach b...
r7 - 14 Mar 2018 - 18:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blender' 2011, Sutton 'Blender' (Michael Sutton, R. 2011). Seedling# V 427. TB, 35" (89 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards yellow orange, slight mar...
r14 - 06 Jun 2023 - 13:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blender Blast' 2018, Toth 'Blender Blast' (David Toth, R. 2018). Seedling 14 284. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards mauve; style arms same, ...
r5 - 21 Apr 2023 - 00:18 by erinchien
■(TB) 'Blending Moods' 1985, Shoop 'Blending Moods' (George Shoop, R. 1985). Seedling# 79 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled peach, apricot and orange b...
r7 - 19 Mar 2023 - 22:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blenheim' 1930, Stern 'Blenheim' (Maj. Fred Stern, R. 1930) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9D. See below: * * References References: Awaiting ...
r5 - 06 Jan 2022 - 14:24 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blenheim Royal' 1990, Schreiner 'Blenheim Royal' (Schreiner, R. 1990). Seedling# V 62 A. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Ruffled medium blue (RHS 96A); b...
r50 - 07 Feb 2024 - 23:07 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bless Patsy' 1963, Rees 'Bless Patsy' (Clara Rees, R. 1963). TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class O5, Standards orange, pink, tan; falls same, blue...
r5 - 07 Apr 2018 - 21:49 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Bless Your Heart' 2022, Toth 'Bless Your Heart' (David Toth, R. 2022) Seedling 18 109, TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arms i...
■(TB) 'Blessed And Highly Favored' 2023, Myers 'Blessed And Highly Favored' (Stephanie Myers, R. 2023) Seedling 18 013, TB (hybrid), 34" (86.5 cm), Midseason bloo...
r5 - 06 Sep 2023 - 17:05 by Harloiris
■(TB) ;Blessed Are The Children' 2006, Ernst 'Blessed Are The Children' (Richard Ernst, R. 2006). Seedling# U101. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standar...
r5 - 22 Mar 2018 - 22:26 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blessed By Angels' 2022, Toth 'Blessed By Angels' (David Toth, R. 2022) Seedling 19 74, TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arms...
(TB) 'Blessed Damosel' 1941, Wareham 'Blessed Damosel' (John Wareham, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W1. From seedlings derived from 'Dominion' x I. t...
(TB) 'Blessed Event' 1936, Timmerman 'Blessed Event' (Walter Timmerman, R. 1936) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W2M. 'Pioneer Mother' x pink seedling See below:...
r3 - 07 Apr 2018 - 21:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blessed Peace' 1987, Danielson 'Blessed Peace' (Henry Danielson, R. 1986). Seedling# T 83 1. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Rich pink, edged ligh...
■(TB) 'Blessedness' 2024, Little 'Blessedness' (Sandra Little, R. 2024). Seedling 190401, TB, 36" (91.5 cm), Early bloom. Standards spanish violet; style arms spa...
(TB) 'Blessings Galore' 1990, Slade 'Blessings Galore' (George Slade, R. 1989). Seedling# 85 33 B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled bright blue; orange b...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 16:16 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blestiashchiy Duet' 2017, Riabykh 'Blestiashchiy Duet' Блестящий дуэт (Olga Riabykh, R. 2017) Seedling A2466 3. TB, 32.5" (83 cm), Midseason bloom. S...
r3 - 05 Jan 2019 - 22:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blestiashchiy Kavaler' 2005, Volfovich Moler 'Blestiashchiy Kavaler' Блестящий кавалер (Adolf Volfovich Moler, deceased, by Vladimir Volfovich Moler, R. 200...
r7 - 26 Mar 2018 - 00:31 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bleu A Crep' 1939, Bommersbach 'Bleu A Crep' (John Bommersbach, R. 1939) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B3D. 'Legend' x 'King Tut'. See below: * * Reference...
(TB) 'Bleu De Gien' 1978, Cayeux 'Bleu De Gien' (Jean Cayeux, R. 1978). Seedling 70 72 A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late bloom. Deep blue self; white beard tipped blue. 'S...
■(TB) 'Bleu De Mer' 1988, Ernst 'Bleu De Mer' (Richard Ernst, R. 1988). Seedling# A103 1. TB, 38" (97 cm).Late midseason bloom. Ruffled sea blue; pale yellow whit...
■(TB) 'Bleu Manteau' 2020, Cayeux 'Bleu Manteau' (Richard Cayeux, R. 2019). Seedling 11 193A. TB, 31.5" (80 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards blue white, li...
(TB) 'Bleu Notte' 2003, Mostosi 'Bleu Notte' (Luigi Mostosi, R. 2003). Seedling# TB 1896 02. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Wood violet (Pantone 19 3325) ...
r4 - 07 Apr 2018 - 21:52 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blewett Pass' 1963, Plough 'Blewett Pass' (Gordon Plough, R. 1962). Seedling# 59 74 5. TB, 39" (99 cm), Early midseason to late bloom. Color Class B1M, Medi...
(TB) 'Blickfang' 2007, Lesche 'Blickfang' (Bernhard Lesche, R. 2007). Seedling# 111 7. TB, 43" (109 cm), Late bloom. Standards butter yellow; style arms yellow; f...
r4 - 07 Apr 2018 - 21:54 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Bliki' 2014, Riabykh 'Bliki' Блики (Olga Riabykh, R. 2014). Seedling# 0604 1. TB, 31.5" (80 cm), Midseason bloom; Standards apricot pink; style arms plum a...
r7 - 16 Apr 2019 - 07:41 by ruiris
■(TB) 'Blind Ambition' 2016, Keppel 'Blind Ambition' (Keith Keppel, R. 2015). Seedling# 08 32A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards martius yellow (M P 9 ...
(TB) 'Blind Date' 1989, Anderson 'Blind Date' (Marjorie Anderson, R. 1989). TB, 35" (89 cm), Early midseason to late midseason bloom. Ruffled light peach blossom ...
r4 - 07 Apr 2018 - 21:58 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blind Faith' 2002, Lauer 'Blind Faith' (Larry Lauer, R. 2002). Seedling# 530 2. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Lightly ruffled and laced light m...
r11 - 24 Mar 2018 - 15:10 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blind Luck' 2022, Burseen 'Blind Luck' (Tom Burseen, R. 2021). Seedling 18 84A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Early bloom. Standards and style arms indian orange (RHS 1...
■(TB) 'Blinded By The Light' 2017, Lauer 'Blinded By The Light' (Larry Lauer, R. 2016). Seedling# A33 32. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards nas...
■(TB) 'Blinding Light' 2005, Ernst 'Blinding Light' (Richard Ernst, R. 2004). Seedling# W112 28. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, light gold ...
■(TB) 'Bling Bling' 2020, Cosi 'Bling Bling' (Christine Cosi, R. 2018). Seedling 1360/02. TB, 34" (86 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards apricot infused purple ...
(TB) 'Bliss' 1966, Zurbrigg 'Bliss' (Lloyd Zurbrigg, R. 1965). Seedling# 58 43. TB, height 34" (86 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Color Class GY1P, Standards very...
■(TB) 'Bliss Bomb' 2001/02, Blyth 'Bliss Bomb' (Lesley Blyth, R. 2001). Seedling# L96 3 4. TB, 38" (97 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards pastel orchid lilac ...
(TB) 'Bliss Carman' 1942, Craigie 'Bliss Carman' (Dr. E. H. Craigie, R. 1942) TB. Late bloom season. Color Class WW. 'Purissima' x 'Venus de Milo'. See below: ...
r3 - 23 Mar 2018 - 19:03 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blissful Ballad' 1978, Palmer 'Blissful Ballad' (Dorothy Palmer, R. 1977). Seedling# 5874A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled and fluted rosy ...
■(TB) 'Blissful Boriana' 2014, Murphy 'Blissful Boriana' (Don Murphy, R. 2014). Seedling# DM02 03 10. TB, 33" (84 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards white...
r5 - 21 Apr 2023 - 17:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blissful Morning' 2004, Braybrook 'Blissful Morning' (Eric Braybrook, R. 2004). Seedling# 94/10/C. TB, 31" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards orange yel...
r7 - 08 Apr 2018 - 01:04 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blissful Shores' 1971, Neubert 'Blissful Shores' (H. W. Neubert, R. 1970). Seedling# 137 67. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early bloom. Standards white; falls white with...
r4 - 07 Apr 2018 - 21:19 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blithe Angel' 1959, Lauck 'Blithe Angel' Albert Lauck, R. 1959). Seedling# 337 4. TB, 32" (81 cm), Late to very late bloom. Color Class Y4W, Standards l...
r6 - 08 Apr 2018 - 01:06 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blithe Spirit' 1941, Long 'Blithe Spirit' (B. R. Long, R. 1941) TB. Late bloom season. Color Class W6D. (('Valkyrie') x ('Madame Cécile Bouscant' x 'Moonlig...
(TB) 'Blithesome' 1935, Connell 'Blithesome' (Clarence Phillips Connell, R. 1930) TB, Midseason Bloom, Color Class Y6L. Offered by Kellogg 1935, Nesmith 1935, ...
r6 - 04 Apr 2018 - 18:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bliudechko S Goluboy Kayomochkoy' 2006, Krasheninnikov 'Bliudechko S Goluboy Kayomochkoy' Блюдечко с голубой каёмочкой (Boris Krasheninnikov, R. 2006). TB, ...
r7 - 26 Mar 2018 - 14:34 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blizzard' 1949, Knowlton 'Blizzard' (Harold Knowlton, R. 1945) TB, 40", Late midseason bloom. Color Class WW. 'Snow Flurry' x 'Easter Morn'. High Commendat...
r10 - 26 Dec 2021 - 23:32 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blizzard Bay' 1998, Tompkins 'Blizzard Bay' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1998). Seedling# 93 15A. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to late bloom. Antique pearl to skim milk whi...
■(TB) 'Block Party' 2002, Meek 'Block Party' (Duane Meek, R. 2002). Seedling# 2 8 5. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason late bloom. Standards deep red violet; falls re...
■(TB) 'Blockbuster' 2008, Richardson 'Blockbuster' (Gerald Richardson, R. 2008). Seedling# 02 5 1. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards greyed lavender, d...
■(TB) 'Blogger' 2007, Burseen 'Blogger' (Tom Burseen, R. 2007). Seedling 02 374A. TB, height 37" (94 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards light wisteria blue ...
(TB) 'Blond Bebe' 1938, Tharp 'Blond Bebe' (Mary Tharp, R. 1938) TB. Very late bloom. Color Class R6D. 'Sir Hokus Pokus' x 'Amerind'. See below: * * References...
(TB) 'Blond Dee' 1943, Schirmer 'Blond Dee' (H. W. Schirmer, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. 4th generation of yellow seedlings from 'Lady Paramoun...
r3 - 08 Apr 2018 - 01:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blond Goddess' 1974, Shoop 'Blond Goddess' (George Shoop, R. 1973). Seedling# 70 11. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Cream self; pink flush on standards a...
(TB) 'Blond Haven' 1962, Reynolds 'Blond Haven' (Serlena Reynolds, R. 1962). Seedling# 2AA 1. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y1L, Soft yellow ...
■(TB) 'Blond Response' 2018, Scihller 'Blond Response' (Bailey Schiller, R. 2018). Seedling C46 A. TB, 38" (97 cm). Very early to midseason bloom. Standards and s...
(TB) 'Blond Virgin' 1966, Voris 'Blond Virgin' (Charles Voris, R. 1965). Seedling# BDQL 65 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class WlW, Alabaster wh...
r6 - 31 Mar 2018 - 23:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blonde At The Bar' 2018, Burseen 'Blonde At The Bar' (Tom Burseen, R. 2017) Seedling 014 240A. TB, 35" (89 cm). Late bloom. Standards pale pink; style arms...
r3 - 11 Oct 2019 - 22:04 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blonde Beauty' 1979, Griffin 'Blonde Beauty' (John Griffin, R. 1979). Seedling# 69 1 CS. TB, 30 32" (76 81 cm), Early to late bloom. Light creamy buff pe...
(TB) 'Blonde Bomber' 1948, Gersdorff 'Blonde Bomber' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1948) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y6L. 'Arcata' x Loomis seedling# SQ70. See...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:27 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blonde Bombshell' 1997, Ghio 'Blonde Bombshell' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1996). Seedling# 92 12X3. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards coral, blendin...
(TB) 'Blonde Dancer' 1953, Voris 'Blonde Dancer' (Charles Voris, R. 1953). Seedling# VBC4816. TB, 41" (104 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class YO1, Gilded buff self...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 23:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blonde Lady' 1946, Gersdorff 'Blonde Lady' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1946) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class Y4L. 'Arcata' x Loomis seedling# SQ70. See be...
r3 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:27 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blonde Madonna' 2002, Cadd 'Blonde Madonna' (Anna and David Cadd, R. 2002). Seedling# 65 91 1. TB, 37" (94 cm), Very late bloom. Standards and style arms cr...
r7 - 01 Sep 2022 - 23:40 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blonde Moment' 2006, Nichols 'Blonde Moment' (Hooker Nichols, R. 2001). Seedling# 9216C. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards empire yellow; ...
■(TB) 'Blondie's Blush' 2013, Sutton 'Blondie's Blush' (Michael Sutton R. 2012). Seedling# T 157. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards pale cream...
(TB) 'Blondie's Pride' 1961, Hite 'Blondie's Pride' (Harry Hite, R. 1961). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class W4Y, Standards white; falls green go...
r5 - 08 Apr 2018 - 01:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blondinka' 1995, Gordodelovy 'Blondinka' Блондинка (Vitali and Nadezhda Gordodelovy, R. 1995). Seedling# 218. TB, 32" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards cr...
r7 - 23 Mar 2018 - 17:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blood And Sand' 1946, Craigie 'Blood And Sand' (Dr. E. H. Craigie, R. 1946) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S9M. 'Jean Cayeux' x 'Rosy Wings'. See bel...
r3 - 23 Mar 2018 - 19:04 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blood Carnelian' 1943, Long 'Blood Carnelian' (B. R. Long, R. 1943) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4M. Derived from 'Farandole', 'Ophélia', 'Romola', 'Me...
■(TB) 'Blood Magic' 2023, Schiller 'Blood Magic' (Melissa Schiller, R. 2023) Seedling F51 2, TB, 37" (94 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards blue white (RHS ...
■(TB) 'Blood Moon' 2017, Schreiner 'Blood Moon' ('Schreiner', R. 2017) Seedling A 407 2. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards burgundy, infusions of ...
(TB) 'Blood Root' 1934, Danenhauer 'Blood Root' (H. L. Danenhauer, R. 1934) TB. Very late bloom. Color Class R9D. 'Medrano' x 'Col. Candelot'. See below: * * R...
r3 - 26 Mar 2018 - 19:09 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blood Royal' 1934, Nicholls 'Blood Royal' (Col. Jesse Nicholls, R. 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R9M. 'Coppersmith' x 'Sir Michael'. See below: ...
r3 - 05 Apr 2018 - 16:35 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Bloodline' 2004, Kerr 'Bloodline' (Frederick Kerr, R. 2003). Seedling# 94 006A. TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light red; style arms with ap...
r16 - 23 Mar 2023 - 16:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bloom Time' 2022, Lauer 'Bloom Time' (Larry Lauer, R. 2022) Seedling D24 31, TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards wistaria blue, dark blue ...
(TB) 'Bloomfield Joy' 1962, Brown 'Bloomfield Joy' (J. Nelson Brown, R. 1962). Seedling# C 22. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class Y4W, Standard...
r4 - 08 Apr 2018 - 01:27 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Bloomin' Fool' 1960, Porreca 'Bloomin' Fool' (H. C. and Bert Porreca, R. 1959). Seedling# 178. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class Y5G, St...
(TB) 'Bloomin' Love' 1956, Wells 'Bloomin' Love' (Julian Wells, R. 1956). Seedling# 55 15. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y2, Plicata, cream and r...
(TB) 'Bloomon Funny' 1960, Rishing 'Bloomon Funny' (Mrs. Esperance Rushing, R. 1960). TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y2, Standards cream, mottled p...
r4 - 08 Apr 2018 - 01:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blorenge' 1988, Foster 'Blorenge' (Marueen Foster, R. 1988). Seedling# 2H6. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Lightly ruffled gold; deep gold bea...
r7 - 09 Apr 2021 - 17:27 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blossom Festival' 1962, Berndt 'Blossom Festival' (Tena Berndt, R. 1961). Seedling# 114 5. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class OlP, Salmon pink se...
■(TB) 'Blossom Of Snow' 2018, Spoon 'Blossom Of Snow' (Donald Spoon, R. 2017). Seedling 2012 88 WTCSF/HN. TB, 38" (97 cm). Late midseason bloom. Pure white self, ...
r11 - 16 May 2022 - 21:33 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blossom Pink' 1975, Buckles by Niswonger 'Blossom Pink' (Eugene Buckles, deceased, by David Niswonger, R. 1975). Seedling# B72 3. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to...
r14 - 29 Jul 2023 - 19:00 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blossom Valley' 1960, Knopf 'Blossom Valley' (Mary Ellen Knopf, R. 1959). Seedling# 1754. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class W1, White self...
■(TB) 'Blossoms Aflame' 2016, Lionberger 'Blossoms Aflame' (David E. Lionberger, R. 2016). Seedling# SMT 03 5 4. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards gold...
(TB) 'Blossomtime' 1932, Wayman 'Blossomtime' (Robert Wayman, R. 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W9L. See below: * * References References: Awa...
(TB) 'Blousy' 1991, Burseen 'Blousy' (Tom Burseen, R. 1990). Seedling# 6 22D. TB, height 37" (94 cm), midseason bloom. Standards very light buff pink (RHS 159B); ...
■(TB) 'Blow Up' 1994, Burseen 'Blow Up' (Tom Burseen, R. 1993). Seedling# 9 215D. TB, height 38" (89 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards dark chocolate bro...
■(TB) 'Blow Your Horn' 2020, Stout 'Blow Your Horn' (Hugh Stout, R. 2020). Seedling Burseen 15 138. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards aprico...
r7 - 21 Apr 2023 - 00:55 by erinchien
(TB) 'Blowin' Smoke' 2021, Burseen 'Blowin' Smoke' (Tom Burseen, R. 2021). Seedling 18 451A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blue and brown blend; sty...
■(TB) 'Blowing Bubbles' 1988, Byers 'Blowing Bubbles' (Monty Byers, R. 1988). Seedling# D213 1. TB, height 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Bubble ruffled white, t...
■(TB) 'Blowing Kisses' 2006, Keppel 'Blowing Kisses' (Keith Keppel, R. 2006). Seedling# 00 198A. TB, 40" (102 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style ar...
■(TB) 'Blown Lace' 1986, Johnson 'Blown Lace' (Royal Johnson, R. 1982). Seedling# M 11. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Laced medium blue, white hafts; ruffle...
■(TB) 'Blowtorch' 1986, Byers 'Blowtorch' (Monty Byers, R. 1984). Seedling# A 6 13. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason to late bloom. Standards yellow; falls white,...
(TB) 'Bloxham Twilight' 1974, Brummitt 'Bloxham Twilight' (Leonard Brummitt, R. 1973). Seedling# 2376/1. TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards grey...
r4 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:10 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blu Blu Blu' 2023, Cosi 'Blu Blu Blu' (Christine Cosi, R. 2023) Seedling lost label, TB, 36.6" (93 cm), Early to midseason to late bloom. Standards medium ...
(TB) 'Bluallure' 1958, Bass 'Bluallure' (Walter Buss, R. 1958). Seedling# 51 144. TB, 42" (107 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self; yell...
r5 - 26 Mar 2018 - 14:55 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bludnitsa' 2002, Sholupov 'Bludnitsa' Блудница (Viktor Sholupov, R. 2001). Seedling# 17 2. TB, 51" (130 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards yellow, wide l...
r8 - 23 Mar 2018 - 18:36 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Abalone' 1955, Austin 'Blue Abalone' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1955). Seedling# Ob O1. TB (hybrid), 32" (81 cm) Early midseason to midseason bloom. Color Class...
r10 - 19 Sep 2023 - 17:42 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Accent' 1966, Olson 'Blue Accent' (Marvin Olson, R. 1962). Seedling# 60 19. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Wl, Pure white self; blue vio...
(TB) 'Blue Acres' 1938, Gersdorff 'Blue Acres' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B9D. 'Geo. J. Tribolet' x 'Margery'. Note: Not to be ...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:28 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Admiral' 1959, Kelway 'Blue Admiral' (Kelway Son, R. 1959). Seedling# 309. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self. 'Chiv...
r5 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:22 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Again' 1997, Meek 'Blue Again' (Duane Meek, R. 1997). Seedling# 33 1 7. TB, 37" (94 cm). Midseason bloom. Lightly ruffled medium blue, slightly lighter...
(TB) 'Blue Air' 2005, Klehm 'Blue Air' (Volker Klehm, R. 2005). TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards and style arms light lavender blue; ...
r4 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:20 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Alabaster' 1971, Muhlestein 'Blue Alabaster' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1971). Seedling# 314. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to late bloom. Slightly reverse bl...
(TB) 'Blue Ambiance' 2017, Hedgecock 'Blue Ambiance' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2017) Seedling R 138 I. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark blue purple; Fal...
(TB) 'Blue Ambition' 1985, Heimann 'Blue Ambition' (Eva Heimann, R. 1979). Seedling# EH 70 31 31. TB, 27 1/2" 31" (70 80 cm), Midseason bloom. Medium blue self. ...
r6 - 27 Mar 2018 - 22:11 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Anchor Inn' 1934, Danenhauer 'Blue Anchor Inn' (H. L. Danenhauer, R. 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. 'J. J. Dean' x unknown. See below: ...
r3 - 26 Mar 2018 - 19:10 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Anew' 1990, Hager 'Blue Anew' (Ben Hager, R. 1990). Seedling# RE4384RndBl. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom (August November/California)...
(TB) 'Blue Angel' 1945, Smith 'Blue Angel' (E. H. Smith, R. 1945) TB. Very late bloom. Color Class B1L. ('Purissima' x 'El Capitan') x 'Shining Waters'. See below...
r3 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:20 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Angelwings' 1948, McKee 'Blue Angelwings' (William McKee, R. 1948) TB. Early bloom. Color Class W3L. (('Snow Flurry' x seedling 4017) x ('Misty Rose' x...
r7 - 30 Jan 2020 - 20:46 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Answer' 1958, Cook 'Blue Answer' (Paul Cook, R. 1958). Seedling# 9158. TB, 34" (86 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white; falls light blue, some w...
r8 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:22 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Aphrodite' 1932, Murrell 'Blue Aphrodite' (Olive Murrell, R. 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7M. 'Aphrodite' x a plicata. See below: * * Ref...
r3 - 01 Apr 2018 - 15:57 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Apron' 1970, Quadros 'Blue Apron' (Carl Quadros, R. 1968). Seedling# 62 23 1. TB, 34 36", Midseason bloom. Color Class W4Bcm, Standards pure white; fal...
■(TB) 'Blue Aristocrat' 1987, Schreiner 'Blue Aristocrat' (Schreiner, R. 1987). Seedling# N 11 A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late midseasn bloom. Lightly ruf...
r17 - 06 Jun 2022 - 18:02 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Asia' 1931, Collier 'Blue Asia' (Mrs. John Collier, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S3L. 'Fairy' x 'Crusader'. See below: * * References ...
r3 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Audrey' 1959, Spinkston 'Blue Audrey' (Royce Spinkston, R. 1959). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self; blue white ...
r7 - 07 Apr 2018 - 14:39 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Aussie' 1961, Spinkston 'Blue Aussie' (Royce Spinkston, R. 1955). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Color Class B3M, Reverse bitone, Standards medium blue; ...
r4 - 07 Apr 2018 - 14:40 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Ballad' 1963, Branch 'Blue Ballad' (Charles Branch, R. 1962). Seedling# 5932. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self. 'Airy Cha...
■(TB) 'Blue Ballet' 1989, Keppel 'Blue Ballet' (Keith Keppel, R. 1989). Seedling# 83 3B. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards light blue (M P 42 A...
r23 - 24 Apr 2023 - 20:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Balloon' 1988, Bohrer 'Blue Balloon' (Roy Bohrer, R. 1987). Seedling# 80 12 84. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Medium blue; white beard; sweet fragr...
r4 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Banner' 1923, Kirkland 'Blue Banner' (James Kirkland, R. 1923) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. See below: * * References References: ...
■(TB) 'Blue Baron' 1962, Schreiner 'Blue Baron' (Robert Schreiner, R. 1959). Seedling# N 875 1. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. Marine blue se...
(TB) 'Blue Bayou' 1966, Plough 'Blue Bayou' (Gordon Plough, R. 1965). Seedling# 59 256 7. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason late bloom. Color Class BV1D, Standards bluer...
(TB) 'Blue Beau' 1954, Burns 'Blue Beau' (Edythe Burns, R. 1954). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self, blue beard. 'Blue Rhythm' x...
r4 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Beauty' 1964, Hays 'Blue Beauty' (Gertrude Hays, R. 1964). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BlD, Dark blue self. 'Dodge City' X blue seedl...
r4 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Bermuda' 1962, Pickard 'Blue Bermuda' (Cora May Pickard, R. 1961). Seedling# S7 30 2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BlM, Hyacinth blue ...
(TB) 'Blue Bess' 1961, Hays 'Blue Bess'(Gertrude Hays, R. 1961). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Light blue self, white spot at haft; yellow bea...
r4 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Beyond' 1955, Samuelson 'Blue Beyond' (A. A. Samuelson, R. 1955). Seedling# W19 4 1. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Intense medium...
r7 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:36 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Biddy' 1963, Pickard 'Blue Biddy' (Cora May Pickard, R. 1962). Seedling# C 163. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BlM, Clear medium blue s...
■(TB) 'Blue Billows 1989, Powell 'Blue Billows' (Loleta Powell, R. 1988). TB, 35" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled medium blue; yellow beard tipped blue. 'T...
(TB) 'Blue Bird' 1919 Bliss 'Blue Bird' (Arthur Bliss, 1919) TB, Midseason bloom, Color class B1M, 'Flavescens' X 'Macrantha'). Gardeners' Chronicles 14 June 191...
(TB) 'Blue Blazer' 1999, Russell 'Blue Blazer' (John Clive Russell, R. 1999). TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled red, tan and brown blend; falls with blue ...
r6 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:39 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Blazes' 1949, Welch 'Blue Blazes' (Walter Welch, R.1949). Seedling #F34; TB, 42", Midseason bloom. Color class B1M. ('Gudrun' x 'Easter Morn') X 'Grea...
(TB) 'Blue Blood' 2008, Mostosi 'Blue Blood' (Luigi Mostosi, R. 2008). Seedling# ML 0519 10. TB, 37" (95 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards amaranth purple (Pantone ...
r5 - 07 Apr 2018 - 21:54 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Blush' 1956, Etheridge 'Blue Blush' (Mrs. J. B. Etheridge, R. 1956). TB, 30" (76 cm), Early bloom and rebloom. Color Class V3, Bitone, Standards light ...
r4 - 07 Apr 2018 - 13:37 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Bonanza' 1972, Bledsoe 'Blue Bonanza' (William Bledsoe, R. 1966). Seedling# 63 37. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Color Class BV3FD, Stand...
r9 - 23 Oct 2023 - 15:30 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Border' 1955, Kinish 'Blue Border' (David Kinish, R. 1955). TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self. Seedling: ('Ann Page'...
r6 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:41 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Bountiful' 1959, Wright 'Blue Bountiful' (Horace Wright, R. 1959). Seedling# 5625. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B3, Standards light b...
■(TB) 'Blue Bounty' 1966, Pickard 'Blue Bounty' (Cora May Pickard, R. 1965). Seedling# 59 24. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BV1, Purple blue with ...
(TB) 'Blue Bouquet' 1954, Bickle 'Blue Bouquet' (Harry Bickle, R. 1954). TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Blue self. 'Pierre Menard' X 'Vanda'. S...
r6 - 09 Apr 2018 - 17:08 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Breaker' 1956, Marx 'Blue Breaker' (Louise Marx, R. 1956). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Color Class W2, Plicata, white and deep violet blue; light blue...
■(TB) 'Blue Brook' 1981, Mohr 'Blue Brook' (Ken Mohr, R. 1981). Seedling# 6 128 2. TB, 30" (76 cm), Early midseason bloom. Pale blue (RHS 97D); deep blue beard. '...
(TB) 'Blue Cameo' 1957, Kelway 'Blue Cameo' (Kelway, R. 1956). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, Pale blue self. 'Helen McGregor' x unknown. Kelw...
r6 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:22 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Candle' 1996, McCord 'Blue Candle' (Cloyd McCord, R. 1996). Seedling# 79 2 C. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards dark blue; falls ...
r5 - 09 Apr 2018 - 17:11 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Candlelight' 1945, Essig 'Blue Candlelight' (Edward Essig, R. 1945) TB. Midseason/late bloom. Color Class B1L. (('China Lantern' x 'W. R. Dykes') x ('F...
r3 - 09 Apr 2018 - 17:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Canopy' 1962, Knopf 'Blue Canopy' (Maynard Knopf, R. 1961). Seedling# 13 A 101. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason late bloom. Color Class B1L, Silvery blue se...
■(TB) 'Blue Caphen' 1975, Berndt 'Blue Caphen' (Tena Berndt, R. 1973). Seedling# 7066. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Blue self; white beard tipped yellow; ruf...
(TB) 'Blue Caress' 1958, Reinhardt 'Blue Caress' (Mattie Reinhardt, R. 1958). Seedling# 57 55. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1P, Pale blue self; ...
r5 - 09 Apr 2018 - 17:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Cascade' 1954, Howe 'Blue Cascade' (Olin Howe, R. 1951). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Light blue self. ('Purissima' x 'Cloud Cast...
r6 - 09 Apr 2018 - 17:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Cayuga' 1949, Randolph 'Blue Cayuga' (Dr. L. F. Randolph, R. 1949) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Blue Shimmer' x 'Great Lakes'. See below: ...
r3 - 18 Mar 2018 - 15:08 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Chalice' 1970, Leavitt 'Blue Chalice' (Melvin Leavitt, R. 1967). Seedling# Ex 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class B1D, Dark blue ...
r13 - 10 Oct 2023 - 19:47 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Challenge' 1954, Dubes 'Blue Challenge (George Dubes, R. 1953). TB, 36 38", Midseason bloom Color Class B3L, Standards light blue; falls slightly darke...
r10 - 07 Nov 2022 - 23:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Champagne' 1944, Suiter 'Blue Champagne' (Melvina Suiter, R. 1944) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Gloriole' x 'Ice Maiden'. See below: * * R...
r4 - 19 Mar 2018 - 17:46 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Chancellor' 1934, Danenhauer 'Blue Chancellor' (H. L. Danenhauer, R. 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Mady Carriere' x 'Ballerine'. See bel...
r3 - 26 Mar 2018 - 19:10 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Chandelier' 2022, Hedgecock 'Blue Chandelier' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2022) Seedling X 56 E, TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale blue, dark b...
■(TB) 'Blue Charmer' 1972, Rudolph 'Blue Charmer' (Nate Rudolph, R. 1972). Seedling# 68 49. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Violet blue (RHS 89C) self, ruffled ...
r15 - 10 Oct 2023 - 19:48 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Cheer' 1997, Lauer 'Blue Cheer' (Larry Lauer, R. 1997). Seedling# 87 59. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled blue, shoulders white; beards light...
r14 - 14 Sep 2022 - 17:07 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Chiffon' 1966, Schreiner 'Blue Chiffon' (Schreiners, R. 1966). Seedling# T 779 B. TB, 41" (104 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, Pure light...
■(TB) 'Blue Chintz' 1928, Burton 'Blue Chintz' (Frank Burton, R. 1928) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W2. See below: * * References References: From Mapl...
(TB) 'Blue Chip' 1937, Williams 'Blue Chip' (Thomas A. Williams, R. 1937) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. Seedling# 306 x 'Crusader'. See below: * *...
r3 - 26 Mar 2018 - 00:11 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Chip Pink' 1990, Niswonger 'Blue Chip Pink' (O. David Niswonger, R. 1989). Seedling# 40 87. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Pink with hint of lilac;...
r27 - 28 Oct 2022 - 22:56 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Cirrus' 2007, Ernst 'Blue Cirrus' (Richard Ernst, R. 2007). Seedling# W111 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light blue, deeper midribs...
r15 - 22 Mar 2018 - 22:37 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Clay' 1944, Dysart 'Blue Clay' (Russell Dysart, R. 1944). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Shining Waters' x 'Sierra Blue'. See below: * * Ref...
r3 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:13 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Clif' 1956, Hamblen 'Blue Clif' (Melba Hamblen, R. 1955). Seedling# 51 28. TB, 36 40". Midseason late bloom. Color Class BV3, Standards campanula viole...
(TB) 'Blue Cloud' 1942, Horton 'Blue Cloud' (Mrs. Norman Horton, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Red Monarch' x 'Rubeo'. See below: * * Referen...
r3 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:13 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Coquette' 1969, Thompson 'Blue Coquette' (Mamie Thompson, R. 1957). Seedling# 15 53 7. TB, 27" (69 cm), Late midseason bloom. Opaque light steel blue s...
r7 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Cove' 1994, Mueller 'Blue Cove' (A. Theodore Mueller, R. 1994). Seedling# 87 4. TB, 30 32" (76 81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Slightly blended light bl...
r6 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:15 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Coyote' 2012, Valenzuela 'Blue Coyote' (Margie Valenzuela, R. 2012). Seedling# SFC 07 CC. TB, 33 35" (84 89 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards bab...
r6 - 04 Apr 2018 - 18:28 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Crest' 1959, Crosby 'Blue Crest' (Luzon Crosby, R. 1958). Seedling# C 57 9. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early to very late bloom. Color Class W1, White self; dee...
(TB) 'Blue Crevasse' 1997, Dodsworth 'Blue Crevasse' (B.L.C. Dodsworth, R. 1997). Seedling# EB 94F. TB, 42" (107 cm), Late bloom. Standards pale blue, deep blue c...
r5 - 26 Mar 2018 - 14:10 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Crown' 1945, Washington 'Blue Crown' (Thomas Washington, R. 1945) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W3L. See below: * * References References: ...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 22:52 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Crusader' 1998, Schreiner 'Blue Crusader' (Schreiner, R. 1998). Seedling# CC 163 2. TB, 42" (107 cm). Late bloom. Heavily ruffled deep blue violet (RH...
r41 - 14 Sep 2022 - 17:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Crystal' 1943, Milliken 'Blue Crystal' (Carl S. Milliken, R. 1943) TB. Early bloom season. Color Class B1L. From two unnamed seedlings. See below: *...
(TB) 'Blue Damson Haven' 1964, Reynolds 'Blue Damson Haven' (Serlena Reynolds, R. 1963). Seedling# 16W. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Color Class Vl...
■(TB) 'Blue Dancer' 1978, Marsh 'Blue Dancer' (James Marsh, R. 1978). Seedling# 72 31. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled medium blue (RHS 116D) self….
■(TB) 'Blue Danube' 1932, Meyer 'Blue Danube' (H. R. Meyer, R. 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. See below: * * References References: Awaiti...
■(TB) 'Blue Danube Waves' 2006, Mego 'Blue Danube Waves' (Anton Mego, R. 2006). Seedling# AM 00/0539 2. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style ar...
(TB) 'Blue Darkness' 2011, Hersey 'Blue Darkness' (Brian Hersey, R. 2011). Seedling# BH54 4C 05. TB, 36 (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms medium ...
r5 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:19 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Dawn' 1935, Rheinhardt 'Blue Dawn' (John Rheinhardt, R. 1935) TB. Early bloom. Color Class B3D. See below: * * References References: Awaiti...
r3 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:20 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Dazzler' ■ 1982, Blodgett 'Blue Dazzler' (Romona Blodgett, R. 1982). Seedling 80 03. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards cobalt blu...
(TB) 'Blue Debut' 1955, Wallace 'Blue Debut' (M. D. Wallace, R. 1955). Seedling# 52 14. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1P, Pale blue self. 'Snoqua...
r9 - 03 Apr 2018 - 01:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Deceiver' 2012, Crump 'Blue Deceiver' (J. Griffin Crump, R. 2012). Seedling# 05B11. TB, 39" (99 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms cerulean...
r5 - 04 Apr 2018 - 22:31 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Deep' 1936, Berry 'Blue Deep' (Samuel Berry, R. 1936) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Souv. De Mme Gaudiichau' X (sibling x (I. mesopotamica x '...
r5 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:21 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Delight' 1941, Grant 'Blue Delight' (Dr. Henry Lee Grant, R. 1940)TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Gloriole' x 'Shining Waters'. Grant, Fair...
r5 - 04 Apr 2018 - 18:50 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Design' 1963, El Dorado 'Blue Design' (El Dorado, R. 1960). Seedling# 11 59Q. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. . Color Class W2, Standards whi...
(TB) 'Blue Devil' 1973, Lewis 'Blue Devil' (Mrs. Ralph Lewis, R. 1973). Seedling# 685. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Lightly ruffled dark blue self; self bear...
r6 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:28 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Dew' 1956, Pickard 'Blue Dew' (Cora May Pickard, R. 1956). Seedling# 51 12A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class B1P, Pale baby ribb...
r6 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:31 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Diamond' 1938, Nicholls 'Blue Diamond' (Col. Jesse Nicholls, R. 1937). TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, Light blue violet self. 'Miss Willmo...
(TB) 'Blue Dolphin' 1956, Wallace 'Blue Dolphin' OB (M. D. Wallace, R. 1956). Seedling# 5506. TB onco. OX, 25" (64 cm). Extra early bloom (in IB season). Medium ...
r4 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Dominion' 1939, Kirkland 'Blue Dominion' (James Kirkland, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. See below: * * References References:...
r4 - 12 Mar 2018 - 14:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Douglas' 1952, Bailey 'Blue Douglas' (Arthur Bailey, R. 1952). TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class BV3, Blue violet and blue purple. Pr...
r4 - 05 Apr 2018 - 17:00 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Dove' 1969, Jones 'Blue Dove' (Bennett Jones, R. 1968). Seedling# 832 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class GB3LF, Standards capri blue (52/...
(TB) 'Blue Dragon' 1962, Kelway 'Blue Dragon' (Kelway, R. 1962). Seedling# 324. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class BlM, Medium blue self. 'Blue V...
r6 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Drapes' 1947, Tharp 'Blue Drapes' (Mary Tharp, R. 1947) TB. Midseason/late bloom. Color Class B3D. ('Amigo') x (blue Bie seedling: (('Lord of June' x '...
r3 - 12 Mar 2018 - 22:01 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Dream' 1940, Wayman 'Blue Dream' (Robert Wayman, R. 1940) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7L. 'Gudrun' x seedling. Nursery listings: Wayman 1940; 194...
■(TB) 'Blue Drift' 1970, Brummitt 'Blue Drift' (Leonard Brummitt, R. 1967). Seedling# 1883/1. TB, 39" (99 cm), Late bloom. Color Class BlF, Mid blue self with ...
r6 - 09 Apr 2021 - 17:49 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Duchess' 1966, Kelway 'Blue Duchess' (Kelway, R. 1966). Seedling# 694. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, Light blue self. 'Jane Philli...
r5 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:23 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Duet' 1965, Smith 'Blue Duet' (Raymond G. Smith, R. 1965). Seedling# E35AF. TB re, 30" (76 cm), Early bloom and rebloom. Color Class BV1F. Full brillia...
r6 - 05 Apr 2018 - 17:06 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Dusk' 1936, Reibold 'Blue Dusk' (F. E. Reibold, R. 1936). TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class B3D. 'Claridad' X 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau'. Over The G...
r9 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:43 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Eagle' 1989, Crandall 'Blue Eagle' (Fred Crandall by J. Pettee, R. 1988). Seedling# 70 15. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Tailored bachelor button ...
r4 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Elegance' 1947, Jory 'Blue Elegance' OB (Stafford Jory, R. 1947). AB, TMB, tall, Early bloom. Color Class B3L. Light blue bitone. 'Purissima' X 'Capit...
(TB) 'Blue Empress' 1943, St. Helens 'Blue Empress' (Ida St. Helens, R. 1943) TB. Early bloom season. Color Class B1D. 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau' x unknown. See bel...
r4 - 11 Mar 2018 - 14:47 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Enchantment' 1956, Madsen 'Blue Enchantment' (Elmina Madsen by Wallace, R. 1956). Seedling# 55 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Me...
r4 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:50 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Enchantress' 1943, St. Helens 'Blue Enchantress' (Ida St. Helens, R. 1943) TB. Early bloom. 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau' x unknown. See below: * * Refer...
r4 - 11 Mar 2018 - 14:47 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Ensign' 1937, Meyer 'Blue Ensign' (H. R. Meyer, R. 1937). TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. British Dykes Medal 1949. See below: * * References...
(TB) 'Blue Epaulettes' 1989, Bartlett 'Blue Epaulettes' (Cy Bartlett, R. 1985). Seedling# DL/FC/CM 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled white, slight gre...
r7 - 31 Mar 2018 - 15:38 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Etchings' 1973, Brown 'Blue Etchings' (B. J. Brown, R. 1972). Seedling# 15 68. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Light blue self marked dar...
■(TB) 'Blue Everbloomer' 1965, Austin 'Blue Everbloomer' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1964). Seedling# 197. TB, 29" (74 cm). Midseason late bloom. Color Class BlV, Light lav...
■(TB) 'Blue Eyed Baby' 2013, Austin 'Blue Eyed Baby' (Dale Austin, R. 2012). Seedling# 07 01 00. TB, 34 (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white, light blue ed...
r12 - 28 Feb 2023 - 18:40 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Eyed Lady' 1988, Johnson 'Blue Eyed Lady' (Dale Johnson, R. 1987). Seedling# N 183. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, edged aureoli...
■(TB) 'Blue Eyed Susan' 1998, Lauer 'Blue Eyed Susan' (Larry Lauer, R. 1998). Seedling# 91 258 6. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards light yellow; s...
(TB) 'Blue Eyes' 1939, Kirkland 'Blue Eyes' (James Kirkland, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. See below: * * References References: Fro...
r4 - 12 Mar 2018 - 14:26 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Eyes Brown' 1980, Slade 'Blue Eyes Brown' (George Slade, R. 1978). Seedling# 75 7 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Brown with blue blaze in cen...
r7 - 31 Mar 2018 - 16:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Fairy' 1953, Muhlestein 'Blue Fairy' RB (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1953). AB, EC, 38” (97 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Medium blue self. 'Cool Lemonade' X...
■(TB) 'Blue Fantasy' 1961, Branch 'Blue Fantasy' (Charles Branch, R. 1958). Seedling# 5705. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1V, Standards icy white...
(TB) 'Blue Fascination' 1971, Schortman 'Blue Fascination' (William Schortman, R. 1970). Seedling# 19841. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Fluted medium ...
■(TB) 'Blue Fin' 1998, Sutton 'Blue Fin' (George Sutton, R. 1997). Seedling# G 20ARSA. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards pale wistaria ...
(TB) 'Blue Finch' 1959, Kelway 'Blue Finch' (Kelway Son, R. 1959). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self. 'Helen McGregor' X 'Blue...
r6 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:24 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Fire' 1995, Pinegar 'Blue Fire' (Darlene Pinegar, R. 1994). Seedling# GR 1 8 1A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards and style arms med...
■(TB) 'Blue Flare' 1952, Casselman 'Blue Flare' (Arthur Casselman, R. 1952). TB, 50" (127 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class B1M, Self, medium blue. ('Se...
r7 - 10 Apr 2018 - 13:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Flight' 1952, Frazee 'Blue Flight' ( Howard Frazee R. 1952) by Margaret Albright. Sdlg. 51 lA. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1M,...
(TB) 'Blue Flurry' 1955, Brown 'Blue Flurry' (Rex Brown, R. 1954). Seedling# B6. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class VB1L, Light wisteria blue se...
r5 - 10 Apr 2018 - 14:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue For Beryl' 1948, Drewett 'Blue For Beryl' (Anthony Drewett, R. 1948) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Great Lakes' x 'Golden Majesty'. See below:...
r3 - 01 Apr 2018 - 00:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue For John' 2016, Price 'Blue For John' (Nancy Price, R. 2015). Seedling# 08 087 F. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Light blue self; beards wh...
r7 - 10 Apr 2018 - 14:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue For My Baby' 2021, Hingiss 'Blue For My Baby' (Barry Hingiss, R. 2021). Seedling CB2006A/SP2005D E. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style a...
■(TB) 'Blue For You' 1997/98, Blyth 'Blue For You' (Barry Blyth, R. 1997). Seedling# C118 A. TB, 36" (92 cm), Early, midseason, late bloom. Light silvery iride...
(TB) 'Blue Formal' 1964, Schortman 'Blue Formal' (William Schortman, R. 1962). Seedling# 1151. TB, 36" (91 cm), M L. Color Class B1L, Blue self. 'Indiglow' seedli...
(TB) 'Blue Formality' 1980, Small 'Blue Formality' (Robert Small, R. 1980). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards blue white; falls deep blue; blue bea...
r4 - 10 Apr 2018 - 17:45 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Fountain' 1958, Foss 'Blue Fountain' (Duane Foss, R. 1955). Seedling# 52 8 (B). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self. 'C...
r4 - 10 Apr 2018 - 17:52 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Fox' 1965, Kelway 'Blue Fox' (Kelway, R. 1965). Seedling# 655. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class VB1, Violet blue self. 'Blue Cameo' X 'Dan...
r6 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:24 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Freckles' 1957, Schortman 'Blue Freckles' (William Schortman, R. 1954). TB, 40" (102 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class W2B, Plicata, white and b...
(TB) 'Blue Frills' 1944, Stephenson 'Blue Frills' (B. N. Stephenson, R. 1944) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Aline' x 'Missouri'. See below: * * Refere...
r6 - 10 Apr 2018 - 17:54 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Frosting' 2011, Burseen 'Blue Frosting' (Tom Burseen, R. 2010). Seedling# 05 247A. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom Standards and style arms creamy ...
r12 - 20 Oct 2023 - 17:11 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Gardenia' 1958, Bellmer 'Blue Gardenia' (Elizabeth Bellmer, R. 1958). TB, 44" (112 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1P, Pale blue self. ('Great Lakes...
r5 - 31 Mar 2018 - 22:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Gate' 1959, Plough 'Blue Gate' OB (Gordon Plough, R. 1959). OX, Onco. 32" (81 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards grayed blue violet to buff gra...
(TB) 'Blue Gem' 1931, Wayman 'Blue Gem' (Robert Wayman, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. See below: * * References References: Awaiting...
r3 - 15 Mar 2018 - 21:44 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Genes' 1958, Parson 'Blue Genes' (Parson's Manor, R. 1958). Seedling# 75. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason late bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self, blu...
r4 - 10 Apr 2018 - 17:56 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Ghost' 2008, Cadd 'Blue Ghost' (Anna and David Cadd, R. 2008). Seedling# 182 93 7. TB, 40 42" (102 107 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards, style arms and ...
(TB) 'Blue Gift' 1956, Samuelson 'Blue Gift' (A. A. Samuelson, R. 1955). Seedling# FX 16 4 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self,...
r6 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:37 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Gilt' 1976, Busch 'Blue Gilt' (Ron Busch, R. 1976). Seedling# D 179/1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, mid ribs flushed cream; falls...
r4 - 10 Apr 2018 - 17:57 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Glacier' 1956, Riddle 'Blue Glacier' (Matthew Riddle, R. 1956). Seedling# E8B. TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self (lo...
r5 - 24 Mar 2018 - 14:58 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Glad' 1957, Freudenburg 'Blue Glad' (Lena Freudenburg, R. 1957). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BLM, Lobelia blue self. 'Sky Ranger' X '...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 15:27 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Glaze' 1941, Wayman 'Blue Glaze' (Robert Wayman, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. See below: * * References References: Awai...
r3 - 15 Mar 2018 - 21:45 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Glory' 1919, Fryer 'Blue Glory' (Willis J. Fryer, 1919) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R1M. See below: * * References References: Awaiting...
r3 - 31 Mar 2018 - 16:05 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Gloss' 1988, Hamner 'Blue Gloss' (Bernard Hamner, R. 1988), Seedling# 83 75A. TB, 34 35" (86 89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards gentian violet with ...
■(TB) 'Blue Glow' 1942, Nicholls 'Blue Glow' (Col. Jesse Nicholls, 1942) TB, Late bloom season. Color Class B1D. 'West Point' x 'Mata Hari'. See below: * ...
(TB) 'Blue Goddess' 1962, Kelway 'Blue Goddess' (Kelway, R. 1962). Seedling# 389. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BlM, Medium blue self. 'Helen McGr...
r6 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Gothic' 2015, Dotto 'Blue Gothic' (Tiziano Dotto, R. 2015). Seedling# 4T4108. TB, 55" (140 cm), Midseason bloom. Blue self; beards blue; slight fragran...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 18:01 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Gown' 1932, Essig 'Blue Gown' (Edward Essig, R. 1929). TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class: B3D. Standards blue lavendue; falls purple with a blue lavend...
(TB) 'Blue Grass' 1951, Rawlings 'Blue Grass' (Mrs. S. P. Rawlins, R. 1951). TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Deep blue self. 'Great Lakes'...
r5 - 31 Mar 2018 - 23:38 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Grotto' 1956, Grinter 'Blue Grotto' (J. H. Grinter, R. 1956). Seedling# 51 51. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Gentian blue self, bl...
(TB) 'Blue Grotto by Nesmith' 1937, Nesmith 'Blue Grotto' (Elizabeth Nesmith, R. 1937) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B1D. 'King Philip' x unknown. See below: * *...
r3 - 14 Mar 2018 - 22:12 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Halo' 1966, Randolph 'Blue Halo' (L. Fitz Randolph, R. 1966). Seedling# 59212 2. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, Standards light bl...
r5 - 10 Apr 2018 - 18:02 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Haven' 1957, Reynolds 'Blue Haven' (Serlena Reynolds, R. 1954). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self. 'Sky Ranger' X 'Gr...
■(TB) 'Blue Hawaii' 1954, Schreiner 'Blue Hawaii' (Bernard Schreiner, R. 1953) TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Lavender blue self. 'Snow Flurry' X 'Sylvia Mu...
(TB) 'Blue Heart' 1939, Tharp 'Blue Heart' (Mary Tharp. R. 1939. TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W2L. 'Purissima' x 'Wambliska'. Main.BetsyHiggins 2012 06...
(TB) 'Blue Heather' 1935, Graham 'Blue Heather' (Sam Graham, R. 1935) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B7M. 'Baldwin' x 'Sir Michael'. See below: * * Reference...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 18:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Heaven' 1931, Wassenberg 'Blue Heaven' (Charles Wassenberg, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B. 'Dominion' x unknown. See below: * * Refere...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 18:04 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Heeler Country' 1998, Grosvenor 'Blue Heeler Country' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 1998). Seedling V39 B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Standards pale bl...
r8 - 19 Nov 2019 - 18:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Heiress' 1977, Reinhardt 'Blue Heiress' (Mattie Reinhardt, R. 1976). Seedling# 72 45. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled, fluted and lacy medium...
■(TB) 'Blue Hill' 1931, Sass 'Blue Hill' (Hans Peter Sass, R. 1930). TB. 32". Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. Co introduced by: Fairmount Gardens(E. Nesmith) 19...
(TB) 'Blue Hooks' 1995, Muska 'Blue Hooks' (Ladislav Muska, R. 1995). Seedling# SHBS 03. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled deep purplish blue lilac self; ...
r4 - 13 Mar 2018 - 17:33 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Horizon' 1943, Tharp 'Blue Horizon' (Mary Tharp, R. 1943). TB. Midseason/late bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Payette Lakes' x 'Sierra Blue'. Main.BetsyH...
■(TB) 'Blue Hour' 2012, Schreiner 'Blue Hour' (Schreiner, R. 2012). Seedling# PP 301 1. TB, 36" (91 cm). Late midseason bloom. Light blue self (RHS 94D). Seedli...
r15 - 26 Oct 2021 - 19:06 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Hussar' 1950, Tomalin 'Blue Hussar' (F. W. Tomalin, R. 1950). TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B/BD3, Blue and deep blue bitone 'Souv. De...
r7 - 28 Mar 2018 - 17:18 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Ice' 1940, Williams 'Blue Ice' (Thomas A. Williams, R. 1937) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W1. 'Chinook' x 'Moonlight'. National Iris Gardens 1940 ...
r11 - 23 Dec 2021 - 19:53 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Iceberg' 1955, Stanley 'Blue Iceberg' (Robert Stanley, R. 1955). Seedling# 52 7. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1, Icy blue white self….
r4 - 10 Apr 2018 - 18:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Ideal' 1961, Smith 'Blue Ideal' (A. M. Smith, R. 1961). Seedling# S61 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BlM, Sky blue self. 'Blue Sapphi...
r7 - 10 Apr 2018 - 18:06 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Imp' 1960, Murawaska 'Blue Imp' (Arthur Murawaska, R. 1959). TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BL1, Light blue self. 'Distance' x 'Cahokia'...
r4 - 10 Apr 2018 - 18:07 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Intensity' 1958, Austin 'Blue Intensity' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1958). Seedling# 22B. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Intense blu...
(TB) 'Blue Interlude' 1954, Colin 'Blue Interlude' (Oscar Colin, R. 1954). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self, blue beard. '...
r4 - 10 Apr 2018 - 18:08 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Isle' 1937, Washington 'Blue Isle' (Thomas Washington, R. 1937) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B9D. See below: * * References Reference...
r3 - 31 Mar 2018 - 22:53 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue It Up' 1991, Ernst 'Blue It Up' (Richard Ernst, R. 1991). Seedling# F116 925A. TB, 38" (97 cm). Early midseason bloom. Ruffled deep medium blue, whi...
r7 - 13 Jan 2021 - 17:42 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Jacket' 1929, Murrell 'Blue Jacket' (Olive Murrell, R. 1929) TB B. See below: * * References References: Awaiting original catalog descripti...
r3 - 01 Apr 2018 - 15:57 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Jay' 1913, Farr 'Blue Jay' (Bertrand Farr, R. 1913) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B3D. See below: * * References References: From Win...
■(TB) 'Blue Jay Way' 1998, Lauer 'Blue Jay Way' (Larry Lauer, R. 1998). Seedling# 91 206 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Ruffled blue, falls with white...
r20 - 12 Sep 2022 - 17:47 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Jeans' 1948, Gates 'Blue Jeans' (Mrs. W. A. Gates, R. 1948) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'El Capitan' x 'San Diego'. See below: * * Referen...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 18:10 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Jester' 1954, Bickle 'Blue Jester' (Harry Bickle, R. 1954). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Blue self. 'Pierre Menard' x 'Vanda'. See...
r6 - 09 Apr 2018 - 17:09 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Jewel' 1940, Miller 'Blue Jewel' (William Miller, R. 1940) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Narain' x blue seedling. See below: * * References...
r3 - 26 Mar 2018 - 19:04 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue June' 1935, Donahue 'Blue June' (Thomas Donahue, R. 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. Pleasant fragrance. 'Sensation' x unknown. Honorable Me...
(TB) 'Blue Juniata' 1973, Thomas 'Blue Juniata' (Raymond Thomas, R. 1972). Seedling# 71 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Hyacinth blue (HCC 40/2) sel...
■(TB) 'Blue Kang' 1961, Miller 'Blue Kang' (H. R. F. Miller, R. 1961). Seedling# 39 25. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Bl, Hyacinth blue self. '...
r7 - 09 Apr 2021 - 17:33 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Kentucky Girl' 2002, Schreiner 'Blue Kentucky Girl' (Schreiner, R. 2002). Seedling# DD 145 1. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early bloom. Light blue (RHS 96D) se...
(TB) 'Blue Knight' 1936, Wolfe 'Blue Knight' (Mrs. H. M. Wolfe, R. 1936) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Souv. De. Mme Gaudichau' X unknown. See belo...
r4 - 10 Apr 2018 - 19:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Lace' 1958, Wallace 'Blue Lace' (M. D. Wallace, R. 1957). Seedling# 56 528 1. TB, 31" (79 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B3M, Standards medium blue,...
■(TB) 'Blue Lad' 1946, Sass Bros. 'Blue Lad' (Sass Brothers R. 1946) TB, Late bloom. Color Class B1M. Sister to 'Blue Shimmer'. Purple based foliage. See below: ...
(TB) 'Blue Lady' 1939, Covert 'Blue Lady' (A. H. Covert, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Balboa' x 'Duke Of Bedford'. See below: * * References...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 19:15 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Lagoon' 1919, Bliss 'Blue Lagoon' (Arthur J. Bliss, 1919) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. ('Cordelia' x 'Thorbecke') X 'Mme Chéreau'. See below:...
r9 - 26 Mar 2018 - 14:50 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Lamp' 1999, Bartlett 'Blue Lamp' (Cy Bartlett, R. 1999). Seedling# (PA CM)B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled medium blue self; style arms blu...
r3 - 31 Mar 2018 - 15:38 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Lark' 1996, McCord 'Blue Lark' (Cloyd McCord, R. 1996). Seedling# 74 08. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early bloom. Ruffled pale blue; beards white, yellow base; sw...
r6 - 09 Apr 2018 - 17:13 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Lasso' 2011, Seidl 'Blue Lasso' (Zdenek Seidl, R. 2011). Seedling# A 12 3. TB, 35 (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arms icy white...
■(TB) 'Blue Lavender Fluff' 1981, Powell 'Blue Lavender Fluff' (Loleta Powell, R. 1980). Seedling# 77 30. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to late bloom. Laced blue lavende...
■(TB) 'Blue Leather' 1964, Craig 'Blue Leather' (Tom Craig, R. 1963). TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class BlF, Smalt blue self. (('Headlands' x 'M...
(TB) 'Blue Legend' 1957, Kelway 'Blue Legend' (Kelway, R. 1956). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self. 'Deep Velvet' x 'Chivalry'. ...
r5 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Lew' 1969, Leslie 'Blue Lew' (L. S. Leslie, R. 1968). Seedling# 282. TB, 31" (79 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class VB1, Intense blue self shade...
r5 - 10 Apr 2018 - 19:16 by Harloiris
■(TB) Blue Liberty' 2003, Scott 'Blue Liberty' (Bonne Scott, R. 2002). Seedling# 98024020. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards lapis blue, darker m...
r5 - 10 Apr 2018 - 19:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Light' 1932, Balfour 'Blue Light' (A. Bonar Balfour, R. 1932) TB. Color Class B1L. See below: * * References References: Awaiting original c...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 19:20 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Linen' 1961, Schreiner 'Blue Linen' (Schreiners, R. 1961). Seedling# M 989A. TB, 40" (102 cm), Early midseason bloom. color code B1M. Wisteria blue ...
(TB) 'Blue Llano' 1946, Fanick 'Blue Llano' (Eddie Fanick, R. 1946) TB. Early bloom season. Color Class S1L. Orchid seedlings selfed. See below: * * References...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 19:31 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Luster' 1973, Brown 'Blue Luster' (Opal Brown, R. 1973). Seedling # 70 1E4. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards blue (between RHS 93C and D); ...
(TB) 'Blue Maid' 1943, Kinish 'Blue Maid' (David Kinish, R 1943) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Blue Triumph' x 'Shining Waters'. See below: * * Refer...
r4 - 09 Apr 2018 - 14:42 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Mantle' 1937, Spender 'Blue Mantle' (Maj. R.E.S. Spender, R. 1937) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. ('Wedgwood' x 'Lady Charles Allom') x 'S...
r4 - 15 Mar 2018 - 21:41 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Marvel' 1954, Dubes 'Blue Marvel' (George Dubes, R. 1953). Sdlg. 7 12 3. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Standards silvery edging; s...
r8 - 07 Nov 2022 - 23:16 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Maxx' 1981, Dunn 'Blue Maxx' (Robert Dunn, R. 1980). Seedling# B72 35B. TB, 36 38" (91 97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Ruffled French blue (HCC 43/2)...
■(TB) 'Blue Me Away' 2017, Painter 'Blue Me Away' (Lesley Painter, R. 2016). Seedling# L10 106A. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms blue v...
r10 - 18 Sep 2021 - 23:41 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Melody' 1941, Wayman 'Blue Melody' (Robert Wayman, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. See below: * * References References: Aw...
r3 - 15 Mar 2018 - 21:45 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Mesa' 1959, Benson 'Blue Mesa' (Z. Benson, R. 1957). Seedling# 1 25 1. TB, 48" (122 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Blue self; yellow beard...
■(TB) 'Blue Ming' 2006, Johnson 'Blue Ming' (Larry Johnson, R. 2006). Seedling# JO03 B. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early midiseason bloom. Standards pale blue white, deep...
r16 - 23 Mar 2023 - 16:14 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Mink' 1973, Hamblen 'Blue Mink' (Melba Hamblen, R. 1972). Seedling#. H63 117B. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Standards violet blue (RHS 90...
(TB) 'Blue Mirage' 1960, El Dorado 'Blue Mirage' (El Dorado, R. 1959). Seedling# E 59 59. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class W1B, Blue white with...
(TB) 'Blue Mirror' 1940, Miller 'Blue Mirror' (William Miller, R. 1940) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Gloriole' x blue seedling. See below: * * Refere...
r3 - 26 Mar 2018 - 19:04 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Mist' 1934, Gersdorff 'Blue Mist' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1934) TB. Early midseason. Color Class B1L. 'Pocahontas' x 'Franklin Beynon'. See below: * ...
r3 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Monarch' 1933, Sass 'Blue Monarch' (Jacob Sass, R. 1933) TB, Midseason/Late bloom. Color Class S1D. 'Wambliska' X 'Matilda'. Honorable Mention 1936. S...
r22 - 16 Sep 2022 - 19:10 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Monday' 1943, Webb 'Blue Monday' (Edward Webb and Sons, R. 1943) TB. Very late bloom. Color Class B1M. 'The Bishop' x 'Pale Moonlight'. See below: *...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 21:24 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Montana Sky' 1994, Nelson 'Blue Montana Sky' (Roger Nelson, R. 1994). Seedling# RN88 8CWA. TB, 31 32" (79 81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards wistaria ...
r8 - 13 Oct 2022 - 21:48 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Mood' 1950, Whiting 'Blue Mood' (Mrs. C. Whiting, R. 1948). Seedling# 4713. TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Vatican Purple' x 'Beotie' x 'H...
r5 - 10 Apr 2018 - 21:31 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Moon' 1935, Richer 'Blue Moon' (Mrs. J. Richer, R. 1935) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W2D. See below: * * References References: Await...
r3 - 14 Mar 2018 - 21:51 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Moonlight' 1989, Byers 'Blue Moonlight' (Monty Byers, R. 1988). Seedling# E16 102. TB, 34" (86 cm). Early to midseason bloom and rebloom. Lightly ruff...
(TB) 'Blue Moonstone' 1937, Sturtevant 'Blue Moonstone' (Grace Sturtevant, R. 1937) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class W1. 'Sierra Blue' x 'Beryl'. See below: ...
r3 - 12 Apr 2018 - 18:02 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Morn' 1945, Milton 'Blue Morn' (William Milton, R. 1945) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Purissima' x 'Sirius'. See below: * * References Re...
r3 - 12 Apr 2018 - 18:15 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Motife' 1957, Linse 'Blue Motife' OB (Jack Linse, R. 1957). Seedling# Nacap 21 P. TB onco, OX, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards verbena violet...
r8 - 12 Apr 2018 - 18:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Mountain Cloud' 2016, Mann 'Blue Mountain Cloud' (Linda Mann, R. 2015). Seedling# 08 1AbT 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style ar...
■(TB) 'Blue Mountains' 1964, Schreiner 'Blue Mountains' (Schreiner, R. 1964). Seedling# P 658 S. TB, 38" (97 cm). Late midseason bloom. Color class B1M. Medium vi...
■(TB) 'Blue Moustache' 1979 Protzmann 'Blue Moustache' (Clarence Protzmann, R. 1977). Seedling# 73 8. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled pure white self; b...
r8 - 01 Feb 2023 - 15:50 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue My Mind' 2014, Schreiner 'Blue My Mind' (Schreiner R. 2014). Seedling# SS 59 B. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late bloom. Standards purple (RHS 93C) center, light ...
(TB) 'Blue Mystique' 1965, Fail 'Blue Mystique' (Hilda Fail, R. 1965). Seedling# HR l. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early bloom. Color Class W1B, Standards white with infusio...
(TB) 'Blue Night' 1963, Rogers 'Blue Night' (Edna Ruth Rogers, R. 1963). Seedling# 41A59. TB, 36" (91 cm), EM. Color Class VlM, Medium violet self. 'Pierre Menard...
r4 - 12 Apr 2018 - 18:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Nile' 1939, Pilkington 'Blue Nile' (Geoffrey Pilkington, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Purissima' x 'Byzantium' See below: * * Ref...
r3 - 12 Apr 2018 - 18:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Note' 1964, Palmer 'Blue Note'(Dorothy Palmer, R. 1964). Seedling# 3361B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1B, Blue white self, blue bear...
■(TB) 'Blue Note Blues' 1997, Ernst 'Blue Note Blues' (Richard Ernst, R. 1996). Seedling# 9 194 BL. TB, 37" (94 cm). Midseason bloom. Ruffled medium blue (RHS 9...
r14 - 13 Jan 2021 - 17:43 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Ocean' 1939, Kirkland 'Blue Ocean' (James Kirkland, R. 1939). TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. See below: * * References References: ...
r2 - 12 Mar 2018 - 14:27 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Of The Weald' 1949, Milton 'Blue Of The Weald' (William Milton, R. 1949) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. (((('Mrs. Valerie West' x 'Dalmatica') x...
r4 - 12 Apr 2018 - 18:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Olympics' 1966, Brown 'Blue Olympics' (Rex Brown R. 1966) TB Seedling# 60 40 7. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class B3, Blue bitone; St...
■(TB) 'Blue On Blue' 2003, Roberts 'Blue On Blue' (Joan Roberts, R. 2003). Seedling# 1699 6. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium blue, midrib dee...
r7 - 15 Nov 2020 - 16:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Opal' 1981, Smith 'Blue Opal' (Eva Smith, R. 1960). Seedling# 59 60. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, Light sapphire blue self, light...
r7 - 31 Mar 2018 - 16:24 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Opal by Burtner' 1930, Burtner 'Blue Opal' (R. H. Burtner, R. 1930) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W3L. See below: * * References References...
r3 - 22 Apr 2018 - 14:11 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Ox' 1949, Craig 'Blue Ox' OB (Tom Craig, R. 1949). AB, TMB, tall, Midseason bloom. Light blue self. 'Acropolis' X C. G. White oncobred. Craig, 1949. A...
(TB) 'Blue Pacific' 1948, Barnewitz 'Blue Pacific' (Fred Barnewitz, R. 1948) TB. Early bloom season. Color Class B1L. 'Blue Rock' x 'Meldoric'. See below: * * ...
r3 - 26 Mar 2018 - 14:42 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Pansy' 1966, Kelway 'Blue Pansy' (Kelway, R. 1966). Seedling# 708. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class VB1F, Deep violet blue self. 'Black H...
r4 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Parade' 1932, Donahue 'Blue Parade' (Thomas Donahue, R. 1932) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class B7M. 'Swazi' x unknown. See below: * * Reference...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 19:10 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Parakeet' 1950, Waters 'Blue Parakeet' (Donald Waters, R. 1950). Seedling #1048; TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class BL1, Chicory blue ...
(TB) 'Blue Parasol' 1959, Bartholomew 'Blue Parasol' (Hazel Bartholomew, R. 1956). Seedling# 53 13A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, Azure blue...
r5 - 22 Apr 2018 - 14:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Pearl' 1941, Gersdorff 'Blue Pearl' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1937) TB. Early bloom. Color Class B1L. slight fragrance. 'Gratone' x 'Dusk'. Gersdorff, Cal...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) Blue Persuasion 2005, Aitken 'Blue Persuasion' (J. Terry Aitken, R. 2005). Seedling# 96T46. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards light brass flushed ...
r19 - 06 Aug 2022 - 18:57 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Peter' 1936, White 'Blue Peter' (Clarence G. White, R. 1935) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B2D. 'Acropolis' x 'Modoc'. White 1936, Milliken Iris Gar...
■(TB) 'Blue Petticoats' 1965, Schreiner 'Blue Petticoats' (Schreiner, R. 1964). Seedling# S 893 G. TB, 34" (86 cm). Early to midseason bloom. White ground plica...
■(TB) 'Blue Pharaoh' 1996, Schick 'Blue Pharaoh' (Oscar Schick, R. 1995). Seedling# 90 04 C21. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards medium blue (RHS 105D...
r9 - 30 Mar 2021 - 18:35 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Planet' 1982, Slade 'Blue Planet' (George Slade, R. 1982). Seedling# 78 49 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Violet blue (near RHS 92B); ye...
r8 - 16 Feb 2023 - 15:57 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Pleasure' 1986, Owen 'Blue Pleasure' (Margaret Owen, R. 1986). Seedling# MO/80/5. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early bloom and rebloom. Lightly ruffled mid blue; p...
r6 - 22 Apr 2018 - 14:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Polyphemus' 1945, Goodman 'Blue Polyphemus' (Richard Goodman, R. 1945) TB. Very late bloom season. Color Class R3D. 'Valor' x 'Polyphemus'. See below: ...
r3 - 22 Apr 2018 - 14:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Powder' 1956, Reinhardt 'Blue Powder' (Mattie Reinhardt, R. 1955). Seedling# 55 48. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom Color Class B1L, Light blue self (...
(TB) 'Blue Prelude' 1938, Gersdorff 'Blue Prelude' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1938) TB. Early bloom. Color Class B1M. 'White Crepe' x 'Margery'. See below: * * Ref...
r3 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:31 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Princess by Gersdorff' 1943, Gersdorff 'Blue Princess' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1943) TB. Midseason to Late bloom. Color Class 1B1L. ('Shining Waters' X ...
(TB) 'Blue Print' 1953, Ellyson 'Blue Print' (Craig Ellyson, R. 1953). Seedling# 52 50. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Blue self, medium; whi...
r4 - 22 Apr 2018 - 14:19 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Promise' 1974, Muhlestein 'Blue Promise' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1974). Seedling# 153A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Azure blue self; l...
■(TB) 'Blue Quadrille' 1974, Whiting 'Blue Quadrille' (Charles G. Whiting, R. 1974). Seedling# 691. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom Light blue self; matchin...
(TB) 'Blue Queen' 1919, Krelage 'Blue Queen' (E. H. Krelage, R. 1920) Originally 'Queen Of The Blues'. Name change because of other iris with that name. "Tall ...
(TB) 'Blue Quill' 1997, Sutton 'Blue Quill' (George Sutton, R. 1997). Seedling# G 6. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms medium sky blue bl...
■(TB) 'Blue Radiance' 1982, Johnson 'Blue Radiance' (Royal Johnson, R. 1982). Seedling# K 181. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled medium blue self; yellow ...
r10 - 20 Feb 2023 - 18:54 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Rain' 1991, Nilsen 'Blue Rain' (Kevin Nilsen, R. 1991). Seedling# 8 84 2. TB, 30" (76 cm), Early midseason bloom. Ruffled and waved white ground plicat...
■(TB) 'Blue Rapture' 2013, Kerr 'Blue Rapture' (Frederick Kerr, R. 2013). Seedling# 03 088 1. TB, 40 (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Medium blue self; beards yellow,...
■(TB) 'Blue Raven' 1960, Tompkins 'Blue Raven' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1960). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to very late bloom. Color Class B1D, Navy blue self. (Sass s...
(TB) 'Blue Recall' 1991, Smith 'Blue Recall' (Raymond G. Smith, R. 1991). Seedling# 8823BR. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Medium blue (Nickerson 1...
r6 - 05 Apr 2018 - 17:07 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Reflection' 1974, Schreiner 'Blue Reflection' (Schreiner, R. 1972). Seedling# E 170 A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to late bloom. Almost silver blue self; ...
(TB) 'Blue Refrain' 1946, Douglas 'Blue Refrain' (Geddes Douglas, R. 1946) TB. Sdlg. #303 2. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Chicory Blue' x 'Great Lakes'. Hig...
r5 - 27 Jan 2020 - 18:46 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Regal' 1961, Rudolph 'Blue Regal' (Nate Rudolph, R. 1961). Seedling# 55 33. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B3, Moorish blue bitone, fron...
r7 - 23 Mar 2018 - 14:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Rejoice' 1962, Dubes Young 'Blue Rejoice' (George Dubes Robert Young R. 1961) Seedling# 55 51 2. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason to late bloom. Light blue...
■(TB) 'Blue Review' 1994, Smith 'Blue Review' (Raymond G.Smith, R. 1991). Seedling# 8805AR. TB, 29" (71 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Brilliant violet (Nic...
(TB) 'Blue Rhapsody' 1962, Kelway 'Blue Rhapsody' (Kelway, R. 1962). Seedling# 597. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Color Class BlD, Royal blue self. 'Danube Wave' X...
r5 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:26 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Rhythm' 1945, Whiting 'Blue Rhythm' (Mrs. C. Whiting, R. 1945). Seedling# 4332. TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. (Medium blue self). Lemon fragra...
(TB) 'Blue Ribbon' 1930, Grinter 'Blue Ribbon' (J. H. Grinter, 1930). TB, Color Class B1. 'Crusader' x Unknown. See below: * * References References: F...
■(TB) 'Blue Ridge Beauty' 2000, Spoon 'Blue Ridge Beauty' (Donald Spoon, R. 1999). Seedling# 93 73A. TB, height 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards smoky lave...
■(TB) 'Blue Ridge Echoes' 1974, Brown 'Blue Ridge Echoes' (Mrs. F. Allen (Frances) Brown, R. 1974). Seedling# 68 151. TB, 35" (89 cm), Early to late bloom. Standa...
r13 - 10 Oct 2023 - 19:38 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Ridge Mountain' 1964, Rogers 'Blue Ridge Mountain' (Helen Rogers, R. 1964). Seedling# 64 8 8. TB, 29" (74 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1V, Violet...
r5 - 23 Apr 2018 - 00:56 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Rim' 1948, Larsen 'Blue Rim' (Carl Larsen, R. 1948) TB. Late bloom. Color Class W2M. ('Purissima' x 'Alameda') x 'Aldura'. High Commendation 1947...
■(TB) 'Blue Rising' 2006/2007, Blyth 'Blue Rising' (Barry Blyth, R. 2006). Seedling# N24 4. TB, 42" (107 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards icy blue lavender;...
(TB) 'Blue Rival' 1974, Christensen 'Blue Rival' (Edward Christensen by J. Stump, R. 1974). Seedling# 5A3 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Medium blue self; l...
r5 - 07 Apr 2018 - 14:48 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue River' 1942, Milliken 'Blue River' (Carl S. Milliken, R. 1942) TB. Very early bloom. Color class B1M. fragrant. 'Purissima' x 'Wistaria'. Milliken 1941...
(TB) 'Blue Robe' 1958, Kelway 'Blue Robe' (Kelway, R. 1958). TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Medium blue self. 'Chivalry' x 'Keene Valley'. Kel...
r5 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:26 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Rock' 1945, Barnewitz 'Blue Rock' (Fred Barnewitz, R. 1945) TB. Early bloom. Color Class R1M. 'Sierra Blue' x 'Shining Waters'. See below: * * Refer...
r3 - 26 Mar 2018 - 14:43 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Royal' 1937, Burtner 'Blue Royal' (R. H. Burtner, R. 1927) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. ('Caterina' x 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau') X unknown. See...
r4 - 22 Apr 2018 - 14:11 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Ruffles' 1954, Barton 'Blue Ruffles' (Maxwell, introducer, for originator, Dr. A. J. Barton, R. 1953). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class R...
(TB) 'Blue Sails' 1960, Brown 'Blue Sails' (Opal Brown, R. 1959). Seedling# 7 7B4. TB, 30" (76 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class BL1, French blue self; pale...
■(TB) 'Blue Sapphire' 1953, Schreiner 'Blue Sapphire' (Bernard Schreiner, R. 1953). TB, 40" (102 cm), Early bloom. Color Class B1L, Blue self, light silvery. 'Sno...
(TB) 'Blue Sateen' 2006, Shepard 'Blue Sateen' (Don Shepard, R. 2003). Seedling# 20043 9821. TB, 39" (99 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards light blue, darker blue v...
(TB) 'Blue Satin' 1935, Grinter 'Blue Satin' (J. H. Grinter, R. 1935) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Sensation' x unknown. See below: * * References ...
r3 - 04 Apr 2018 - 17:06 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Savannah' 1939, Kirkland 'Blue Savannah' (James Kirkland, R. 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. Synonym: Blue Jacket. See below: * * Refere...
r4 - 12 Mar 2018 - 14:28 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Scandel' 1954, Bickle 'Blue Scandal' (Harry Bickle, R. 1954). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Blue self. 'Pierre Menard' x 'Vanda'. S...
r6 - 23 Apr 2018 - 01:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Seduction' 2012, Black 'Blue Seduction' (Paul Black, R. 2011). Seedling# Q33B. TB, 34" (86 cm), Very early to midseason bloom. Standards light violet ...
r11 - 16 Mar 2018 - 19:37 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Sentinel' 1937, Pesel 'Blue Sentinel' (Louisa Pesel, R. 1937) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Blue Monarch' X 'Dr Chobaut'. See below: * * Re...
■(TB) 'Blue Serene' 1953, Wills 'Blue Serene' (Jesse Wills, R. 1950). Seedling# 194 48. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BL1 wb, Light blue self, wh...
(TB) 'Blue Shadows' 1946, Schroeder 'Blue Shadows' (Ralph Schroeder, R. 1945) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class S1M. 'Anne Marie Cayeux' x 'Sandia'. A Village...
(TB) 'Blue Shawl' 1961, Quadros 'Blue Shawl' (Carl Quadros, R. 1961). Seedling# 59 90. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W4B, Standards white; falls l...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 22:36 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Shimmer' 1941, Sass 'Blue Shimmer' (Jacob Sass, 1941). Seedling# 40 180. TB. Late bloom. Color Code W2L. Seedling# 65 35 X ( 'Blue Monarch' x … ). ...
(TB) 'Blue Shrine' 1947, Nichols 'Blue Shrine' (Bess Nichols, R. 1947) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B1L. See below: * * References References: Awaiting ...
r3 - 23 Apr 2018 - 01:02 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Silhouette' 1956, Craig 'Blue Silhouette' (Tom Craig, R. 1956). TB, 45" (114 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Blue self. 'Headlands' X 'Mary McC...
(TB) 'Blue Silver' 1963, Pickard 'Blue Silver' (Cora May Pickard, R. 1962). Seedling# C 164. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Pale blue self. 'Swan Ballet' X (((...
■(TB) 'Blue Skippers' 2011, Spoon 'Blue Skippers' (Donald Spoon, R. 2011). Seedling# 98 145CBL. TB, 37 (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standaards, style arms and...
r7 - 31 Mar 2018 - 18:03 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Skirt' 1957, Reinhardt 'Blue Skirt' (Mattie Reinhardt, R. 1957). Seedling# 55 10. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W4, Standards pure whit...
r6 - 09 Apr 2018 - 17:20 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Skirt Waltz' 1999, Schreiner 'Blue Skirt Waltz' (Schreiner, R. 1999). Seedling# CC 94 1. TB, 39" (99 cm), Midseason late bloom. Ruffled light blue (...
r20 - 22 Jan 2023 - 15:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Skyscraper' 1938, National 'Blue Skyscraper' (National Iris Gardens, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Conquistador' x 'King Midas'. See ...
(TB) 'Blue Smoke' 1963, Kelway 'Blue Smoke' (Kelway, R. 1963). Seedling# 621. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class BlV, Violet blue self. 'Danube Wave' X...
r5 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:27 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Snow' 1945, Muhlestein 'Blue Snow' (Tell Muhlstein, R. 1945) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class W1. 'Blue Spire' x Gloriole'. See below: * * Ref...
r3 - 26 Mar 2018 - 15:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Snowflake' 1953, DeForest 'Blue Snowflake' (Fred DeForest, R. 1953). TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W4, White ground bicolor, Standards...
(TB) 'Blue Sovereign' 1957, Kelway 'Blue Sovereign' (Kelway, R. 1957). TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, Pale blue self. 'Blue Rhythm' x unk...
r5 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:28 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Sparkler' 1993, Steinhauer 'Blue Sparkler' (W. Steinhauer, R. 1989). Seedling# 85 1. TB, 38 40" (97 102 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards whit...
(TB) 'Blue Spice' 1958, Crandall 'Blue Spice' (Fred Crandall, R. 1957). Seedling# 56 38. TB, 48" (122 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D, Dark blue self. 'Clou...
(TB) 'Blue Spikes' 2005, Shepard 'Blue Spikes' (Don Shepard, R. 2003). Seedling# 20032 9879. TB, 42" (107 cm). Early to late bloom. Blue lavender self, all petals...
(TB) 'Blue Spinel' 1961, Gibson 'Blue Spinel' (James Gibson, R. 1956). Seedling# 22 2A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Deep spinel blue self. 'Sierra Skies' x ...
r12 - 20 Mar 2018 - 23:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Spire' 1938, Milliken 'Blue Spire' (Carl S. Milliken, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. fragrant. 'Purissima' x 'Wistaria'. Nursery listin...
■(TB) 'Blue Splendor' 1976, Carr 'Blue Splendor' (Franklin Carr, R. 1972). Seedling# 68 33F. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late midseason bloom. Light to full blue self; ru...
(TB) 'Blue Spoon' 1969, Hazeltine 'Blue Spoon' (Harvey Hazeltine, R. 1969). Seedling# E3 1A 68. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class VB1L, Bluebird blue ...
r4 - 23 Apr 2018 - 14:37 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Staccato' 1977, Gibson 'Blue Staccato' (James Gibson, R. 1976). Seedling# 9 2C. TB, 40" (102 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards moorish blue lines ...
r56 - 07 Feb 2024 - 23:06 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Staghorn' 1963, Muhlestein 'Blue Staghorn' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1963). Seedling# 59 34. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Color Class BlV, Lav...
r5 - 26 Mar 2018 - 15:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Stallion' 1961, Pickard 'Blue Stallion' (Cora May Pickard, R. 1960). Seedling# 54 32A. TB, , Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D, Dark blue self. 'Keene V...
(TB) 'Blue Standard' 1939, Hinchcliff 'Blue Standard' (Miss H. M. Hinchcliff, R. 1939) TB. Extra early bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Sapphire' x 'Sapphire' (Dykes). Se...
r3 - 23 Apr 2018 - 14:38 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Stardust' 1955, Muhlestein 'Stardust' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1954). Seedling# 48 75A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class B1M, Cornflower ...
(TB) 'Blue Steel' 1953, Fraim 'Blue Steel' (Leola Fraim, R. 1950). TB, 38" (97 cm), Late bloom. Color Class BM1, Medium blue self. 'Missouri' X 'Lake Shannon'. Pr...
(TB) 'Blue Stocking' ?, Pesel 'Blue Stocking' (Louisa Pesel, ?) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. Dr Chobaut' x 'Jadu'. See below: * * References Referen...
■(TB) 'Blue Streak' 1952, Newman 'Blue Streak' (Newman, Mrs. John W. (Harracena), for John W. Newman, deceased, R. 1952). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Colo...
r7 - 09 Apr 2021 - 17:25 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Streaker' 1997, Spoon 'Blue Streaker' (Donald Spoon, R. 1997). Seedling# 91 40A. TB, height 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Translucent lavender ...
r7 - 31 Mar 2018 - 18:04 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Suede Shoes' 1996, Schreiner 'Blue Suede Shoes' (Schreiner, R. 1996). Seedling# AA 105 1. TB, 39" (99 cm), Late midseason bloom. Ruffled medium blue...
(TB) 'Blue Sunlight' 1947, Cahoon 'Blue Sunlight' (William Cahoon, R. 1947) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. ( 'Narain' x 'Purissima') x seedling. See below:...
r3 - 04 Apr 2018 - 13:55 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Sunset' 1948, Essig 'Blue Sunset' (Edward Essig, R. 1948) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S1L. 'Mount Washington' x 'Redglow'. See below: * * Refer...
r3 - 09 Apr 2018 - 17:15 by Harloiris
(TB) Blue Sunup' 1966, Peterson 'Blue Sunup' (Les Peterson, R. 1966). Seedling# LP 63 1000. TB, 34" (86 cm). Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y4B. Standards pale...
r5 - 23 Apr 2018 - 14:41 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Superior' 1962, Brown 'Blue Superior' (J. Nelson Brown, R. 1962). Seedling# D 16 A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class B1D. ('Pierre...
r6 - 08 Apr 2018 - 01:27 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Surprise' 1957, Austin 'Blue Surprise' (Lloyd Austin, R. 1956). Seedling# 22A. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early midseason to late midseason bloom. Color Class B...
r17 - 18 Sep 2021 - 23:43 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Symphony' 1945, Whiting Ray 'Blue Symphony' (Mrs. C. Whiting Mable Ray, R. 1945). Seedling# 4037. TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Blue Monarch...
r6 - 08 Nov 2021 - 14:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Taffeta' 1943, Woodnutt 'Blue Taffeta' (Josephine Woodnutt, R. 1943) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. ( 'Sensation' x white seedling) x 'Wedgwood'...
r3 - 29 Mar 2018 - 19:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Tango' 1955, Stribich 'Blue Tango' (Belden Streibich, R. 1955). Seedling# 54 5. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1L, Light blue sel...
r4 - 23 Apr 2018 - 14:46 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Tango Surfing' 2024, Piątek 'Blue Tango Surfing' (Robert Piątek, R. 2024). Seedling 19 2795 A RP, TB, 33.1" (84 cm), Late bloom. Standards snow white,...
■(TB) 'Blue Tatoo' 1963, Tompkins 'Blue Tatoo' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1963). Seedling# 59 23B. TB, 38" (97 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class W2V, White with dot...
■(TB) 'Blue Tempest 1979, Burch 'Blue Tempest' (James Burch, R. 1977). Seedling# 71 5A. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards light blue (RHS 97B); ...
■(TB) 'Blue Temptation' 2005, Schreiner 'Blue Temptation' (Schreiner, R. 2005). Seedling# GG 94 A. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Medium blue (RHS 94A) self; ...
■(TB) 'Blue Theme' 1976, Palmer 'Blue Theme' (Dorothy Palmer, R. 1976). Seedling# 773B. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards very pale blue; falls white; b...
■(TB) 'Blue Throat' 1956, Loomis 'Blue Throat' (Dr. P. A. Loomis by Melba Hamblen, R. 1976). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Light blue self; white bear...
(TB) 'Blue Tiara' 2009, Elliott 'Blue Tiara' (Dan and Nancy Elliott, R. 2009). Seedling# 6 07. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late bloom. Standards pale blue violet (RHS 92C), ...
(TB) 'Blue Tiger' 1929, Toedt 'Blue Tiger' (Sarah Toedt, R. 1929) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B2M. See below: * * References References: Awaiting ...
r3 - 23 Apr 2018 - 21:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Tinsel' 1954, Dubes 'Blue Tinsel' (George Dubes, R. 1951). TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Light blue self. Dubes seedling. ('Missour...
r8 - 07 Nov 2022 - 23:13 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Tints' 1985, Sellman 'Blue Tints' (Edgar Sellman, R. 1984). Seedling# G 75. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards cobalt blue (HCC 44/2); f...
(TB) 'Blue Top' ?, Pesel 'Blue Top' (Louisa Pesel, ?) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. Black purple seedling# x 'Wambliska'. See below: * * References ...
r3 - 25 Mar 2018 - 21:19 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Torch' 1932, Sheets 'Blue Torch' (Earl Sheets, R. 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B9M. ('Cardinal' x 'Glowing Embers') x 'Cardinal'. See below: ...
r3 - 24 Apr 2018 - 03:06 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Tower' 1956, Wallace 'Blue Tower' (M. D. Wallace, R. 1956). Seedling# 54 2. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early bloom. Color Class W1, Blue white self, blue blac...
r6 - 03 Apr 2018 - 01:08 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Train' 1986, Sellman 'Blue Train' (Edgar Sellman, R. 1985). Seedling# G 52. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled wisteria blue (HCC 640/2); lem...
(TB) 'Blue Trident' 1944, Berry 'Blue Trident' (Samuel Berry R. 1944) TB. Very late bloom. Color Class B3M. ('Souv. De Mme Gaudichau x (sibling x 'Orizaba')) X ('...
r5 - 09 Apr 2018 - 22:23 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Trill' 2010, Black 'Blue Trill' (Paul Black, R. 2010). Seedling# N193B. TB, 39" (99 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards and style arms medium sky blue...
■(TB) 'Blue Triumph' 1934, Grinter 'Blue Triumph' (J. H. Grinter, R. 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Sensation' x 'Blue Ribbon'. Nursery listings: ...
■ (TB) 'Blue Tulip' 1964, Knocke 'Blue Tulip' ( Frederick Knocke, R. 1962). Seedling K 5. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1G, Fancy, blue self with...
r18 - 12 Aug 2021 - 00:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Twilight' 1941, Casselman 'Blue Twilight' (Arthur Casselman, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. See below: * * References Referen...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 13:59 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Uniform' 1946, Palmer 'Blue Uniform' (J. W. Palmer, R. 1946) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'William A. Setchell x 'Blue Monarch'. See below: ...
r3 - 06 Apr 2018 - 13:49 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Valley' 1947, Smith 'Blue Valley' (Kenneth D. Smith, R. 1945). TB, Midseason to late bloom. Color class B1L. 'LakeGeorge' x 'Great Lakes'. Award of Me...
(TB) 'Blue Veil' 1951, Glenn 'Blue Veil' (Louis Glenn, R. 1951). TB, 40" (102 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Pale blue self. 'Snow Flurry' X 'Chivalr...
r4 - 26 Apr 2018 - 23:12 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Vein' 2022, Braybrook 'Blue Vein' (Christina Braybrook, R. 2022) Seedling 19/18, TB, 39" (100 cm), Early bloom. Standards mid blue (RHS 100C), deeper...
(TB) 'Blue Velvet' 1929, Loomis 'Blue Velvet' (Dr. P. A. Loomis, R. 1929) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B1D. Loomis, Quality Gardens 1929; Wassenberg 1938. See...
r11 - 23 Aug 2021 - 13:29 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Victory' 1942, Schirmer 'Blue Victory' (H. W. Schirmer, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Missouri' x 'Pale Moonlight'. See below: * *...
r5 - 08 Apr 2018 - 01:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue View' 2005, Grosvenor 'Blue View' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 2005). Seedling# A91 2. TB, 38" (97 cm), Very early to early bloom. Medium to dark blue self...
(TB) 'Blue Violet' 1949, Craig 'Blue Violet' (Tom Craig, R. 1949) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B1M. 'San Diego' x 'Sierra Blue'. See below: * * References Ref...
■(TB) 'Blue Vista' 1962, Chamberlain 'Blue Vista' (R. K. Chamberlain, R. 1959). Seedling# 55 33A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1P, Pale blue sel...
r11 - 10 Jun 2023 - 19:33 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Void' 1966, Voris 'Blue Void' (Charles Voris, R. 1966). Seedling# AZiC 65 2. TB, 34 36", Midseason bloom. Color Class VB1D, Deep blue self. 'Ice Cavern...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 23:06 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Waltz' 1952, Marx 'Blue Waltz' (Walter Marx, R. 1952). TB, 40" (102 cm), Early bloom. Color Class B1L, Self, light sky blue. ('Purissima' x 'Gudrun' se...
r5 - 09 Apr 2018 - 17:10 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Waterfall' 1936, Henderson 'Blue Waterfall'  (W. H. Henderson, R. 1936) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. See below: * * References Refer...
r3 - 26 Apr 2018 - 23:14 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Waves' 1931, Sass 'Blue Waves' (Hans Peter Sass, R. 1931) TB. Color Class B1M. Nursery listings: Sass 1937; Whiting(Maple Valley) 1937; Wayman 1943. * ...
(TB) 'Blue Whisper' 1955, Cassebeer 'Blue Whisper' (Fred Cassebeer, R. 1954). Seedling# 590. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Color Class B1P, Pale blue self. 'D...
r4 - 28 Mar 2018 - 19:04 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue White Club' 2016, Nachtweide 'Blue White Club' (Dirk Nachtweide, R. 2016). Seedling# Z 15 2013. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards whit...
r4 - 30 Oct 2018 - 16:57 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Willow' 1954, Hoffman 'Blue Willow' (L. L. Hoffman, R. 1954). Seedling# 531 121. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class VB1M, Bluebird blue self...
r4 - 26 Apr 2018 - 23:16 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Wizard' 1960, Soper 'Blue Wizard' (Eva Soper, R. 1959). Seedling# 8 59. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1P, Pale blue self; bright blue ...
r4 - 26 Apr 2018 - 23:17 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blue Yonder' 1949, Jonas 'Blue Yonder' (Clarence Jonas, R. 1949) Tb. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Snow Flurry' x seashell pink seedling. See below: ...
r3 - 26 Apr 2018 - 23:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Zenith' 1942, Whiting 'Blue Zenith' (Mrs. C. Whiting, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. Honey fragrance. 'Blue Hill' x 'Sierra Blue'...
■(TB) 'Blue Zipper' 1981, Niswonger 'Blue Zipper' (O. David Niswonger, R. 1981). Seedling# 24 76. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Pale blue; blue beard. 'Dreami...
r11 - 24 Jan 2023 - 18:28 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blue Zua' 1928, Parker 'Blue Zua' Synonym for IB 'Elizabeth Huntington'. See below: * * References References: Awaiting original catal...
(TB) 'Blue Zulu' 1997, Dodsworth 'Blue Zulu' (B.L.C. Dodsworth, R. 1997). Seedling# EB 90ZA. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled pale blue self; beards whi...
r5 - 26 Mar 2018 - 14:10 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blueadian' 1966, Walton 'Blueadian' (William J. Walton, R. 1965). TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to late bloom. Color Class B1P, Pale blue self (Wilson 46/3); fades...
(TB) 'Bluebeard' 1955, Hall 'Bluebeard' (David Hall, R. 1951). TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Color Class B1, Dark blue self. Name released by original registr...
r10 - 20 Feb 2021 - 00:44 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Bluebeard's Castle' 1967, Plough 'Bluebeard's Castle' (Gordon Plough, R. 1966). Seedling# 62 18 43. TB, 44" (112 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class R...
r14 - 30 Nov 2023 - 19:55 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Bluebell Lane' 1966, DeForest 'Bluebell Lane' (Caroline DeForest, R. 1964). Seedling# 64 40 5. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class VS, Medium...
■(TB) 'Blueberries And Cream' 1991, Pinegar 'Blueberries And Cream' (Darlene Pinegar, R. 1990). Seedling# AM 1 2. TB, 29" (74 cm), Early to late bloom. Standard...
■(TB) 'Blueberries Milk and Honey' 2019, Murphy 'Blueberries Milk and Honey' (Don Murphy, R. 2019). Seedling DM 07 07 07. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason to late bloo...
(TB) 'Blueberry Belle' 1985, Salisbury Smith 'Blueberry Belle' (Cole Salisbury Smith, R. 1985). Seedling# 16/82. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards deep ...
r5 - 26 Apr 2018 - 23:22 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blueberry Bliss' 2004, Schreiner 'Blueberry Bliss' (Schreiner, R. 2004). Seedling# JJ 590 1. TB, 40" (107 cm), Early midseason bloom. Medium blue self (RHS...
■(TB) 'Blueberry Boat' 2015, Filardi 'Blueberry Boat' (Bruce Filardi, R. 2015). Seedling# BF 767A. TB, 35" (89 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms...
r6 - 30 Mar 2021 - 18:35 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blueberry Confetti' 2005, Gilbreath 'Blueberry Confetti' (John Gilbreath, R. 2004). Seedling# JGP 1. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white groun...
(TB) 'Blueberry Frost' 2000, Roberts 'Blueberry Frost' (Ed Roberts, R. 2000). Seedling# B 1 97 B. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blue white; style ar...
r4 - 01 May 2018 - 19:55 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blueberry Fudge' 2010, Richardson 'Blueberry Fudge' (Gerald Richardson, R. 2009). Seedling# 03 2 2. TB, 46" (117 cm). Late bloom . Standards rich red viole...
■(TB) 'Blueberry Grape Tart' 2008 Grumbine 'Blueberry Grape Tart' (Mark Grumbine, R. 2008). Seedling# MG00 135 30. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards d...
(TB) 'Blueberry Hill' 1941, Tharp 'Blueberry Hill' (Mary Tharp, R. 1941) TB. Midseason/late bloom. Color Class S1L. 'Purissima' x 'Dolly Madison'. See below: *...
■(TB) 'Blueberry Ice' 1997, Craig 'Blueberry Ice' (Jim and Vicki Craig, R. 1997). Seedling# 41W25. TB, 42" (107 cm), Early thru late bloom. Standards white, was...
r20 - 01 May 2018 - 19:53 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blueberry Meringue' 1977, Goodrick 'Blueberry Merignue' (Ruth Goodrick, R. 1977). Seedling# 214 1. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards lig...
■(TB) 'Blueberry Nights' 2017, Karpenko 'Blueberry Nights' (Viktor Karpenko, R. 2017) Seedling 13 069 1. TB, 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and styl...
r5 - 17 Nov 2018 - 15:42 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blueberry Parfait' 2009, Schreiner 'Blueberry Parfait' (Schreiner, R. 2009). Seedling# RR 213 4. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and...
(TB) 'Blueberry Patch' 2012, Grumbine 'Blueberry Patch' (Mark Grumbine, R. 2012). Seedling# MG0019. TB, 31 (79 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms blue...
■(TB) 'Blueberry Shortcake' 2023, Collins 'Blueberry Shortcake' (Brad Collins, R. 2023) Seedling 13 102A, TB, 39" (99 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards dark v...
(TB) 'Blueberry Skies 2005, Shepard 'Blueberry Skies' (Don Shepard, R. 2004). Seedling# 99014 9602. TB, 38" (97 cm). Midseason bloom. Vibrant bright blue self, fa...
■(TB) 'Blueberry Smoothie' 2022, Toth 'Blueberry Smoothie' (David Toth, R. 2022) Seedling 19 19, TB, 34" (86 cm), Early bloom. Standards light lavender blue; styl...
■(TB) 'Blueberry Trim' 1974, Gibson 'Blueberry Trim' (James Gibson, R. 1973). Seedling# 44 9C. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards cream ground, rimmed ...
■(TB) 'Bluebird Blue' 1953, Fay 'Bluebird Blue' (Orville Fay, R. 1952). Sdlg. 49 28. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color class B1M. Self, medium violet blue (...
■(TB) 'Bluebird Of Happiness' 2012, Black 'Bluebird Of Happiness' (Paul Black, R. 2011). Seedling# P218B. TB, 45" (114 cm). Midseason to very late bloom. Standard...
(TB) 'Bluebird Repeater' 1969, Hazeltine 'Bluebird Repeater' (Harvey Hazeltine, R. 1969). Seedling# J2 ll 68. TB re, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Col...
r4 - 23 Apr 2018 - 14:38 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bluebird Revenge' 2015, Grumbine 'Bluebird Revenge' (Mark Grumbine, R. 2015). Seedling# MG708 3. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blue violet, ¹⁄...
r2 - 01 May 2018 - 20:03 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Bluebird Wine' 1982/83, Blyth 'Bluebird Wine' (Barry Blyth, R. 1981). Seedling# M76 1. TB, 32" (81 cm). Very early to midseason bloom. Standards pale blu...
■(TB) 'Bluebirds Fly' 2010, Spoon 'Bluebirds Fly' (Donald Spoon, R. 2010). Seedling# 97 109A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards, style arms and f...
r9 - 04 Jan 2020 - 01:15 by Elladan
(TB) 'Bluebird's Melody' 1994, Pederick 'Bluebird's Melody' (Beryl Pederick, R. 1994). Seedling# 10. TB, 35" (89 cm), Very early bloom. Standards bluebird blue (H...
r5 - 01 May 2018 - 20:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blueblood' 1952, Schirmer 'Blueblood' (Carl Schirmer, R. 1950). TB, 38" (97 cm). Early midseason bloom. Color Class BM1, Blue self. 'Deep Velvet' x 'Great L...
r6 - 08 Apr 2018 - 01:18 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blueblood Yellow' 1992, Rudolph 'Blueblood Yellow' (Nate Rudolph by Loleta Powell, R. 1991). TB, 32" (81 cm), Late midseason bloom. Heavily ruffled and lac...
■(TB) 'Bluebonnet' 1931, Egelberg 'Bluebonnet' (Leo Egelberg, R. 1930) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B3M. 'Rhein Nixe' x Unknown. Kellogg 1931. See below: *...
(TB) 'Bluecho' 1932, Donahue 'Bluecho' (Thomas Donahue, R. 1932) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Sensation' x unknown. See below: * * References R...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 19:10 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blued Indigo' 2011, Richardson 'Blued Indigo' (Gerald Richardson, R. 2010). Seedling# 02 29 7. TB, height 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards, style...
r6 - 31 Mar 2018 - 23:21 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bluegray Gnatcatcher' 1946, Parker 'Bluegray Gnatcatcher' (J. B. Parker, R. 1946) TB. Early bloom season. Color Class B1L. 'Garden Joy' x 'Gudrun'. See belo...
r3 - 23 Mar 2018 - 13:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bluelight Special' 2009, Elliott 'Bluelight Special' (Dan and Nancy Elliott, R. 2009). Seedling# 48 309 12. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards ...
r7 - 23 Apr 2018 - 21:17 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Bluelight Yokohama' 1996, Terada 'Bluelight Yokohama' (Akihiko Terada, R. 1995). Seedling# 116 89 14. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled medium bl...
(TB) 'Bluemoon Samba' 2004, Terada 'Bluemoon Samba' (Akihiko Terada, R. 2004). Seedling# S202 89 20. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Pale bluish purple self, li...
(TB) 'Bluenose' 1932, Donahue 'Bluenose' (Thomas Donahue, R. 1932) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class B1M. 'Dalmatica' x unknown. See below: * * References...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 19:11 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bluepoint' 1932, Donahue 'Bluepoint' (Thomas Donahue, R. 1932) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Sensation' x unknown. See below: * * References Re...
r3 - 10 Apr 2018 - 19:11 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Bluer Than Blue' 2023, Aitken 'Bluer Than Blue' (J. T. Aitken, R. 2022) Seedling 19T5, TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Rich deep blue self; beards blue;...
■(TB) 'Blues Brothers' 1989/90, Blyth 'Blues Brothers' (Lesley Blyth, R. 1989). Seedling# TL64 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards light blue;...
r14 - 09 Mar 2018 - 18:49 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blues Chaser' 1991, Meek 'Blues Chaser' (Duane Meek, R. 1991). Seedling# 505 2 2. TB, 37" (94 cm). Early midseason bloom. Ruffled ice blue; beards blue. 'So...
■(TB) 'Blues On Parade' 1987, McWhirter 'Blues On parade' (James McWhirter, R. 1985). Seedling# J79 178 1. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light blue;...
(TB) 'Blue's Shipmate' 2007, Grumbine' 'Blue's Shipmate' (Mark Grumbine, R. 2006). Seedling# MG00 100 7. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Blackish toned dark pur...
■(TB) 'Blues Singer' 1984, Gaulter 'Blues Singer' (Larry Gaulter, R. 1984). Seedling# 78 105. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Fluted deep royal blue; ...
■(TB) 'Bluet' 1918, Sturtevant 'Bluet' (Grace Sturtevant, 1918) Registered as an IB, TB, Midseason bloom, Color Code B1L. Strong fragrance. 'Dalmatica' x I.cengi...
■(TB) 'Bluetiful' 2013, Hedgecock 'Bluetiful' (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2013). Seedling# T 82 A. TB, 37 (94 cm). Early to late bloom. Standards pale blue, darker blue...
r5 - 02 Apr 2018 - 21:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bluevail Of Night' 1999, Stoneking Jones 'Bluevail Of Night' (Glenn G. Stoneking Jones, R. 1998). Seedling# CIR6 50240 07 25 1998. TB, 28" (71 cm). Early mi...
r3 - 01 May 2018 - 20:07 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blueveil Of Night' 1999, Stoneking Jones 'Bluevail Of Night' (Glenn Stoneking Jones, R. 1998). Seedling# CIR6 50240 07 25 1998. TB, 28" (71 cm), Early midse...
r6 - 01 May 2018 - 23:31 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bluewill' 1974, Watkins 'Bluewill' (R. C. Watkins, R. 1974). TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Blue (RHS 97A) self. (('Purissima' x 'Midwest Gem') 'Gracelle...
r6 - 01 May 2018 - 23:32 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Bluey Snow Cap' 1958, Blyth 'Bluey Snow Cap' (Charles Blyth, R. 1958). TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class W4, Standards snow white, falls wh...
r7 - 01 May 2018 - 23:33 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blueyed Brunette' 1962, Hall 'Blueyed Brunette' (Charles C. Hall, R. 1962). Seedling# 1428 8. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class YO5D, Cigar bro...
■(TB) 'Bluid' 1990, Burseen 'Bluid' (Tom Burseen, R. 1990). Seedling# 5 322A. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled and flared medium violet blue (RHS 91A);...
r14 - 09 Jan 2023 - 19:59 by Ladylovingdove
(TB) 'Bluing' 1951, Craig 'Bluing' OB ( Tom Craig, R. 1951). AB, TMB, 20" (51 cm). Light blue self. 'Purissima' X 'Capitola'. Craig, 1951. Also listed in AB Web:...
(TB) 'Blumiroc' 2013, Blazek 'Blumiroc' (Milan Blazek, R. 2013). Seedling# BMRtm. TB, 29.5 (75 cm), Midseason bloom. Dark blue plicata self; beards blue. Selected...
r4 - 07 Apr 2018 - 21:31 by Harloiris
■– (TB) 'Bluemohr' 1949, Marx 'Blumohr' OB (Walter Marx, R. 1949). AB, TMB, tall. Midseason to late bloom. Plumbago blue. 'William Mohr' X 'Orloff'. Marx, 1949. ...
■(TB) 'Bluroco' 2013, Blazek 'Bluroco' (Milan Blazek, R. 2013). Seedling# BMRsv. TB, 29.5 (75 cm), Midseason bloom. Light blue plicata self; beards blue. Sel...
r6 - 09 Feb 2020 - 15:00 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blush Be Gone' 2016, Burseen 'Blush Be Gone' (Tom Burseen, R. 2016). Seedling 013 854A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards light wisteri...
■(TB) 'Blush Hour' 2016, Schreiner 'Blush Hour' (Schreiner, R. 2016). Seedling# WW 906 1. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pale pink, deeper pink tones...
■(TB) 'Blush Of Blue' 2021, Aitken 'Blush Of Blue' (J. T. Aitken, R. 2020). Seedling 17T11A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Crystalline white self blendi...
■(TB) 'Blush Of Color' 2003, Black 'Blush Of Color' (Paul Black, R. 2002). Seedling# B190A. TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards opaque blue white,...
■(TB) 'Blush Of Dawn' 2021, Seidl 'Blush Of Dawn' (Zdenek Seidl, R. 2021). Seedling. G0107. TB, 35" (90 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards and style arms ...
r3 - 11 Mar 2023 - 19:34 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blush Of Pink' 2010, Aitken 'Blush Of Pink' (J. Terry Aitken, R. 2010). Seedling# 02T18. TB, 42" (107 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards creamy yellow ...
r26 - 29 Apr 2022 - 16:54 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blush Of Youth' 1997, Corlew 'Blush Of Youth' (Glenn Corlew, R. 1996). Seedling# 1303 2A. TB, height 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Off white, bl...
r9 - 04 Apr 2018 - 18:35 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blush Pink' 1959, Hall 'Blush Pink' (David Hall, R. 1956). Seedling# 55 36. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class R1L, Baby ribbon pink self. 'Ma...
■(TB) 'Blushed' 2021, Sutton 'Blushed' (Michael Sutton, R. 2020). Seedling AC 3300 F. TB, 29" (74 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards pink, paler at edge; st...
■(TB) 'Blushing' 2011, Black 'Blushing' (Paul Black, R. 2011). Seedling# O9YY. TB, 32" (81 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards light pink center blending to wide...
r27 - 23 Mar 2023 - 16:12 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blushing Again' 2012, Swann Young 'Blushing Again' (Mary Lou Swann Young, R. 2012). Seedling# 08 269CRE. TB, 30 (76 cm). Early midseason bloom and reb...
r5 - 17 Dec 2019 - 17:02 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blushing Bashful' 2006, Black 'Blushing Bashful' (Paul Black, R. 2006). Seedling# J189A. TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium peach pink bec...
■(TB) 'Blushing Beauty' 1964, Noyd 'Blushing Beauty' (Luella Noyd, R. 1964). Seedling# N61 3 33. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Color Class W5, Standards...
(TB) 'Blushing Belle' 1947, Wright 'Blushing Belle' (Albert Wright, R. 1947) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class R7L. Parentage unknown. See below: * * Refer...
r3 - 01 May 2018 - 23:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blushing Bird' 2020, Burseen 'Blushing Bird' (Tom Burseen, R. 2019). Seedling 16 1232A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Standards light yellow and cream ble...
■(TB) 'Blushing Blonde' 1969, Reynolds 'Blushing Blonde' (Helen Reynolds, R. 1969). Seedling# 170 67. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class YlL...
(TB) 'Blushing Bride' 1955, Lyon 'Blushing Bride' (David Lyon, R. 1955). Seedling# 53 7 19. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class R1L, Smooth blush pink s...
r4 - 31 Mar 2018 - 23:45 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blushing Bridesmaids' 2024, Mould 'Blushing Bridesmaids' (Rachel Mould, R. 2024). Seedling KPGP11, TB, 28" (71 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards amber orange...
(TB) 'Blushing Butterfly' 1987, Tompkins 'Blushing Butterfly' (Chet Tompkins, R. 1987). TB, 36" (91 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards orchid pink; falls water ...
■(TB) 'Blushing Cheeks' 2008, Seidl 'Blushing Cheeks' (Zdenek Seidl, R. 2008). Seedling# 01 FoChH/4. TB, 33" (85 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and style a...
r8 - 12 Mar 2023 - 21:30 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blushing Cherry' 1989, Shepard 'Blushing Cherry' (Don Shepard, R. 1989). Seedling# 84014. TB, 30" (76 cm). Early bloom. Pink with lavender tones, white ...
■(TB) 'Blushing Clouds' 2000/01, Blyth 'Blushing Clouds' (Barry Blyth, R. 2000). Seedling# F164 1. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white; falls past...
■(TB) 'Blushing Deb' 1974, Olson 'Blushing Deb' (Marvin Olson, R. 1971). Seedling# 69 16A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Shell pink (Wilson 516/2) ...
■(TB) 'Blushing Diana' 1982, Mohr 'Blushing Diana' (David Mohr R. 1981). Seedling# J19 1A. TB, 32" (81 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards warm pink with deeper...
■(TB) 'Blushing Doll' 2019, Johnson 'Blushing Doll' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2019). Seedling TH128A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late bloom. Standards medium lavender and pi...
■(TB) 'Blushing Duchess' 1990, Shoop 'Blushing Duchess' (George Shoop, R. 1990). Seedling# 82 33 1. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Lightly ruffled deep pink;...
■(TB) 'Blushing Grapes' 2016, Miller 'Blushing Grapes' (Lynda Miller, R. 2014). Seedling# 8910A. TB, 34" (86 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards medium purpl...
(TB) 'Blushing Innocence' 1947, Gersdorff 'Blushing Innocence' (Charles Gersdorff, R. 1947) TB. Midseason/late bloom. Color Class R4L. 'Seashell' x 'Melitza'. See...
r3 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:32 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blushing Kiss' 2002, Schreiner 'Blushing Kiss' (Schreiner, R. 2002). Seedling# FF 948 1. TB, height 37" (94 cm), Midseason bloom. Orient pink (RHS 36A) s...
■(TB) 'Blushing Lady' 1988, Lyons 'Blushing Lady' (Ray Lyons, R. 1986). Seedling# LY 80 5 G. TB, 38" (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Ruffled and lightly la...
■(TB) 'Blushing Lemon' 1973, Boushay Blushing Lemon' (Jack Boushay, R. 1972). Seedling# 69 B0 23. TB, 32" (81 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards barium yello...
■(TB) 'Blushing Love' 2021, Johnson 'Blushing Love' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2021). Seedling TI115ZZ. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards icy pink white, light...
(TB) 'Blushing Maiden' 1965, Saxton 'Blushing Maiden' ( Gladys Saxton, R. 1965). Seedling# 61A3. TB, 31" (79 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class R1P, Light pink sel...
r6 - 25 Mar 2018 - 01:11 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blushing Moment' 2019, Johnson 'Blushing Moment' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2019). Seedling TH42A. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late bloom. Standards light pink with lav...
■(TB) 'Blushing Moon' 2007, Welch 'Blushing Moon' (Charles Welch, R. 2001). Seedling# AL.2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Ruffled pink (RHS 65C); style arms amar...
r7 - 02 May 2018 - 00:05 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blushing Nymph' 1941, Lapham Gersdorff 'Blushing Nymph' (E. Greig Lapham and Charles Gersdorff, R. 1933) TB. Late bloom. Color Class R7L. 'Kalos' x 'Dream'....
r7 - 31 Mar 2018 - 14:33 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blushing Pink' 1977, Rudolph 'Blushing Pink' (Nate Rudolph, R. 1976). Seedling 73 60. TB, 30" (76 cm), Early bloom. Ruffled red pink self with blue blaze o...
r24 - 08 Jul 2023 - 14:28 by Harloiris
■(TB) 'Blushing Radiance' 2000, Grosvenor 'Blushing Radiance' (Graeme Grosvenor, R. 1999). Seedling# V31 T. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards bl...
■(TB) 'Blushing Rose' 1997, Pinegar 'Blushing Rose' (Darlene Pinegar, R. 1997). Seedling# PNS 3 2. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards and style ar...
r6 - 09 Apr 2018 - 23:19 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blushing Ruth' 1946, Dunman 'Blushing Ruth' (W. H. Dunman, R. 1946) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7L. 'Pink Opal' x unknown. See below: * * Reference...
r3 - 02 May 2018 - 00:07 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blushing Stripper' 1987, Olson 'Blushing Stripper' (Marvin Olson, R. 1985). Seedling# 79 1AA. TB, 34 36" (86 91 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Nude pink; co...
r7 - 05 Jul 2020 - 17:00 by Pamina
(TB) 'Blushing Sunlight' 1964, Bledsoe 'Blushing Sunlight' (William Bledsoe, R. 1964). Seedling# 64 38. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class O4Y...
r5 - 03 Apr 2018 - 23:51 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blushing Venus' 1962, M'Cashin 'Blushing Venus' (Dorothy M'Cashin, R. 1962). Seedling# B386. TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W1, Frilled whit...
r7 - 02 May 2018 - 00:08 by Harloiris
(TB) 'Blushing Youth' 1942, Snyder 'Blushing Youth' (W. S. Snyder, R. 1942) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R4L. See below: * * References References Await...
■(TB) 'Blutique' 1998, Messick 'Blutique' (Virginia Messick, R. 1998). Seedling M 89 52. TB, 36" (91 cm). Midseason bloom. Bright medium blue on white, broken col...
(TB) 'Bluzugraf' ?, Groff 'Bluzugraf' (Henry Groff) TB. Early bloom. Blue. A mutation of 'Florentina' like 'Elizabeth Huntington', but took place in Mr. Groff's g...
■(TB) 'Bluzzy Fluzzy' 2007, Nicholson 'Bluzzy Fluzzy' (Gordon Lorraine Nicholson, R. 2007). Seedling# BTH 2007. TB, 33" (84 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards...
■(TB) 'Blyth Dean' 1987, Hager 'Blyth Dean' (Ben Hager, R. 1987). Seedling# T3963LcLv. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Light violet, paler in center of f...
r12 - 20 Apr 2020 - 13:56 by Harloiris
Number of topics: 794
Topic revision: r3 - 26 Aug 2011, BobPries
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