Tip-Top Gardens and Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection., 1935. Iris, 1935 . Snyder, Erie County, New York :Tip-Top Gardens,. p. 6. From Tip Top catalog, 1935: Albright TB (Storer 1931) Standards: Orchid (41 F5) Falls: Hepatica (42K8) Medium size, blooming mid-season, and one of the last to finish. Albright has such a glowing color and sends out such a prolific mass of bloom that it is like a shining beacon among the rest of irisdom. It more closely resembles an orchid in color than any we have seen. $25.00. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/59039085#page/4/mode/1up. |
Tip-Top Gardens. and Stuntz, M. F. and Storer, Jacob. and Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection., 1936. Iris, peonies, poppies, perennials . Snyder, Erie County, New York :Tip-Top Gardens,. p. 34. From Tip Top catalog, 1936: 91— Albright, TB-ML-R9L (Storer 1931), 30", S. orchid 41F5. F. hepatica 42K8. Claws have venations of gloxina 43L10. Along edge of falls nearest the haft appear veins of satinwood 6B10. Very floriferous. Outstanding brilliance. 3-4, 24-4, 92-6, 138, 4N $ 1.00https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/59255032#page/6/mode/1up. |