

■(TB) 'Canary Frills'

1965, Reckamp

'Canary Frills' (Bro. Charles Reckamp), R. 1964). Seedling# 60-4. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class Y3, Standards cream; Falls cream, white and yellow. 'Waxing Moon' X 'Orchid Jewel'. Moldovan 1965. High Commendation 1964; Honorable Mention 1966.

CANARY FRILLS (Bro. Chas. Reckamp) M 32" $25.00 net. Sdlg. 60-04 (Waxing Moon x Orchid Jewel). This heavily laced iris is well described by its name. The falls are near horizontal and the color cream and canary-yellow, with a deeper beard. Even the crests are laced on this one. Strong, easy growing variety. HC '64. (Moldovan's Gardens, 1965).

Comment (Roberts, 1964): "Brother Charles Rackamp 60-4 (name CANARY FRILLS requested) is a possible 1965 introduction, stock permitting. Quite an unusual iris, very fringed and laced around all petal edges, especially noticeable in the style-arms, a feature noted in only one other iris and that a Fay seedling. The standards are a very clean, light lemon yellow with nearly horizontal white falls edged lemon, beard is light yellow. This seedling carries two buds per spathe with up to three branches. Dr. Randolph and Orville Fay walked by at this time and Dr. Randolph suggested that a cross of CELESTIAL SUNLIGHT and 60-4 might produce a nice series of recessive yellows of very smooth color."

Comment (Nelson, 1970): "A very much overlooked variety; one of the finest heavily laced irises to date with clean canary yellow standards and creamy falls bordered canary yellow. Despite heavy lace opens freely and produces vigorous, healthy plants. A most appealing and important shade of yellow for transition between plantings of deeper colors. Branching is substandard and bud count is low with never more than five buds seen."

At the 1966 National AIS Convention in Newark, NJ, 'Canary Frills' received an Honorable Mention with 62 votes, (10th place) as a favorite guest iris with 29 votes, and 16th runner-up for a Judges' Choice with 46 votes.

See below:
Photo by HIPS ArchivesPhoto scanned from the Larry Harder slide collection


American Iris Society. (1967). Favorite guest irises. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 182(July 1966), 37).
American Iris Society. (1967). Awards of the American Iris Society, 1966. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 183(October 1966), 15, 25).
Moldovan’s Gardens. (1965). What’s new for 1965 [Advertisement]. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 177(April 1965), 55.
Nelson Negus, K. (Ed). (1971). Iris check list of registered cultivar names 1960-1969 (p. 26). The American Iris Society.
Nelson, R. (1970). An extra dimension. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 196(January 1970), 7.
Roberts, E. (1964). Taped commentary of Fay garden. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 174(July 1964), 48.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BetsyHiggins - 2010-10-29
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
canaryfrills01.JPGJPG canaryfrills01.JPG manage 321 K 04 Jul 2016 - 20:10 TerryLaurin Photo by HIPS Archives
canaryfrills02.JPGJPG canaryfrills02.JPG manage 1004 K 20 Mar 2018 - 15:23 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Larry Harder slide collection
Topic revision: r17 - 22 May 2024, DougChyz
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