

■(TB) 'Chicory Blue'

1941, Douglas

'Chicory Blue' (Geddes Douglas, 1941). Sdlg. 41-4. TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. 'Shining Waters' x 'Stella Polaris'. HC 1941.

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Photo scanned from the Larry Harder slide collectionPhoto scanned from the Larry Harder slide collectionPhoto scanned from the Larry Harder slide collectionPhoto scanned from the Larry Harder slide collection


Mr. Douglas had an exceptionally fine lot of seedlings this year, and they were the center of attention in his garden. No. 41-4, named 'Chicory Blue', is well described by the name for that is the exact color according to Ridgway. It is a large, beautifully formed flower of medium blue; the clarity of color and splendid branching put it in the top rank of the new blues. [A.I.S. Bulletin 82:12 July 1941.]
CHICORY BLUE (G. Douglas 1942) M. A most appropriate name for an outstanding iris, the color being the same as Chicory blue in Ridgway. A large blue self with closely domed standards, slightly ruffled at the edge. The falls are broad and flaring, and in excellent proportion to the standards. Beard Chicory blue with undertone of orange in the throat. Full rounded flowers with firm substance and smooth finish. Strong sturdy four foot stalks with four branches evenly spaced below the terminal bloom. This iris under number 41-4 was highly praised by iris judges attending the A. I. S. meeting in Nashville in 1941, and was voted the award of Highly Commended. H. C., A. I. S. 1941. R. 91 1941. 48 in. $25.00. Fairmount Gardens Catalog. Summer 1942, Spring 1943, Lowell, Massachusetts.
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Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit the: Tall Bearded Iris Society website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BetsyHiggins - 2012-04-06
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chicoryblue1.JPGJPG chicoryblue1.JPG manage 716 K 19 Jun 2018 - 22:49 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Larry Harder slide collection
chicoryblue2.JPGJPG chicoryblue2.JPG manage 686 K 19 Jun 2018 - 22:51 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Larry Harder slide collection
chocoryblue01.JPGJPG chocoryblue01.JPG manage 662 K 11 Mar 2018 - 12:31 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Larry Harder slide collection
chocoryblue02.JPGJPG chocoryblue02.JPG manage 717 K 11 Mar 2018 - 12:34 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Larry Harder slide collection
Topic revision: r14 - 17 Apr 2022, TerryLaurin
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