

■(TB) 'Cream Crest'

1959, Muhlestein

'Cream Crest' ( Muhlestein, R. 1958). Seedling 55-10. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early, midseason, late bloom. Color Class-Y1P, Cream self, hafts brushed lemon-yellow. (Seedling 49-30 x 'Yellow Tower') X (Seedling 49-30 x 'Spring Sunshine'). Mission Bell, Tell 1959. High Commendation 1958; Honorable Mention 1959; Award of Merit 1961.

See below:

Photo scanned from the 1965 Schreiners catalogue by Terry LaurinPhoto scanned from the Larry Harder slide collectionPhoto by Mary Hess-Bluebird Haven Iris GardenPhoto by Mary Hess-Bluebird Haven Iris Garden


From Tell’s Iris Gardens catalog, 1959: CREAM CREST (Tell Muhlestein). Early-Midseason-Late. 36 inches. (49-30, sister to Utah Cream, x Yellow Tower) X (49-30 x Spring Sunshine). Very wide cream self, hafts ruffled and smoothly brushed (not venied) lemon-yellow. Guested in three Region 14 gardens this received 15 votes for H. C. award in 1958 under number 55-10. $25.00
Tell's CREAM CREST has been a favorite of mine since its seedling days. A fabulous flower with broad petals and chic form, this iris is glowing ivory cream with a slight brushing of lemon-yellow at the haft. Substance, branching, and growth habits leave nothing to be desired. Melba Hamblen, "Honors, Review and Preview", A.I.S. Bulletin 164 (Jan. 1962): 14.
From Rainbow Hybridizing Gardens catalog 1965: CREAM CREST (Muhlestein '59) EML-36" A magnificent very wide cream self; haft ruffled, brushed lemon-yellow. Reblooms well in summer in Calif. Runner-up for the Fiorino d'Ora in Italy in '60; AM '61. (Sib. to Utah Cream x Yellow Tower) X (Sib. to Utah Cream x Spring Sunshine). Regularly $5.00; on $10 order $4.50; on $25 order $4.25.
"A truly fine new iris in a color class that could stand more attention. Large, nicely formed blossoms with tight standards and semiflaring falls, cream shading to pale gold at the heart of the flower. Nicely ruffled and with very good substance. The strong stalks are well branched." Lewis, Ralph and Helen, Irises We Liked, American Iris Society Bulletin, Vol. 164, January, 1962, p. 48.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BetsyHiggins - 2010-11-13
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
CreamCrest2.JPGJPG CreamCrest2.JPG manage 2 MB 07 Apr 2018 - 13:47 BetsyHiggins Photo by Mary Hess-Bluebird Haven Iris Garden
CreamCrestBHI.JPGJPG CreamCrestBHI.JPG manage 2 MB 07 Apr 2018 - 13:49 BetsyHiggins Photo by Mary Hess-Bluebird Haven Iris Garden
creamcres.JPGJPG creamcres.JPG manage 314 K 20 Sep 2020 - 02:27 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the 1965 Schreiners catalogue by Terry Laurin
creamcrest01.JPGJPG creamcrest01.JPG manage 625 K 16 Mar 2018 - 00:53 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the Larry Harder slide collection
Topic revision: r16 - 18 Aug 2024, DougChyz
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