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■(TB) 'Hornz'

2020, Hedgecock

'Hornz' - (Jim Hedgecock, R. 2020). Seedling Q-110-A. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards white, heavily peppered and sanded blue-purple heavier at edge; falls clean white, ½˝ blue-purple border, fluted; beards blue, tips yellow, ½˝ upturned white horns with blue tips; ruffled. 'Eliminator' X 'Decker'. Comanche 2020.

See below:

Photo by Comanche Acres Iris Gardens


Comanche Acres 2018 catalog gives: "American Survivor-(Bob Koch-2018)-Sdlg. #92-7-Tall Bearded Iris-37 Inches tall-Medium Late Bloom Season-We are very happy to be introducing Bob Koch's new introduction. We are in love with this super blended iris. The ruffled standards are muted gold with red violet at the midribs. Ruffled and fluted falls are red violet with gold hafts and a off white wash below the beards. Beards are yellow gold. 2 to 3 branches with bud count of 6-8. Several HC's at Missouri iris shows. 92-7: ((Sunset Sonata X Sky Hooks) X Sheer Poetry) X Carmel And Honey))." $50.00  


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
hornz01.jpgjpg hornz01.jpg manage 184 K 11 Jan 2018 - 12:54 TerryLaurin Photo by Comanche Acres Iris Gardens
Topic revision: r6 - 22 Mar 2024, BrewItt
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