■(TB) 'No Down Payment' 1996, Black 'No Down Payment' (Paul Black, R. 1996). Seedling# A61D. TB, 33" (84 cm), Late bloom. Standards warm pink; falls buff, heavy w...
■(TB) 'No Fear No Peer' 2014, Burseen 'No Fear No Peer' (Tom Burseen, R. 2013) Seedling 010 98A. TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arm...
(TB) 'No Mistake' 1966, Henkelman 'No Mistake' (H. H. Henkelman, R. 1966). TB, 33" (84 cm), Early bloom. Color Class V5P. Orchid fuchsia self. 'Lovely Diana' X re...
(TB) 'No Mystery' 1952, Brown 'No Mystery' (Ethel Brown, R. 1952). TB, 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class W2. White and blue, all over pattern. 'Theodolind...
(TB) 'No No Nannette' 1979, Ames 'No No Nannette' (Hyram Ames, R. 1979). Seedling# A746 2. TB, 34" (86 cm), Early bloom. Pink (RHS 49D) blending to white in cente...
■(TB) 'No Place Like Home' 2011, Black 'No Place Like Home' (Paul Black, R. 2011) Seedling# P93B TB, 34 (86 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards medium light viole...
■(TB) 'No Risk No Return' 2023, Schiller 'No Risk No Return' (Melissa Schiller, R. 2023) Seedling F90 A, TB, 32" (81.5 cm), Late to very late bloom. Standards blu...
■(TB) 'No Style' 1987, Black 'No Style' (Paul Black, R. 1983). Seedling# 83 350A. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Orchid pink with paler area in center of ...
■(TB) 'No We Ta' 1932, Sass 'No We Ta' (Hans Peter Sass, R. 1931) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class R7M. Sass J. 1932. See below: * * References * * Synonyms...
■(TB) 'Noah' 1962, Craig 'Noah' (Ivan Craig, R. 1962). Seedling# 161 L. TB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class B1. Regal blue self. Sibling to 'Bob's Blue'...
(TB) 'Nobility' 1938, Nesmith 'Nobility' (Elizabeth Nesmith, R. 1938) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W4. See below: * * References References: From Fai...
■(TB) 'Noble Knight' 2000, Dunn 'Noble Knight' (Mary Dunn by Robert Dunn, R. 1999) Seedling# M2168 A. TB, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards butterfly ...
■(TB) 'Noble Stature' 2006, Hilton 'Noble Stature' (George Hilton, R. 2005). Seedling# HIL00 1 1. TB, 39" (99 cm), Early to late bloom. Very pale silvery blue whi...
■(TB) 'Nobody But Me' 2011, Swann Young 'Nobody But Me' (Mary Lou Swann Young, R. 2011) Seedling# 06 68ARE. TB, 34 (86 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Sta...
(TB) 'Noch S Toboy' 2008, Sholupov 'Noch S Toboy' Ночь с тобой (Viktor Sholupov, R. 2008). TB, 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and falls. black cherry; s...
(TB) 'Noch V Pompeye' 2006, Gavrilin 'Noch V Pompeye' Ночь в Помпее (Viacheslav Gavrilin, R. 2006). Seedling# 0170 3074. TB, 35" (89 cm), Late midseason bloom. Da...
(TB) 'Noch V Skirde' 2006, Sholupov 'Noch V Skirde' Ночь в скирде (Viktor Sholupov, R. 2006). Seedling# 381 1. TB, 39" (100 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards ...
■(TB) 'Noch Za Oknom' 2017, Riabykh 'Noch Za Oknom' Ночь за окном (Olga Riabykh, R. 2017). Seedling# A3263 3. TB, 30" (76 cm), Early bloom. Standards black ...
(TB) 'Nocturne' 1926, Shull 'Nocturne' (J. M. Shull, R. 1926) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Morning Splendor' X 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau'. See below: *...
(TB) 'Noel' 1940, White 'Noel' (Clarence G. White, R. 1940), TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class WW. 'Sweet Alibi' X 'Souv. De Mme Gaudichau'. Milliken 1940. Honorab...
■(TB) 'Nom De Plume' 1971, Plough 'Nom De Plume' (Gordon Plough, R. 1970). Seedling# 66 37 32. TB, 37" (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards white with faint...
■(TB) 'Nona' 1958, Davidson 'Nona' (B. LeRoy Davidson, R. 1956). TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class GY1, Lime yellow self; color carries as quite...
■(TB) 'None Of Your Beeswax' 2022, Kanarowski 'None Of Your Beeswax' (Douglas Kanarowski, R. 2022) Seedling #0676, TB, 39" (99 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Stan...
(TB) 'None So Pretty' 1949, Long 'None So Pretty' (B. R. Long, R. 1949) TB. Late bloom season. Color Class S7M. From pink seedlings derived from 'Nepenthe', 'Mary...
(TB) 'Nonpareil' 1957, Daling 'Nonpareil' (Maxwell for Merle Daling, R. 1956). TB, 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class RV1L, Light rose purple self, nearest...
(TB) 'Noonday Sky' 1940, National 'Noonday Sky' (National Iris Gardens, R. 1940). TB. Early to midseason bloom. Color Class B1L. National 1940. See below: * * ...
(TB) 'Noonday Sun' 1939, Tobie 'Noonday Sun' (Mrs. Walter (Mabel Carey) Tobie, 1936), R. 1936. TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class W4L. ('Noonday' X 'Sunlight')...
(TB) 'Noontide' 1939, Thole 'Noontide' (Thole's Gardens, R. 1938) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class Y4D. slight fragrance. ('Gilead' x 'Alta California') x 'D...
(TB) 'Nordic' 1934, Kirkland 'Nordic' (James Kirkland, R. 1934) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9L. 'Rose Madder' x unknown. See below: * * References Re...
(TB) 'Nordic Prince' 1979, Tams 'Nordic Prince' (Esther Tams, R. 1978). Seedling# T 12 72. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Ruffled and fluted red viole...
(TB) 'Norma Averett' 1964, Muhlestein 'Norma Averett' (Tell Muhlestein, R. 1964). Seedling# 92. TB, 28" (71 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class O5P, Standar...
(TB) 'Norn' 1942, Walker 'Norn' (Marion R. Walker, R. 1942) TB. Early bloom season. Color Class B1D. 'San Diego' x 'El Capitan'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(TB) 'Norraena' 1930, Goos Koenemann 'Norraena' (Max Goos and August Koenemann, R. 1930) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S3M. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(TB) 'Norseman' 1928, Morrison 'Norseman' (Benjamin Y. Morrison, 1928) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S9M. ('Alcazar' x 'Amas' x 'Bruno'. Main.BobPries 2...
(TB) 'North Country' 1961, Nelson 'North Country' (Jeannette Nelson, R. 1960). Seedling# 58 83 2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Color Class W1Y, White...
■(TB) 'North Pacific' 1966, Schreiner 'North Pacific' (Schreiner, R. 1966) Seedling# S 590 B. TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Very blue self; white b...
(TB) 'North Sister' 1952, Thompson 'North Sister' (Mamie Thompson, R. 1952). TB, 38" (97 cm), Early bloom. Color Class W2, White with violet blue stitching at edg...
(TB) 'North Star' 1940, Washington 'North Star' (Thomas Washington, R. 1940), TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W1. Fairmount 1940. Also listed in the following nu...
■(TB) 'North Star Kelly' 2023, Geditz 'North Star Kelly' (Jim Geditz, R. 2023) Seedling 19 13 B, TB, 39" (99 cm) Midseason to late bloom. Standards mid dark bur...
(TB) 'North Wind' 1949, Long 'North Wind' (B. R. Long, R. 1949) TB. Late bloom. Color Class B1D. 'Celia Grant' x 'Great Lakes'. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(TB) 'Northern Lights by Tobie' 1939, Tobie 'Northern Lights' (Mrs. Walter (Mabel Carey) Tobie, 1939) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class WW. 'Venus di Milo' x unkn...
(TB) 'Northern Ontario' 1945, Craigie 'Northern Ontario' (Dr. E. H. Craigie, R. 1945) TB. Late bloom. Color Class Y4D. 'Rameses' x 'W. R. Dykes'. Main.BobPri...
(TB) 'Northern Sky' 1967, Folkers 'Northern Sky' (Paul Folkers, R. 1966). TB, 34 36", Midseason bloom. Color Class W2B, Clear white edged with heavy rim of deep b...
■(TB) 'Northland' 1944, Tharp 'Northland' (Mary Tharp, R. 1944) TB. Early to midseason bloom. Color Class W6L. 'Duchess Of Main Street' x 'Happy Days'. See below:...
■(TB) 'Northman' 1943, Douglas 'Northman' (Geddes Douglas, R. 1942) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class WW. 'Cathedral Dome' x 'Stella Polaris'. See below: ...
■(TB) 'Northwest Passage' 1988, Nichols 'Northwest Passage' (Hooker Nichols, R. 1984). Seedling# 82115G. TB, 36" (91 cm). Early to late bloom. Standards blue viol...
■(TB) 'Northwestern' 1951, Cook 'Northwestern' (Franklin Cook, R. 1950). TB, 40" (102 cm), Late midseason bloom. Color Class VD1, Royal purple self. 'Gulf Stream'...
■(TB) 'Northwestern Skies' 1989, Ernst 'Northwestern Skies' (Richard Ernst, R. 1989). Seedling# A103 1. TB, 37" (94 cm). Late midseason bloom. Ruffled white with ...
(TB) 'Norumbaga' 1929, Donahue 'Norumbaga' (Thomas Donahue, R. 1929) TB. Late midseason bloom. Color Class R7D. 'Swazi' x unknown. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07...
■(TB) 'Norwegian Wood' 1982, Ghio 'Norwegian Wood' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1981) Seedling# 76 334K. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late midseason to very late bloom. Mid brown with ...
(TB) 'Nostalgia' 1942, Wareham 'Nostalgia' (John Wareham, R. 1941) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class W1. (Seedlings from 'Dominion' x I. trojana ). Fragrant. Fair...
■(TB) 'Nostalgic Memory' 2018, Black 'Nostalgic Memory' (Paul Black, R. 2018). Seedling V56B. TB, 42" (107 cm). Midseason to very late bloom. Standards mid da...
■(TB) 'Not A Clue' 2013, Sutton 'Not A Clue' (Michael Sutton, R. 2014) Seedling# X 3826. TB, 34" (86 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards butter yellow, white ...
■(TB) 'Notable' 1991, Ghio 'Notable' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1990) Seedling# 86 84Y3. TB, 38" (97 cm), Late to very late bloom. Toasted melon, blue blaze and red shoulde...
■(TB) 'Note To God' 2012, Johnson 'Note To God' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2012) Seedling TA76B TB, 35" (89 cm). Late bloom. Standards and style arms medium pink; falls ...
■(TB) 'Nothing But Net' 1996, Niswonger 'Nothing But Net' (O. David Niswonger, R. 1995). Seedling# 63 93. TB, 34" (86 cm). Midseason bloom. Lilac, hint of pink da...
■(TB) 'Nothing To Lose' 1992, Ernst 'Nothing To Lose' (Richard Ernst, R. 1993). Seedling# HR8545 2. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards creamy white with ...
■(TB) 'Nothung' 1913, Goos Koenemann 'Nothung' (Max Goos and August Koenemann, 1913) TB. Midseason bloom. Color Class S4L. See below: * * References ...
■(TB)'Nova At Midnight' 1992, Boswell 'Nova At Midnight' (Carl Boswell, R. 1989). Seedling# 144 78 2T. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards royal p...
(TB) 'Novice' 1939, Hinchcliff 'Novice' (Miss H. M. Hinchcliff, R. 1939) TB. Late bloom. Color Class S1L. 'Shekinah' x unknown. Main.BobPries 2011 03 07
(TB) 'Novitiate' 1937, Tobie 'Novitiate' (Mrs. Walter (Mabel Carey) Tobie, 1937) TB. Midseason late bloom. Color Class WW. 'Gloriole' x 'Alta California'. Ma...
(TB) 'Novril' 1930, Williams 'Novril' (Mrs.J. C. (Emma) Williams, 1930) Midseason boom. Color Class S1M. 'Lent A. Williamson' x 'Alcazar'. Main.BobPries 20...