

■(TB) 'Lady Of Shalott'

1942, Schreiner

'Lady Of Shalott' ( Schreiner, R. 1942). TB, Midseason bloom, Color code-W8L. 'Rosy Asia' x 'Madame Louis Aureau'. Schreiner 1942.

See below:

lady of shallot fl


From Schreiner's catalog, 1947: LADY OF SHALOTT (Schreiner 1942) M. 34". Precisely formed and lacily frilled, a charming, delicate color in the plicata group. Standards are heavily flushed rose-pink and the falls delicately edged with a peppering of minute pinkish dots both dainty and charming. A good pink plicata is needed and we feel this variety with all the fine habits of Seduction fills a long felt need. $4.00
From Carl Salbach catalog 1945: LADY OF SHALOTT (Schreiner 1942). A new plicata in delicate shades of pink. Standards are heavily flushed rose pink, falls creamy white edged with peppering of pinkish dots. Good size blooms, wellbranched stems. Hardy everywhere. 34". Mid-season. $8.50.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r8 - 06 Oct 2020, DavidPotembski
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