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(TB) 'Marco Polo'

marcopolo01.jpg  1936, Schreiner

'Marco Polo' (Robert Schreiner, R. 1936) TB. Early midseason bloom. Color Class-S6M. Honorable Mention 1937.

See below:

Photographed in Chicago, IL. Please ask permission for use of image.Photographed in Chicago, IL. Please ask permission for use of image.


From An Iris Lover's Catalog, Schreiner's 1936: MARCO POLO. For several years we have had a block of unusually red-toned seedlings under observation. After careful selection we finally chose this sprightly, vivid flower as the outstanding one and named it after that colorful personality of the Middle Ages, Marco Polo. It is a clear-toned bicolor with lustrous rose standards and brilliant, velvety crimson falls. In general effect it comes the nearest to spectrum red of any iris we have seen. The color is solid without detracting venation. A nice orange beard contributes a sprightly touch of color. Moderately large, it has good branching and nicely placed blooms. 36 inches tall. $15.00.
From Adamgrove catalog, 1997: MARCO POLO (R. Schreiner, 36). An early registration of this prodigious irisarian, a bitone in light red violet, notable mostly as a signpost in the career of this family's contribution to irises. By 1936, Robert Schreiner's iris explorations already put him on a par with the namesake of this iris. $5.00. HM 37.


Quick Summary of Cultural Directions

Hardiness Zones 4-8 for most varieties, Some cultivars tolerate colder, others tolerate warmer zones (please comment in comment box with your location if this cultivar grows well in zone 3, 4, 9, or 10.)
Exposure Prefers full sun for optimal performance, may still bloom in half-day shade
Water: Prefers well drained good garden soil, Tolerant of dry conditions in established plants, Intolerant of swampy conditions.
PH Prefers Neutral to basic solis 6.1 to 8.5, quite toleranr of more extreme conditions
Fertilizer Prefers rich conditions on relatively inorganic soils.

-- BobPries - 2011-03-07

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
marcopolo01.jpgjpg marcopolo01.jpg manage 491 K 22 Oct 2023 - 04:40 Main.carlos42180 Photographed in Chicago, IL. Please ask permission for use of image.
marcopolo02.jpgjpg marcopolo02.jpg manage 508 K 22 Oct 2023 - 04:42 Main.carlos42180 Photographed in Chicago, IL. Please ask permission for use of image.
Topic revision: r11 - 23 Oct 2023, Harloiris
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