

■(TB) 'Morocco Rose'

1937, Loomis

'Morocco Rose' (Dr. P. A. Loomis, R. 1937). TB, Midseason bloom. Color Class-R7L. Loomis seedling# H22: ('Lent A. Williamson' x unknown) X Loomis seedling# F-70: ('W. J. Fryer' x 'Ricardi'). Loomis, Pattison 1937.

Awards: Honorable Mention 1937.

See below:

Image from 1940 SchreinerCourtesy of Mike Lowe from original HIPS websiteCooleyPhoto scanned from the 1949 Schreiners catalogue by Terry LaurinPhoto scanned from the A.H. Fischer slide collectionColor plate from Quality Gardens Catalog, 1937


"...and the beautiful Morocco Rose of Dr. Loomis, a 1937 introduction of Mrs. Pattison who has revealed so much beauty to iris lovers." Louise Blake, "Leave it to the Iris", Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 67 (October 1937): 6.
MOROCCO ROSE (Loomis 1932), A very delicate flower of palest orchid. A large flower, yet very delicate. Has been highly praised as an added step toward the production of an ideal pink toned iris. Mid-season. 38-inch. $15.00. Carl Salbach iris, 1938.
Cooley's Gardens catalog 1946: A very large rose-pink self with soft yellow glow at the heart and brownish cast about the haft. Still ranks among the best pinks and pleases all who buy it. Unlike many Iris in this color class, Morocco Rose is a truly big flower. Always in heavy demand. Each $1.50; 3 for $4.00.
"One of the most attractive blends seen in this garden, was a planting of Morocco Rose; the stalk is above medium height, the flower well formed and the color a lovely fresh rose pink, with softly blended standards." Mrs. A. C. Emrich, "Report of Chairman of Exhibition Committee, Freeport Illinois", Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 68 (February 1938): 62.
"Morocco Rose was finer and softer in color this year than last, the finest advance in pinks I have seen. It is slightly bicolored, large and apparently a strong grower." Sherman R. Duffy, "Iris Comment, 1938", Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 70 (July 1938): 57.
"The species _Ricardi was blooming well and so was its descendant, Morocco Rose, a pink edition of Ricardi with standards peculiarly crinkled and standing slightly open but also standing up. Falls not so "pink" as standards and showing the typical brown of Ricardi on the haft." Bruce C. Maples, "Iris Pilgrimage, 1937", Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 70 (July 1938): 70.
MOROCCO ROSE (Loomis). A splendid large flowered iris, but it is not as pink as the color plate makes it, or as it is described in the catalog. An iris well worth having just the same. By the way, most of the colored plate pictures are away off. (Mass.) A fine rose pink. (Mass.) A blended pink of such beautiful color, fine substance, size and form that at first one overlooks the fact that it requires a better stalk. (Ill.) ["Official Variety Notes, 1938", Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 71 (October 1938): 26.
"I have studied Miss California and Morocco Rose in Mrs. Pattison's garden. They are both great iris and about all they are cracked up to be. They do not happen to be just what I am after in coloring now and I put them with the lilac or orchid pinks rather than what I consider the yellow toned. However they classify as to color, they are going to remain tops for quite some time and every lover of pink iris should make sure of having both of these two great pinks in their collection. If they are not "A" grade iris I do not know how to pick them." E. G. Lapham, "Symposium of Pink Iris", Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 72 (January 1939): 49.
"Morocco Rose has rounded, open 2¼ x 2½ inch lavender-rose standards, and 2 x 2 1/8 inch straight-hanging falls of deeper lavender-rose topped by a lemon beard. It failed to arouse great enthusiasm in me. True, the falls have a delicate metallic sheen upon opening, but they are heavily veined and reticulated. Then, with but two out of a possible seven flowers open at a time, it is not exactly free-flowering. The 32 inch stalk has close, short branches; the first branch is 4 inches above the halfway mark. Its overall width seems narrow at 6 inches. Later in the season at the Northern garden in Yakima, I was able to compare this with Miss California. While they do not have the same color values, I much prefer Miss California as an iris, even if it does fade. Julius Dornblut, Jr., "Along the Iris Coast", Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 73 (April 1939): 20.
MOROCCO ROSE --- A rich golden center and nice pink tones make this a very good iris. Junius P. Fishburn, "Tall Bearded Iris in 1939", Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 73 (April 1939): 50.
Morocco Rose: (Loomis). Very large squarish shaped flower of excellent substance in falls not so good in standards, falls wide and a bit flaring, standards closed but widely spread. Color near rose pink, rich-striking—even though bunched at top of stalk, "a must have." Belsley, Ray J. (1939), Varietal Comments. Bulletin of the American Iris Society 074(July), 15.
MOROCCO ROSE (Loomis 1937) -This was a disappointment. It is not a rose pink but a lilac pink bicolor with a lot of brown veining at the haft. The beard is orange. Well branched stems. 26". G. L. Pilkington, "Iris Notes", Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 74 (July 1939): 57.
"Morocco Rose, Angelus and Miss California easily led the pink section; they are grand. We lean to Morocco Rose". Alexander Maxwell, "Yakima Valley Iris for 1939 Season", Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 75 (December 1939): 24.
"For color appeal, the pink blends especially attracted my attention. Real advancelnent has been made here. MOROCCO ROSE, ANGELUS and CHINA MAID impressed me as about the best of the so-called pinks. MOROCCO ROSE is nearest pink. ANGELUS possesses finest texture and heaviest substance. CHINA MAID towers above the other two. All displayed good large blooms, and no serious faults were evident." Walter E. Marx, "The Pacific Northwest Reports", Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 78 (July 1940): 23.
MOROCCO ROSE (Loomis) Did not bloom in two years in my garden and a friend's garden, but was lovely at Mrs. Pattison's. Elmer O. Claar, Wilmette, Ill. GUDRUN in a pink dress. -Geddes Douglas, Nashville, Tenn. Judges' Varietal Comments, _ulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 79 (October 1940): 15.

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-- BobPries - 2010-12-15
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Morocco Rose TB-1940 Schreiners.jpgjpg Morocco Rose TB-1940 Schreiners.jpg manage 63 K 01 Oct 2024 - 10:23 EdenSprings Image from 1940 Schreiner's catalog
MoroccoRose.jpgjpg MoroccoRose.jpg manage 74 K 01 May 2013 - 14:04 DavidPotembski Cooley's Gardens catalog supplement 1946
Morocco_Rose.jpgjpg Morocco_Rose.jpg manage 17 K 15 Dec 2010 - 18:30 BobPries Courtesy of Mike Lowe from original HIPS website
moroccorose01.JPGJPG moroccorose01.JPG manage 467 K 13 Oct 2020 - 02:33 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the 1949 Schreiners catalogue by Terry Laurin
moroccorose1.JPGJPG moroccorose1.JPG manage 82 K 17 Sep 2019 - 20:21 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the A.H. Fischer slide collection
morroco-rose.jpgjpg morroco-rose.jpg manage 557 K 20 Jul 2015 - 22:45 DavidPotembski Color plate from Quality Gardens Catalog, 1937
Topic revision: r28 - 01 Oct 2024, EdenSprings
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