■(TB) 'Music Maker'
1963, Waters
'Music Maker' (
Donald G. Waters, R. 1961). Seedling# GB-59. TB, 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Color Class-B1M, Sky blue self, light beard.
'Muted Music' X
'Regina Maria'. Schreiners 1963. Honorable Mention 1964; Award of Merit 1966.
See below:
From Schreiner's catalog, 1963: MUSIC MAKER (Don Waters 1963) EM. 34". $25.00. Iris lovers who visited Mr. Waters' garden last summer were unanimous in their praise for this incredible sky-blue iris. It is so majestic in its proportions, so replete with ruffled grace, surpassing even Celestial Snow, that it sets a new high water mark for quality in blue iris. Due to its superlative beauty 50% of available stock has already been sold. We are offering a limited number of rhizomes as long as they last--one to a customer. Next year we hope there will be enough stock to justify a picture. |
MUSIC MAKER (Waters '63) was another disappointment last year; but it, too, did its advance billing justice this year. Plantings in the Luihn and Terrell gardens showed this iris to be another large, ruffled, more of a medium blue this time, but with a personality of its own. It may be a bit large for its height. [Joseph Ghio, “The 1965 Iris Season in Review,” Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 179 (October 1965): 81.] |
Standard iris varieties have had a difficult challenge in trying to succeed in the widely varying climatic and soil conditions of America. It is not surprising that the challenge for reblooming iris is at least equally great, and indeed much greater. In all but warm-winter climates the remontants are usually sending up some bloombuds at the time of the first freeze. This demands an extra degree of hardiness, since the buds are especially tender and vulnerable. If the rhizome cannot wall off the frozen bloom bud, the whole rhizome is lost. The thorough gardener will cut off the bud or partial stem right away, helping the plant. This is good gardening practice, but the circumstances of life do not always permit ideal attention to details. Moreover, the buds may remain unobserved if they have not yet broken through the leaves. This vulnerability of the bud may account for early difficulty with such iris as *MUSIC MAKER*, which have a slight tendency to attempt late rebloom. Address by Lloyd Zurbrigg TO THE MEETING OF THE REBLOOMING IRIS SOCIETY PORTLAND AIS CONVENTION 1972 |
MUSIC MAKER (Don Waters '63) We saw this superb blue for the first time this year. It is exquisite. The flowers are perfectly formed, strongly substanced, and perfectly smooth and clear light blue in color with no white blaze at the beard tip. A prolific bloomer and appears to be an excellent performer. A must-have for us. [Ralph and Helen Lewis, “Iris from the Carolinas to Iowa and Ohio,” Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 179 (October 1965): 88.] |
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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.
BobPries - 2011-03-07