

■(TB) 'Pathfinder'

1948, Whiting

'Pathfinder' ( Mrs. C. Whiting, R. 1948). Seedling# 4240. TB, Midseason late bloom. Color Class-R4L. 'Mirabelle' x 'Angelus'.

See below:
CooleyPhoto by HIPS ArchivesPhoto scanned by Cathy Egerer from 1951 Maple Valley Gardens Catalog.Photo scanned from the 1955 Schreiners catalogue by Terry Laurin


From Maple Valley Gardens catalog, 1949: PATHFINDER (Whiting 1948) No. 4240 (MIRABEILE X ANGELUS) Midseason, 36 niches. This is a blend, but it has more true pink tones than any we have seen. The name indicates that we do not consider it the goal in pinks but it is a path finder. The blooms are very wide and full, of extremely heavy substance and glistening texture. The branching is too close but the stems are strong; the plants are rugged and prolific of bloom and increase. H. M. 1948. $20.00.
PATHFINDER (Whiting) "A big, very wide-hafted pink blend which reminds one of its parent Angelus in its substance and form. It is a little too much on the lavender side to suit me but it is an impressive flower." [Jesse E. Wills (Tennessee), “Varietal Comment, Irises Seen in Nashville” The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 123, (October 1951): 71.]

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Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit the: Tall Bearded Iris Society website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Pathfinder.jpgjpg Pathfinder.jpg manage 247 K 07 Jan 2014 - 02:33 DavidPotembski Cooley's Iris catalog 1961
pathfinder01.JPGJPG pathfinder01.JPG manage 360 K 18 May 2016 - 13:21 TerryLaurin Photo by HIPS Archives
pathfinder02.JPGJPG pathfinder02.JPG manage 503 K 07 Feb 2018 - 15:57 TerryLaurin Photo scanned by Cathy Egerer from 1951 Maple Valley Gardens Catalog.
pathfinder1.JPGJPG pathfinder1.JPG manage 196 K 20 Jul 2020 - 03:06 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the 1955 Schreiners catalogue by Terry Laurin
Topic revision: r13 - 20 Jul 2020, TerryLaurin
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