(TB) 'Sweet Tomorrow'
1955, Lyon
'Sweet Tomorrow'(
David Lyon, R. 1955). Seedling# 53-11-1. TB 33" Midseason bloom. Color Class-RV3. Bitone. Tones of lilac-purple (Wilson); Indian-orange beard. Seedling# D628-51-14: (
'Char-Maize' x seedling# D321-48-7) x
'Curtain Call'. (seedling# D321-48-7 is
'Char-Maize' x
'Cordovan')., Lyon 1957.
From the 2022 Rebloom Checklist: Rebloom reported in: CA, TX. USDA Zones 7
See below:
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From Lyons Irisland catalog, 1959: SWEET TOMORROW (Lyon '57) $17.00. This Iris reblooms in the fall. Standards of lilac-rose; falls light lilac-rose with an exceptional Chinese coral beard. A shimmering iridescence over the entire flower gives it a stunning effect. The large 3" wide petals are somewhat ruffled. 33". M. ((D628-51-14: Char-Maize x D321-48-7) X First Curtain). |
From Rainbow Hybridizing Gardens catalog 1963: SWEET TOMORROW (Lyon '57) M-33" A repeat-blooming "Mary Randall": has much the same form, superior substance & intense Bengal rose coloring, even brighter & redder beard in Chinese coral. A shimmering iridescence makes flower really dreamy. Flowers large, with ruffled petals 3" wide. Blooms consistently in fall in mild climates; & even in colder regions it will re-bloom if given half a chance. Branches start at base of stalk & are well spaced . Pollen plentiful. (((Char-Ma1ze x (Char-Ma1ze x Cordovan)) X F1rst Curtam). Regularly $5.00: on $10 order $3.7 5; on $25 order $3.25. |
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Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit: Tall-bearded Iris Society Website
Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.
JoelleFRANJEULLE - 2010-01-25