

■(TB) 'Yellow Organdy'

1952, Rees

'Yellow Organdy' (Clara Rees, R. 1951) TB, 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Light yellow self, white midrib on falls. ('Snow Flurry' x 'Happy Days') X 'Ming Yellow'. Rees 1952.

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From AIS Bulletin #126, July 1952. Introducing YELLOW ORGANDY (April Tan x Ming Yellow) Crisp as starched organdy, this pale yellow, green-tinged blossom is so heavily ruffled that it appears almost shirred below the haft. The 42-inch stalk, branched four ways, carries twelve 6-inch blooms. Late. Rees 1952.
From M. Oliver Flower Farm catalog, 1958, p. 10: YELLOW ORGANDY (Rees '52) L. 42" Crisp and starched organdy! It has pale yellow-green tinged blossoms that are so heavily ruffled as to appear almost shirred below the haft. Excellent branching and tall stalks. $2.50 ea. 3 for $6.00.

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Interested in Tall Bearded Iris? Please visit the: Tall Bearded Iris Society website.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Rees Intros 1952 126_07_AIS.pdfpdf Rees Intros 1952 126_07_AIS.pdf manage 217 K 19 Jul 2020 - 17:42 DavidPotembski Exported from AIS Bulletin #126(Jul 1952), p 41.
yelloworgandy1.JPGJPG yelloworgandy1.JPG manage 289 K 11 Jun 2016 - 20:33 TerryLaurin Photo by HIPS Archives
yelloworgandy2.JPGJPG yelloworgandy2.JPG manage 288 K 11 Jun 2016 - 20:34 TerryLaurin Photo by HIPS Archives
Topic revision: r8 - 19 Jul 2020, DavidPotembski
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