Revue Horticole, 1930, nouvelle série, Tome XXII, p. 118. Bulletin de la Société Nationale d'Horticulture de France, 1934, 6e série, Tome I,p. 138. |
From the Cayeux et Le Clerc catalog for 1930, p. 9: "Up to the present time, we have not seen anything yet in the way of this fine and distinct Iris; the delightful colors, the enormous size and the perfect shape of its flowers are unrivalled. Standards pure white. falls wide, almost flat spreaded with a suffusion of soft sky-blue on the center; large throat strongly reticulated fawn; the whole of an exquisitely fresh appearance. As seen on the figure, the firm stems 4 feet high, well branched, bears 4 to 5 flowers expended at the time. Exceedingly free, a grand toned Iris for landscape." |
From Quality Gardens catalog 1931: YVES LASSAILLY (Evee Las-ayee) (Cayeux 1929) E. 48". This is a giant both in stem and flower. It is a very beautiful combination of white and blue. The colors are the same as in Los Angeles, except that in Los Angeles, the background is white, while the standards are faintly edged blue. In Yves Lassailly, the standards are white, and the very broad white falls have a suffusion of soft sky blue in the center. The firm stems, well branched, carry 4 to 5 flowers, open at one time. We strongly recommend this to our customers. $12.50. |
Hardiness Zones 4-8 for most varieties, Some cultivars tolerate colder, others tolerate warmer zones (please comment in comment box with your location if this cultivar grows well in zone 3, 4, 9, or 10.) |
Exposure Prefers full sun for optimal performance, may still bloom in half-day shade |
Water: Prefers well drained good garden soil, Tolerant of dry conditions in established plants, Intolerant of swampy conditions. |
PH Prefers Neutral to basic solis 6.1 to 8.5, quite toleranr of more extreme conditions |
Fertilizer Prefers rich conditions on relatively inorganic soils. |
I | Attachment | Action | Size | Date | Who | Comment |
JPG | Yves_LassaillyIW.JPG | manage | 44 K | 27 May 2013 - 12:40 | BetsyHiggins | Photo by Iris Warehouse |
JPEG | Yves_Lassaillycct.JPEG | manage | 23 K | 20 Feb 2012 - 14:04 | BetsyHiggins | Photo Courtesy of HIPS |
jpg | yves-lassailly-1930.jpg | manage | 153 K | 19 Nov 2018 - 08:44 | AlainFranco | From Cayeux et Le Clerc catalog (1930), p. 10 |
jpg | yveslasilly2.jpg | manage | 139 K | 03 Jun 2020 - 19:43 | TerryLaurin | Photo by Delane Langton-Eagle Ridge Iris Gardens |
jpg | yveslasilly3.jpg | manage | 106 K | 01 Jun 2020 - 15:27 | TerryLaurin | Photo by Delane Langton-Eagle Ridge Iris Gardens |
jpg | yveslasilly4.jpg | manage | 113 K | 01 Jun 2020 - 15:29 | TerryLaurin | Photo by Delane Langton-Eagle Ridge Iris Gardens |
jpg | yveslassailly-jb.jpg | manage | 17 K | 23 Feb 2013 - 18:31 | Main.Harloiris | photo by Mike Unser |
JPG | yveslassailly01.JPG | manage | 550 K | 02 Aug 2018 - 03:09 | TerryLaurin | Photo by Nancy McDonald-The Pickle Barrel Collection. |
jpg | yveslassailly1.jpg | manage | 93 K | 05 Jul 2018 - 18:59 | TerryLaurin | Photo by Delane Langton-Eagle Ridge Iris Gardens |
jpg | yveslassailly2.jpg | manage | 155 K | 05 Jul 2018 - 19:01 | TerryLaurin | Photo by Delane Langton-Eagle Ridge Iris Gardens |
JPG | yveslassailly5.JPG | manage | 97 K | 22 Jul 2024 - 01:44 | TerryLaurin | Photo by Jane Tibbs-Eagle Ridge Iris Gardens |
JPG | yveslassailly9.JPG | manage | 60 K | 05 Sep 2021 - 03:20 | TerryLaurin | Photo by Mary Hess-Bluebird Haven Iris Garden |