Difference: HybridizerBoreauAlexandre (r2 vs. r1)

Hybridizer Alexandre Boreau (1803-1875)

French Botanist France - Angers (Maine et Loire)

Species: Boreau was born in Saumur. From 1820, he began training a pharmacist working in a pharmacy in Angers; as part of his studies, he is particularly interested in botany, following particularly Desvaux's class (Jardin des Plantes, Angers). In 1828, he acquired a pharmacy in Nevers.It is dedicated mainly to the herborizing and gives botany courses. He eventually abandoned his pharmacy. He collaborated with Count Jaubert which subsidizes and dedicate a plant discovered in Central Asia, "Boreava orientalis". In 1840 Boreau published the first edition of his Flora of central France, a precision model that becomes a reference for the work of the day (2nd edition in 1849, 3rd in 1857). His herbarium was bought by the city of Angers and is deposited with his correspondence scientifiquedans the house of Gaston Allard,. 'Acoriformis',


Interested in French irises ? Please visit: France Iris | Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses (french language).

-- Main.RPries - 2012-05-18

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