Difference: HybridizerMaplesBruce (r3 vs. r2)

r3 - 18 Jun 2015 - 12:37 - Main.Betsy881 r2 - 12 Feb 2014 - 19:19 - Main.Betsy881

Ozark, Missouri, USA




Intermediate: 'Hillbilly'.


Intermediate Bearded: 'Hillbilly' .

Tall: 'Baldknobber' , 'Big Matt', 'Dawn Mist', 'Elberta', 'Favorite Son', 'Late News;, 'Miss June', 'Micke', 'Mt. Etna', 'Operetta', 'Ozark Triumph', 'Red Flash', 'Sunny Jim', 'Taneycomo'.


Tall Bearded: 'Baldknobber', 'Big Matt', 'Dawn Mist', 'Elberta', 'Favorite Son', 'Late News;, 'Miss June', 'Micke', 'Mt. Etna', 'Operetta', 'Ozark Triumph', 'Red Flash', 'Sunny Jim', 'Taneycomo'.

r3 - 18 Jun 2015 - 12:37 - Main.Betsy881 r2 - 12 Feb 2014 - 19:19 - Main.Betsy881

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