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Scientist Maria Colasante

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References to Iris By Dr. Colasante;

Colasante, M., (1977), "Nota riguardante il nuovo endemismo italiano: Iris revoluta n. sp." Thalassia salentina, 7: 99-101 (1977) in Italian.

Colasante, M., (1976-77), Un nuovo endemismo italiano: Iris revoluta n. sp. e relativa analisi citotassonomica. Annali Di Botanica (Roma) vol. 35-36: p. 155-168; 1976-77.

Colasante, M., (1983), Preliminary observations on macromorphic anomalies in wild Iris flowers. Annali di Botanica (Roma) vol. 41: 139-147 (1983).

Colasante, M., (1983), Genus Iris: reconstructed specimen lists from some Italian Herbaria. Annali di Botanica (Roma) vol. 41: 37-65 (1983).

Colasante, M., (1986), Genus Iris subgenus Iris section Iris taxonomic observations on Iris with 2n=40 chromosomes. , Giornale Botanico Italiano vol. 120, (Suppl. 2), 172.

Colasante, M., (1989), On the three misunderstood wild bearded Irises: I. bicapitata nom. nov., I. relicta nom. nov., I. setina sp. nov. p.112 vol. 123, Suppl. 1, Giornale Botanico Italiano.

Colasante, M., (1994), Reports On Italian Iris Species, Bulletin of the American Iris Society 292: 82-85. Jan. 1994.

Colasante_M., (1996), Taxonomic note on some Italian bearded irises: Iris relicta Colas. nom. nov. and Iris bicapitata Colas. sp. nov. Flora Medit.
6: 213-217 (1996) - illus.

Colasante, M. & L. Altamura, (1986), Distribuzione delle Iris sponatanee e naturilizzate in umbria e Abruzzo-Molise. Note aggiuntive per il lazio, Annali di Botanica (Roma) vol. 44, Suppl. 4-1986.

Colasante, M. & R. I. De Dominicis,. (1989). Dati cariologici e geni ribosomali in tre specie di Iris barbate italiane. Giorn. Bot Ital. 123, n. 1, 2 Suppl I: 114.

Colasante, M., M. Difford, & C. G. Vosa, (1989), Scanning electron microscopy of some critical bearded Irises pollen: preliminary observations, Webbia 43(2): 339-350.

Colasante, M. & Mathew B. (1987), Analysis of European Irises based on specimens in the Kew herbarium including some comments about critical taxonomic groups. Annali Di Botanica p. 163-196, Vol. 45, 1987.

Colasante, M. & L. Ricci (1973), ‘ I. germanica L. e I. marsica Ricci & Colasante sulla seoarazione delle due specie.' in Annali Di Botanica (Roma) vol. 32: p. 217-35; 1973;

Colasante, M. & L. Ricci, (1974), Iris Graminea L. : Caryological Analysis, Giornale botanica italiano, 108: 75-80, (in Italian), English translation in SIGNA, No. 27, p. 926-927. October, 1981.

Colasante, M. & L. Ricci, (1979) Iris pseudopumila Tin.: confronto citotassonomico tra esemplari provenienti da due diverse localita italiane. Annali Di Botanica (Roma) vol. 36: p. 261-271; 1979;

Colasante, M. & W. Sauer, (1985), Annotated list of Iris Herbarium kept in the following European Herbaria; Geneve, Zurich, Graz, and Vienna including additional data from Iris specimens kept in the Herbaria of Instruck, Klagenfurt and Berlin. Annali Di Botanica (Roma), 43: 53-79.

Colasante_M. & W. Sauer, (1988), Iris specimens investigations and revised lists of some German herbaria: Tuebingen (TUB),Munich (M) and Rauer (Sa). Ann. Bot. (Italy) 46: 35-57 (1988) - illus.

Colasante, M. & W. Sauer. (1993). The genus Iris L. in Latium (central Italy); general remarks on the morphological and karyological differentiation as well as on the ecological adaptation and flowering periods. Linzer Biol. Beitr. 25: 1189-1204.

Colasante, M. & C. G. Vosa, (1981), The cytotaxonomic relationship between Iris palestina Boiss. and Iris alata Poir. Caryologia, 3492): 207-212 (1981).

Colasante, M. & C. G. Vosa, (1985) Iris specimens investigation and checklist from Oxford Fielding Druce Herbarium. Annali Botanica (Roma), 43: 81-100.

Colasante, M. & C. G. Vosa, (1987). The genus Iris L.: a short synthesis of some taxonomic problems. Annali Di Botanica (Roma),p. 217-238, 45: 1987.

Colasante_M, Vosa_C. G., (1995), A new cytotaxonomic approach to the problem of natural hybrids in the Italian bearded irises. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 129(2): 39 (1995)

Colasante_M, Vosa_C. G. (2002), Iris: allocyclic segments as chromosome markers? Ann. Bot. n.s. (Italy) 1(2): 127-134 (2001) - illus.

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