Difference: InfoAISDigitalPrograms (r3 vs. r2)

AIS Digital Programs

The following programs are available for NO COST to AIS affiliate and Individual MEMBERS

These Digital Programs are designed to be 30 to 45 minutes in length. There are some GREAT programs in this
collection and I am pleased that AIS is now offering them at no cost to members (individual and affiliate). We see this as
a member benefit and as a way to promote AIS and increase membership. While once the program is delivered we have
no control over it’s further distribution, we do remind everyone that this is copyrighted. When you use it, please don’t
gloss over the credits and membership pages.

To order send an email to images@irises.org with your name and the programs you would like. They will be emailed to
the address from which they are requested. If you encounter problems I will make every effort to resolve them. Your
feedback about how well the program met your expectations and met your needs is always welcome. -Neil Houghton,
AIS Image Coord.

About PowerPoint Presentations: To start the program, find “Slide Show” and click “Start from the beginning.”
Presentations can be set up to move automatically from slide to slide. As I work to fine-tune and update these
presentations, I am removing the automatic advance. That will give you control over the time that each slide remains
visible. You can reactivate it by checking “use timings. Simply press the spacebar to advance and arrow keys to back up.
The programs are coded as I review them: +cleared, *needs work (Text misplaced/pictures missing, etc.) If not marked,
they have not been reviewed.

A list of the current programs and their status is available in this PDF.


-- WayneMesser - 13 Jul 2018

AIS-Digital-Programs.pdfpdfAIS-Digital-Programs.pdfmanage 67 K 13 Jul 2018 - 01:53WayneMesser AIS Digital Programs as of July 6, 2018

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