Difference: SibKarlasFadedDenims (r7 vs. r6)

r7 - 28 Aug 2016 - 15:47 - Main.Betsy881 r6 - 14 Jan 2015 - 15:58 - Main.Betsy881

'Karla's Faded Denims' ( Dana Borglum, R. 2000). Seedling KFD 97. SIB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Stone-washed blue, deeper on edges and hafts. Parentage unknown. Borglum 2001.

'Karla's Faded Denims' ( Dana Borglum, R. 2000). Sdlg. KFD 97. SIB, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Stone-washed blue, deeper on edges and hafts. Parentage unknown. Borglum 2001.

r7 - 28 Aug 2016 - 15:47 - Main.Betsy881 r6 - 14 Jan 2015 - 15:58 - Main.Betsy881

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