Difference: TbGoldDoublet (r5 vs. r4)

r5 - 14 May 2015 - 22:01 - Main.Harloiris r4 - 09 Feb 2015 - 08:41 - Main.af_2e83

'Gold Doublet' (Raymond G. Smith , R. 1964). Sdlg.!D26AR. TB Re, 30" (76 cm), Early bloom and rebloom. Color Class-Y1F, Vivid full yellow self (Nickerson 5Y 8/12). Mott re pink sdlg. inv. 'Pequot', 'Autumn Flame' and 'Savage' X inv. parentage of 'Lake George', 'Gloriole', 'Distance', 'Glad Song', 'Double Date' and 'August Gold'. Smith 1967.

'Gold Doublet' (R. G. Smith , R. 1964). Sdlg.!D26AR. TB Re, 30" (76 cm), Early bloom and rebloom. Color Class-Y1F, Vivid full yellow self (Nickerson 5Y 8/12). Mott re pink sdlg. inv. 'Pequot', 'Autumn Flame' and 'Savage' X inv. parentage of 'Lake George', 'Gloriole', 'Distance', 'Glad Song', 'Double Date' and 'August Gold'. Smith 1967.

r5 - 14 May 2015 - 22:01 - Main.Harloiris r4 - 09 Feb 2015 - 08:41 - Main.af_2e83

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