Difference: TbQuivera (r8 vs. r7)

r8 - 06 Jun 2019 - 19:24 - Main.Betsy881 r7 - 29 Jul 2017 - 17:53 - Main.Betsy881
From Treholme Gardens catalog 1931: QUIVERA (Sass, J. 1928) E.85, G.82, E. to M. S., 36". A buff and pink plicata blend. A most fascinating flower of large size, good form and substance on tall, well-branched stalks. While it has been observed only one season, yet it is so attractive that I am including it believing that it will rate much higher under more favorable conditions. It is in a color class with Lona, Jubilee and King Karl, but is of different form, with more yellow, and is an improvement in other respects.
From Sass catalog, 1937: QUIVERA (Jacob Sass, 1932)- A mingling of buff, pink, yellow, orange and brown, difficult to describe, but of unique beauty. S. buff pink; F. orange vinaceous striped pink vinaceous, yellow glow at the center with brown striped hafts and bright yellow beard. Blooms of medium size. 30 inches. Honorable Mention, 1932. 25c
From Sass catalog, 1937: QUIVERA (Jacob Sass, 1932)- A mingling of buff, pink, yellow, orange and brown, difficult to describe, but of unique beauty. S. buff pink; F. orange vinaceous striped pink vinaceous, yellow glow at the center with brown striped hafts and bright yellow beard. Blooms of medium size. 30 inches. Honorable Mention, 1932. 25c
r8 - 06 Jun 2019 - 19:24 - Main.Betsy881 r7 - 29 Jul 2017 - 17:53 - Main.Betsy881

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