

■(AB) 'Peg Dabagh'

1948. Craig.

'Peg Dabagh' OB- (Tom Craig, R. 1948). AB, TMB, Early bloom. Color Class-B1L, Tall light blue self. 'Purissima' X 'Capitola'. Craig, 1948. Honorable Mention 1948.

Also listed in TB web: 'Peg Dabagh'.

See below:

Photo by Ivan Craig-image from cover of Tom Craig 1954 catalogPhoto scanned from the 1957 Schreiners catalogue by Terry LaurinASI Archives photo


From Tom Craig catalog, 1948: PEG DABAGH (Craig '48)--A large early Wm. Mohr derivative. Born on 45-50 in. stems the clear blue-violet flowers are novel for a Wm Mohr derivative. Flowered first in '47, a rapid increaser. (Purissima x Capitola) $35.00.

From The Court Of Iris catalog, 1955: PEG DABAGH (Craig '48) EM 40" (Purissima X Capitola). Has the form of Lady Mohr (the flower, not the lady) and is colored a rich violet-blue. Widespread reports say it is" hardy, increases well and shows adaptability". It is admired even by some who say they care little for Onco-breds. It was awarded a Gold Cup at the '49 Hollywood Show. $1.00. H.M. '48
From Supplement To The Comprehensive Checklist of Aril and Arilbred Iris by Sharon McAllister, April 2000: PEG DABAGH AB (Tom Craig, R. 1948). Seedling # NIA. TMB, tali E. Purissima X Capitola. AIS Color Class: BIL (light blue self). '76 CL: Light blue self. Rainbow: "Clear, rich violet blue." Vallette: "large clear violet-blue self." Craig, 1948. Notes: Counted as a 45-chromosome quarterbred, an OB- in both systems. Ref: AIS '49, p. 187; ASI '76, p. 65; ASI '78 YB, p. 64; Vallette, p. 191.
Peg Dabagh was my godfather's wife. I planted some of the Peg Dabagh bulbs near St. Helena, in the early 1960s. They are untended, ever, and rely on natural rain and sun to survive. They are still blooming their heads off, after all these years. Thought you might like to know. Elise Kroeber -- WikiGuest - 25 Dec 201.


-- BetsyHiggins - 2010-01-21
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
PegDebagh.jpgjpg PegDebagh.jpg manage 21 K 19 Feb 2010 - 22:04 BetsyHiggins ASI Archives photo
Peg_Dabagh01.jpgjpg Peg_Dabagh01.jpg manage 74 K 17 Jul 2015 - 11:25 TerryLaurin Photo by Ivan Craig-image from cover of Tom Craig 1954 catalog
pegdabagh1.JPGJPG pegdabagh1.JPG manage 360 K 18 Aug 2020 - 02:53 TerryLaurin Photo scanned from the 1957 Schreiners catalogue by Terry Laurin
Topic revision: r24 - 18 Aug 2020, TerryLaurin
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