Aristea cladocarpa
Aristea cladocaepa, n. sp. Dense csespitosa, glabra, foliis basalibus 8-10 linearibus inultiuervatis, raceino simplici vel composito rhachi applmata noilis 2-3-floris, bracteis minutis ovatis membranaceis, fructu cylindrico. Densely ca>spitose. Leaves rigid in texture, 4-12 in. long, 1/2 in. broad, tapering to a point, quite flat on the faces, with above twenty close distinct ribs. Stem, including inflorescence,1/2-1 ft. long, distinctly flattened and winged from the very base, the peduncle furnished with 1-2 sheathing leaves with a short free lamina. Racemes sometimes simple with only a couple of nodes, in luxuriant plants 4-5 in. long, with 1 or 2 short branches and a single terminal node. Nodes 2-3-flowered, sometimes viviparous. Bracts ovate, brownish, membranous, not more than 1/12~1/8 in. long- Flowers with a pedicel as long as the bract, a clavate ovary ^ in. long, and a limb of blue oblanceolate segments scarcely longer than the ovary. Capsule black, glabrous, ^ in. long, with very numerous small turgid superposed seeds in each cell. — Andrangaloaka, along sides of paths and in more open parts of forest, Dr. Parker I (one specimen with a tuft of distichous leaves 4-5 in. long from one of the lower nodes of the raceme). Central Madagascar, Baron 480! 1092! 1777! Gathered also by the Eev. Deans Cowan.
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BobPries - 29 Jan 2019