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(SDB) Standard Dwarf - I

■(SDB) 'I Dreamed A Dream' 2020, Black 'I Dreamed A Dream' ('Paul Black, R. 2020). Seedling Y211B. SDB, 15.5" (39 cm), Late to very late bloom. Standards and sty...
■(SDB) 'I Follow The Sun' 2010, Loktev 'I Follow The Sun' (Sergey Loktev, R. 2010) Seedling# 04 64 12. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Early, midseason, and late bloom. Standar...
r5 - 01 Feb 2019 - 18:11 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'I Go Crazy' 2020, Black 'I Go Crazy' (Paul Black, R. 2020). Seedling X330G. SDB, 15.5" (39 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards cream center, dar...
■(SDB) 'I Know You' 2013, Stewart 'I Know You' (Denise Stewart, R. 2012) Seedling# 244 04. SDB, 12 (30 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards cream, lavender ...
r8 - 21 Dec 2019 - 23:42 by Elladan
■(SDB) 'I Stand By You' 2010, Loktev 'I Stand By You' (Sergey Loktev, R. 2010) Seedling# 04 96 1. SDB, 14" (36 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms yell...
r5 - 01 Feb 2019 - 18:11 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'I Wanna Grow Up' 2024, Toth 'I Wanna Grow Up' (David Toth, R. 2024). Seedling 23 03is, SDB, 10" (25.5 cm), Early bloom. Standards rosy beige; style arms r...
■(SDB) 'Iarmarok Merezhyva' 2015, Yakovchuk 'Iarmarok Merezhyva' ЯРМАРОК МЭРЭЖЫВА (Svetlana Yakovchuk, 2015). Not Registered. See below: * * References Refe...
(SDB) 'Ibab' 1974, Brown 'Ibab' RB (Alta Brown, R. 1974). Seedling# M 961 5AB. AB MED (1/4), 14" (36 cm). Early bloom. Standards light blue, veined and rimmed go...
■(SDB) 'Ice And Indigo' 1990, Willott 'Ice And Indigo' (Anthony and Dorothy Willott, R. 1990). Seedling# 88 2. SDB, 10" (25 cm). Early bloom. Standards pale blue;...
■(SDB) 'Ice Baby' 2015, Morris 'Ice Baby' (Jean Morris, R. 2015) Seedling# LU 05. SDB, 10" (25 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards intense lavender, faint white pen...
r5 - 20 Sep 2022 - 14:15 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Ice Bonbon' 1992, Denkewitz 'Ice Bonbon' (Lothar Denkewitz, R. 1990). Seedling# N 80 hbl 2. SDB, 8" (22 cm), Early bloom. Standards white, white blue towar...
r8 - 01 Feb 2019 - 18:22 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Ice Chalet' 1982, Black 'Ice Chalet' (Paul Black, R. 1981). Seedling# B 80 27. SDB, 14" (36 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards icy white with blue infusion a...
r19 - 05 May 2023 - 16:35 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Ice Chip' 1986, Niswonger 'Ice Chip' (O. David Niswonger, R. 1986). Seedling# 4 80B. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Starchy white, pale blue spot arou...
■(SDB) 'Ice Crystal' 1982, Willott 'Ice Crystal' (Anthony and Dorothy Willott, R. 1978). Seedling# 78 165. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Late bloom. Ruffled pure white self...
r11 - 15 Nov 2022 - 18:34 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Ice Cube' 1970, Craig 'Ice Cube' (Tim Craig, R. 1970). Seedling# R6 70. SDB, 14" (36 cm), Late bloom. Cold seafoam self; pineapple thumbprint at haft; bear...
r8 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:21 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Ice Etching' 1998, Black 'Ice Etching' (Paul Black, R. 1998). Seedling# B324A. SDB, 14" (36 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark violet blue midrib blendi...
■(SDB) 'Iced Lemonade' 1985, Willott 'Iced Lemonade' (Anthony and Dorothy Willott, R. 1985). Seedling# 80 27. SDB, 12" (30 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standard...
■(SDB) 'Iced Wine' 1999, Chapman 'Iced Wine' (Chuck Chapman, R. 1999). Seedling# 93 91 3. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Midseason bloom. Rosy violet luminata wash on white, w...
(SDB) 'Idea' 1991, Innerst 'Idea' (Sterling Innerst, R. 1991). Seedling# 2846 6. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards medium yellow; falls white, ed...
(SDB) 'Idea Flame' 2004, Loktev 'Idea Flame' (Sergey Loktev, R. 2003). Seedling# 97 R6 14G. SDB, 9" (22 cm). Very early to early bloom. Standards bright mustard y...
r7 - 01 Feb 2019 - 18:12 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Iderquasto' 2020, Altenhofer 'Iderquasto' (Pia Altenhofer, R. 2020). Seedling 13/14 unbek 29. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early bloom. Standards and style arms ...
r3 - 13 Oct 2021 - 16:12 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Idol's Eye' 1973, Hager 'Idol's Eye' (Ben Hager, R. 1973). Seedling# 2230D. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Early bloom. Ruby red self; self beard. 'Regards' X 'Cherry ...
■(SDB) 'If You Please' 2007, Morris 'If You Please' (Jean Morris, R. 2005). Seedling# JEM 3A 4. SDB, height 13" (33 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards warm amber, pe...
r11 - 01 Feb 2019 - 18:22 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Ignite' 2009, Black 'Ignite' (Paul Black, R. 2009). Seedling# M211D. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards medium light violet center blended to wi...
■(SDB) 'Igorny Dom' 2007, Loktev 'Igorny Dom' Игорный дом (Sergey Loktev, R. 2006). Seedling# 02 22 3. SDB, 12" (31 cm). Early, midseason, and late bloom. Stand...
■(SDB) 'Igra Slov' 2006, Loktev 'Igra Slov' Игра слов (Sergey Loktev, R. 2005). Seedling# 99 27 1. SDB, 10" (26 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards and style ...
■(SDB) 'Igrivy Rebionok' 2007, Osipenko 'Igrivy Rebionok' Игривый ребёнок (Vladimir Osipenko, R. 2006). Seedling 9F. 16 17. SDB, 14" (35 cm), Midseason bloom. Sta...
r12 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:26 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Igrushka' 2008, Koroliov 'Igrushka' Игрушка (Viktor Koroliov, R. 2005). Seedling# C16 K00. SDB, 15" (37 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards greenish yellow; st...
r8 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:27 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Igrushka Iz Dmitrova' 2015, Serebriannikova 'Igrushka Iz Dmitrova' Игрушка из Дмитрова (Irina Serebriannikova, R. 2015) SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early bloom. Stan...
r4 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:27 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Ikklammbleck' 2020, Altenhofer 'Ikklammbleck' (Pia Altenhofer, R. 2020). Seedling 13/14 ? 31. SDB, 15.5" (39 cm), Early bloom. Standards traffic white ...
(SDB) 'Il Nono' 2001, Muska by Clark 'Il Nono' (Ladislav Muska by Jimmie Clark, R. 2001). SDB, 12" (31 cm), Midseason bloom. Deep reddish purple to black self; be...
r7 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:28 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Illini Eyeful' 2009, Moller 'Illini Eyeful' (Michael Moller, R. 2009). Seedling# OO1. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards and style arms y...
r7 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:29 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'I'm A Pepper' 2014, Stewart 'I'm A Pepper' (Denise Stewart, R. 2013) Seedling# 09 708. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards and style ...
(SDB) 'I'm Gilty' 2011, Black 'I'm Gilty' (Paul Black, R. 2011) Seedling# AUNK5. SDB, 12 (30 cm), Midsseason bloom. Blue self; violet beards. Parentage unknown Se...
r4 - 01 Feb 2019 - 19:06 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'I'm Groot' 2022, Piatek 'I'm Groot' (Robert Piątek, R. 2021). Seedling 16 1197 B RP. SDB, 13" (34 cm), Early bloom. Standards mustard yellow, irregular da...
■(SDB) 'I'm In Love' 2022, Black 'I'm In Love' (Paul Black, R. 2022) Seedling AA219A, SDB, 15" (38 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards clear light yellow, var...
■(SDB) 'I'm So Envious' 2023, Rieniets 'I'm So Envious' (Kimberly Rieniets, R. 2021). Seedling ISE21SG. SDB, 14" (35 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, uneven...
(SDB) 'I'm Yellow' 1984, Boswell 'I'm Yellow' (Carl Boswell, R. 1983). Seedling# 223 76 1. SDB, 11" (28 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards bright yellow; falls mediu...
■(SDB) 'Imagette' 1983/84, Blyth 'Imagette' (Barry Blyth, R. 1983). Seedling# Pl5 B. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early midseason to midseason bloom. Standards white ground,...
(SDB) 'Imam Salem' 1955, White 'Imam Salem' OGB (Clarence G. White, R. 1955). Seedling# 8 55. DMB, 12" (30 cm). Midseason bloom. Blend of gray, violet, mulberry a...
r5 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:34 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Imbri' 1983, Johnson 'Imbri' (David L. Johnson, R. 1983). Seedling# SX8OA. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light red violet, dark blue highlig...
■(SDB) 'Imbue' 1996/97, Blyth 'Imbue' (Barry Blyth, R. 1996). Seedling# A30 B. SDB, 12 14" (30 36 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards gold to mustard gold, few p...
r12 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:31 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Impeached' 2000, Keppel 'Impeached' (Keith Keppel, R. 2000). Seedling# 94 25B. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards peach salmon (M P 9 C...
r17 - 11 Sep 2022 - 22:16 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Impish' 1991/92, Blyth 'Impish' (Barry Blyth, R. 1991). Seedling# X25 10. SDB, 12 14" (30 36 cm), Late midseason to very late bloom. Creamy smoky pastel sa...
(SDB) 'Impish Smile' 1973, Reed 'Impish Smile' RB (Mary Reed, R. 1973). AB MED, 12 15" (30 38 cm). Early to midseason bloom. Standards blue violet; falls slightly...
r4 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:38 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Impulsive Imp' 2004, Blyth 'Impulsive Imp' (Barry Blyth, R. 2004). Seedling# L36 3. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Very early to midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards...
■(SDB) 'In Cahoots' 2011, Johnson 'In Cahoots' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2011) Seedling TA129A. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms medium lime ...
(SDB) 'In Cha' 1996, Wilkeneit 'In Cha' (Udo and Rudolf Wilkeneit, R. 1996). SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. White, petals edged light blue; beards white; slig...
r7 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:38 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'In Disguise' 1996, Bellagamba 'In Disguise' (Louise Bellagamba, R. 1995). Seedling# D 191. SDB, 9" (23 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards clear lavender...
r8 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:39 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'In Heaven' 1992/93, Blyth 'In Heaven' (Barry Blyth, R. 1992). Seedling# X31 7. SDB, 12" (31 cm), Very early bloom. Standards rich apricot; falls slightly ...
(SDB) 'In Jest' 1994/95, Blyth 'In Jest' (Barry Blyth, R. 1994). Seedling A4 1. SDB, 14" (36 cm), Very early to early midseason bloom. Creamy lemon with white are...
■(SDB) 'In The Limelight' 2012, Blackmer 'In The Limelight' (Dixon Blackmer, R. 2012) SDB, 12 (30 cm). Early bloom. Standards and style arms pale lavender (RHS 92...
r7 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:40 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'In The Red' 1995, Stahly 'In The Red' (Harold Stahly, R. 1995). Seedling# 1 5. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards red (deeper than RHS 178A); st...
(SDB) 'In The School' 2006, Loktev 'In The School' (Sergey Loktev, R. 2005). Seedling# 00 97 2. SDB, 16" (40 cm). Midseason to very late bloom. Standards and styl...
r7 - 01 Feb 2019 - 18:13 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'In The Zone' 2014, Chapman 'In The Zone' (Chuck Chapman, R. 2014) Seedling# 06 138 1. SDB, 16" (41 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white ground, heavy was...
■(SDB) 'Inca Doll' 1995, Jones 'Inca Doll' (Bennett Jones, R. 1994). Seedling# 451 OO. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blended nasturtium orange (H...
r13 - 14 Apr 2022 - 20:32 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Inca Sunrise' 2009, Walker 'Inca Sunrise' (Lee Walker, R. 2008) Seedling# 00 46 4. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark yellow, dark violet c...
r10 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:09 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Incendiary' 1996, Smith 'Incendiary' (Marky Smith, R. 1996). Seedling# 92 20A. SDB, 14" (36 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards blackened burgundy (dark...
■(SDB) 'Inclination' 2018, Black 'Inclination' (Paul Black, R. 2018). Seedling W234A. SDB, 15" (38 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards buff, wide slate purpl...
(SDB) 'Incorrigible' 2001, Dyer 'Incorrigible' (Perry Dyer, R. 2000). Seedling# 94 24H. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards and style arms full oran...
r7 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:11 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Indepmo' 1965, Street 'Indepmo' (Stanley Street, R. 1963). Seedling# M 1 1. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early bloom. Color Class V1D, Blackish purple self; orange be...
r7 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:11 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Index' 1996, Innerst 'Index' (Sterling Innerst, R. 1995). Seedling# 3611 5. SDB, 14" (36 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards yellow gold; style arms yellow; f...
■(SDB) 'Indian Art' 2005, Jones 'Indian Art' (Bennett Jones, R. 2003). Seedling# 673 6. SDB, 12" (31 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms white; falls b...
r17 - 25 Aug 2022 - 14:43 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Indian Beauty' 1991, Weiler 'Indian Beauty' (John Weiler, R. 1990). Seedling# 84 55 2 RE. SDB, 8" (21 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Yellow brown...
■(SDB) 'Indian Footprint' 1992, Sindt 'Indian Footprint' (David Sindt by Adamgrove, R. 1992). Seedling# 752. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards yellow ...
r11 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:12 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Indian Jewel' 1973, Brown 'Indian Jewel' (Alta Brown, R. 1973). Seedling# M 1596 17. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Late bloom. Standards white; Falls enamel blue (Wil...
■(SDB) 'Indian Pow Wow' 1972, Brown 'Indian Pow Wow' (Alta Brown, R. 1971). Seedling# M 1404 18. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards creamy tan, li...
■(SDB) 'Indigo Crown' 1976, Willott 'Indigo Crown' (Anthony and Dorothy Willott, R. 1976). Seedling# 4 13. SDB, 10 1/2" (27 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards medium...
■(SDB) 'Infanta' 2003, Smith 'Infanta' (Marky Smith, R. 2002). Seedling# 96 21N. SDB, 13" (33 cm). Early bloom. Lightly ruffled orange buff (RHS 22B) self, glacia...
r9 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:10 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Inflamed' 1982, Innerst 'Inflamed' (Sterling Innerst, R. 1981). Seedling# 1225 1. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Bright yellow with large brown red sp...
■(SDB) 'Ingenuity' 1983, Palmer 'Ingenuity' (Cleo Palmer, R. 1982). Seedling# 8131. SDB, 15" (38 cm), Early bloom. Lightly ruffled lavender with red violet veinin...
(SDB) 'Inglenook' 1983, Hamblen 'Inglenook' (Melba Hamblen, R. 1982). Seedling# M76 25B. SDB, 12" (30 cm). Midseason late bloom. Cream, flushed greenish blue (RHS...
■(SDB) 'Ink Line' 2009, Sutton 'Ink Line' (George Sutton, R. 2008) Seedling# S 272. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards white dotted an...
■(SDB) 'Inkling' 1995, Byers 'Inkling' (Monty Byers by Phyllis Dickey, R. 1995). Seedling# G 18 100. SDB, 14" (36 cm), Midseason bloom and rebloom. White ground p...
■(SDB) 'Inky Dinky' 1991, Black 'Inky Dinky' (Paul Black, R. 1991). Seedling# 86286C. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Late bloom. Standards stark white, wide inky blue black pl...
r16 - 26 May 2023 - 17:00 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Inky Dinky Spider' 2006, Spoon 'Inky Dinky Spider' (Donald Spoon, R. 2006). Seedling# 2003 5A. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Red black self,...
(SDB) 'Inlaid' 1982, Innerst 'Inlaid' (Sterling Innerst, R. 1981). Seedling# 1169 3. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled white, large blue spot on falls; w...
(SDB) 'Inner Accent' 1982, Willott 'Inner Accent' (Anthony and Dorothy Willott, R. 1978). SDB, 11" (28 cm). Midseason bloom. White ground plicata with purple mark...
r11 - 16 Feb 2023 - 15:49 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Inner Peace' 1990, Willott 'Inner Peace' (Anthony and Dorothy Willott, R. 1990). Seedling# 88 6. SDB, 14" (35 cm), Early bloom. Light blue, slight white h...
■(SDB) 'Inner Secret' 2013, Price 'Inner Secret' ( Nancy Price, R. 2012) Seedling# 07 044H. SDB, 11" (28 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white ground, l/8" random...
r8 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:18 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Inner Space' 2009,Tasco 'Inner Space' (Richard Tasco, R. 2009). Seedling# 03 SDB 17 51 RE. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Early midseason bloom and rebloom. Standards ...
■(SDB) 'Inner Voices' 2003, Miller 'Inner Voices' (Lynda Miller, R. 2003). Seedling# 30396. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Midseason late bloom. Full blue violet, falls with p...
■(SDB) 'Innocenti Evasioni' 2005, Bianco 'Innocenti Evasioni' (Augusto Bianco, R. 2005). Seedling# 845. SDB, 13" (32 cm), Late bloom. Standards oyster white with ...
(SDB) 'Input' 1990, Hager 'Input' (Ben Hager, R. 1989). Seedling# MSD444OY/BrPc. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards amber yellow; falls bright yellow, d...
r10 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:25 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Inscription' 1978, Boushay 'Inscription' (Jack Boushay, R. 1978). Seedling# 73 Q 5. SDB, 12 1/2" (32 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards mimosa yellow (Wilson...
■(SDB) 'Insolation' 2018, Tasquier 'Insolation' (Loïc Tasquier, R. 2017). Seedling F374A. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms bright yello...
■(SDB) 'Insolent' 2018, Tasquier 'Insolent' (Loïc Tasquier, R. 2018). Seedling H402A. SDB, 9.5" (24 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards medium grape purple, dar...
■(SDB) 'Inspector Columbo' 2021, Piątek 'Inspector Columbo' (Robert Piątek, R. 2020). Seedling15 782 B RP. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Early to midseason bloom Standards s...
■(SDB) 'Inspector Mickey' 2006, Chapman 'Inspector Mickey' (Chuck Chapman, R. 2006). Seedling# 01 007 01. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards dark ...
r9 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:23 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Intellect' 2015, Johnson 'Intellect' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2015) Seedling TD246L. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards clear mid sky blue; style arm...
■(SDB) 'Intergalactic' 2008, Black 'Intergalactic' (Paul Black, R. 2008). Seedling# M164B. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards medium yellow, fine ...
■(SDB) 'Intimate' 1985, Sindt 'Intimate' (David Sindt, R. 1984). Seedling# 523. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Midseason bloom. Delicate pink; peach styles; light orange bea...
r14 - 23 Jun 2023 - 19:53 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Into The Sunset' 2011, Black 'Into The Sunset' (Paul Black, R 2011 ) Seedling P177E. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards medium peach orang...
■(SDB) 'Intrepid Hunter' 2012, Hester 'Intrepid Hunter' (Darnell and Greg Hester, R. 2012) Seedling# 08A6 6. SDB, 13 (33 cm). Early bloom. Standards yellow, domed...
r7 - 29 Jul 2021 - 00:36 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Investor' 2004, Johnson 'Investor' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2003). Seedling# Q61A. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards purple; style arms purple, pink...
■(SDB) 'Invicta Garnet' 2006, Wells 'Invicta Garnet' (Olga Wells, R. 2006). Seedling# BNNR 2. SDB, 13 14" (33 36 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards garnet red; style...
■(SDB) 'Invicta Gold' 2008, Wells 'Invicta Gold' (Olga Wells, R. 2007). Seedling# BNNR 3. SDB, height 15" (38 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards gold; style...
r9 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:24 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Inviolate' 2007, Schmieder 'Inviolate' (Barbara and David Schmieder, R. 2006). Seedling# 97 IM 8. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Late midseason bloom. Brilliant violet...
■(SDB) 'Invisible' 2004, Black 'Invisible' (Paul Black, R. 2003). Seedling# I296B. SDB, 14" (36 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards white with cholorophyll green; sty...
r24 - 01 Sep 2022 - 23:21 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Invoking' 1975, Brown 'Invoking' (Alta Brown by Jack Boushay, R. 1975). Seedling# M 1565 9. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards mauvette (Wilson ...
r10 - 01 Feb 2019 - 18:17 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Io L'Amo' 2017, Tasquier 'Io L'Amo' (Loïc Tasquier, R. 2017). Seedling G472A. SDB, 15.5" (39 cm), Late bloom. Standards and style arms pink purple; Falls ...
■(SDB) 'Io Si' 2016, Tasquier 'Io Si' (Loïc Tasquier, R. 2016). Seedling G033C. SDB, 15" (39 cm.). Midseason bloom. Standards violet, veined darker; style arms vi...
■(SDB) 'Ionic Bond' 2017, Johnson 'Ionic Bond' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2017), Seedling TG271A. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason to late bloom , Standards and style arms ...
■(SDB) 'Irisfool' 2021, Lehmann 'Irisfool' (Fritz Lehmann, R. 2021). Seedling Kas12.20.4. SDB, 14" (36 cm), Early bloom. Standards light violet; style arms violet...
(SDB) 'Irish Belle' 1973, Brown 'Irish Belle' (Alta Brown, R. 1972). Seedling# H 1402 10. SDB, 10 11" (25 28 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light chartreuse gree...
■(SDB) 'Irish Blush' 2015, Tasquier 'Irish Blush' (Loïc Tasquier, R. 2015). Seedling C157A. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards light red brown...
r24 - 30 Oct 2023 - 17:47 by Harloiris
■(SDB) Irish Chant 2001, Sutton 'Irish Chant' ( George Sutton, R. 2001) Seedling# G 85. SDB, 12" (31 cm), Early to midseason bloom and rebloom. Ruffled chartreuse...
■(SDB) 'Irish Crown' 2022, Bianco 'Irish Crown' (Augusto Bianco, R. 2022) Seedling 2 A 2, SDB, 13" (32 cm), Early to midseason late bloom. Standards ivory butter;...
(SDB) 'Irish Frolic' 1986, Wight 'Irish Frolic' (Tom Wight, R. 1986). Seedling# 79 7. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Early bloom and rebloom, Lightly ruffled icy green; light ...
■(SDB) 'Irish Gaelic' 2021, Tasquier 'Irish Gaelic' (Loïc Tasquier, R. 2021). Seedling N282A. SDB, 10" (25 cm). Early midseason bloom. Standards light pink grey, ...
■(SDB) 'Irish Halo' 1985, Varner 'Irish Halo' (Steve Varner, R. 1984). Seedling# 3014. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards white; falls ruffled ...
■(SDB) Irish Harp 2014, Bianco 'Irish Harp' (Augusto Bianco, R. 2008). Seedling 907. SDB, 13" (32 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and falls tobacco veined r...
(SDB)'Irish Heart' 1974, Roberts 'Irish Heart' (Earl Roberts, R. 1974). Seedling# 73R13A. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards white; falls green...
r7 - 08 Nov 2016 - 20:38 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Irish Heather' 2018, Tasquier 'Irish Heather' (Loïc Tasquier, R. 2018). Seedling H181A. SDB, 14.5" (37 cm). Late midseason bloom. Standards light pink vio...
(SDB) 'Irish Lass' 1976, Ensminger 'Irish Lass' (Allan Ensminger, R. 1976). Seedling# 173 1. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards agathia green (H...
r8 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:29 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Irish Lilt' 1967, Brown 'Irish Lilt' (Alta Brown, R. 1966). Seedling# M 843 3. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Early bloom. Color Class W4BG, Standards ivory white; f...
■(SDB) 'Irish Moss' 1994, Jones 'Irish Moss' (Bennett Jones, R/ 1993). Seedling# 442 1. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards persian blue (HCC 647/3); fal...
■(SDB) 'Irish Ruby' 2014, Tasquier 'Irish Ruby' (Loïc Tasquier, R. 2012) Seedling E488A. SDB, 10" (26 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms pink purple, ...
■(SDB) 'Irish Sea' 1969, Roberts 'Irish Sea' (Earl Roberts, R. 1968). Seedling# 67R11. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early bloom. Color Class G1L, Light green self; azure blu...
r13 - 29 Nov 2023 - 00:23 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Irish Temper' 1987, Shaver 'Irish Temper' ( Kenneth Shaver by Hooker Nichols, R. 1986). Seedling# 78 30 2. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early to late bloom. Standard...
■(SDB) 'Irish Treasure' 2012, Rieniets 'Irish Treasure' (Elizabeth Rieniets, R. 2012) Seedling# 007. SDB, 10 (25 cm). Early bloom. Standards blue green, indigo bl...
r9 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:30 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irish Trick' 1986/87, Blyth 'Irish Trick' (Barry Blyth, R. 1986). Seedling# R29 1. SDB, 14" (36 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards champagne buff to lilac...
r9 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:32 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irokez' 2004, Loktev 'Irokez' Ирокез (Sergey Loktev, R. 2003). Seedling# 98 L15 8H. SDB, 11" (27 cm). Very early to early midseason bloom. Standards blue v...
r10 - 01 Feb 2019 - 18:13 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Ironic' 2018, Johnson 'Ironic' (Thomas Johnson, R. 2018). Seedling TB340A. SDB, 10" (25 cm), Late bloom. Standards blended purple and flesh pink; style ...
r4 - 20 Sep 2019 - 17:16 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Irrepressible' 2006, Black 'Irrepressible' (Paul Black, R. 2006). Seedling# J256A. SDB, 14.5" (37 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards medium red brown...
(SDB) 'Irwell Angel' 1999, Busch 'Irwell Angel' (Ron Busch, R. 1999). Seedling# 93D3 70. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, flushed cream; falls ...
r7 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:31 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Compassion' 2010, Busch 'Irwell Compassion' Ron Busch, R. 2010) Seedling# 15 1025. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards sky blue flushe...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:31 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Delight' 1999, Busch 'Irwell Delight' (Ron Busch, R. 1999). Seedling# 93D34 87. SDB, 12" (31 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards pale lavender; fal...
r7 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:31 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Esteem' 2010, Busch 'Irwell Esteem' (Ron Busch, R. 2010) Seedling# 7 100. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards and style arms gold; fa...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:32 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Fantasy' 2010, Busch 'Irwell Fantasy' (Ron Busch, R. 2010) Seedling# 1041. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards old gold; style arms same, v...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:32 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Generosity' 2008/09, Busch 'Irwell Generosity' (Ron Busch, R. 2008) Seedling# 10 985. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms ol...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:33 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Irwell Goblin' 1999, Busch 'Irwell Goblin' (Ron Busch, R. 1999). Seedling# 93D33 88. SDB, 12" (31 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards old gold; falls light vi...
r9 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:33 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Golden Charm' 1999, Busch 'Irwell Golden Charm' (Ron Busch, R. 1999). Seedling# 93D37 71. SDB, 12" (31 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lemon; falls ...
r7 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:34 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Grace' 2010, Busch 'Irwell Grace' (Ron Busch, R. 2010) Seedling# 1 952. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards bright pink; style arms pink; f...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:34 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Honesty' 2010, Busch 'Irwell Honesty' (Ron Busch, R. 2010) Seedling# 3 947. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early bloom. Standards pink washed violet; style arms ...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:36 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Joy' 2008/09 'Irwell Joy' (Ron Busch, R. 2008) Seedling# 12 937. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards peach flushed pink; style arms pink; f...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:36 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Kindness' 2008/09, Busch 'Irwell Kindness' (Ron Busch, R. 2008) Seedling# 9 977. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards lemon gold; styl...
r5 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:37 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Lakeside' 1999, Busch 'Irwell Lakeside' (Ron Busch, R. 1999). Seedling# 93 103. SDB, 12" (31 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards deep lavender; falls go...
r7 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:37 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Line Dance' 2010, Busch 'Irwell Line Dance' (Ron Busch, R. 2010) Seedling# 001/98. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards old gold tipped gold...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:38 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Little Emperor' 2010,. Busch 'Irwell Little Emperor' (Ron Busch, R. 2010) Seedling# 204. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:39 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Little Princess' 2010, Busch 'Irwell Little Princess' (Ron Busch, R. 2010) Seedling# 0 180. SDB, 10" (25 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards yellow; sty...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:39 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Oasis' 2010, Busch 'Irwell Oasis' (Ron Busch, R. 2010) Seedling# 001/44. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards lemon; style arms rose tipped ...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:39 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Pride' 2010, Busch 'Irwell Pride' (Ron Busch, R. 2010) Seedling# 22. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards cream; style arms lemon; falls lem...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:40 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Principal' 2010, Busch 'Irwell Principal' (Ron Busch, R. 2010) Seedling# 100. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards pink, gold blushed edge; ...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:40 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Token' 2010, Busch 'Irwell Token' (Ron Busch, R. 2010) Seedling# 005. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards rose purple flushed cream;...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:41 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Irwell Village' 2008/09, Busch 'Irwell Village' (Ron Busch, R. 2008) Seedling# 16 1034. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards and style arms sk...
r4 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:41 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Ishmael' 1977, Boushay 'Ishmael' (Jack Boushay, R. 1976). Seedling# 72 E 6. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards violet (Wilson 36) with t...
(SDB) 'Isla Negra' 2001, Muska 'Isla Negra' (Ladislav Muska by Jimmie Clark, R. 2001). SDB, 13" (33 cm), Midseason bloom. Reddish black self; beards light gold; l...
r8 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:28 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Island' 2006, Black 'Island' (Paul Black, R. 2006). Seedling# L236B. SDB, 14" (36 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards medium violet blue, slate blue i...
■(SDB) 'Island Fever' 2024, Schreiner's Gardens 'Island Fever' (Schreiner's Gardens, R. 2024). Seedling G168 1, SDB, 8.5" (21.5 cm), Early bloom. Standards lavend...
■(SDB) 'Island Sun' 2003, Black 'Island Sun' (Paul Black, R. 2002). Seedling# I293B. SDB, 11" (28 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards light lime yellow; style arms wh...
■(SDB) 'Island Sunrise' 2017, Aitken 'Island Sunrise' (J. T. Aitken, R. 2016) Seedling 05M10. SDB, 9" (23 cm), Midseason bloom. Bright mid yellow self; beards br...
(SDB) 'Isle Of Dawn' 2000, Burton 'Isle Of Dawn' (Lucy Burton, R. 2000). Seedling# L92 B 2. SDB, 11 1/2" (29 cm), Midseason bloom. Pale apricot, falls with small ...
r7 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:42 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Isobelle Eve' 2000/01, Nicoll 'Isobelle Eve' (Alison Nicoll, R. 2000). Seedling# N95D1122. SDB, 9" (24 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards blue lavender washe...
r8 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:43 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'It Ain't Me Babe' 2007, Baumunk 'It Ain't Me Babe' (Lowell Baumunk, R. 2006). Seedling# 152B. SDB, 14" (36 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards lavende...
■(SDB) 'It Is' 1995/96, Blyth 'It Is' (Barry Blyth, R. 1995). Seedling# B34 6. SDB, 10" (25 cm). Very early to late bloom. Standards cocoa tan, midrib infused vio...
(SDB) 'Italics' 2009, Smith 'Italics' (Marky Smith, R. 2009). AIS 2010 Checklist indicates for the SDB form of this iris: "Stock destroyed Name reused for an inte...
r7 - 08 Nov 2016 - 21:04 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'It's A Keeper' 2001, Kremer 'It's A Keeper' (Ken Kremer, R. 2001). SDB, 8" (21 cm), Early bloom. Standards white, shaded pale yellow gold; style arms white...
r7 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:46 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'It's A Small World' 2016, Black 'It's A Small World' (Paul Black, R. 2016) Seedling U206E. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards palest pin...
■(SDB) 'It's Amazing' 2012, Black 'It's Amazing' (Paul Black, R. 2012) . Seedling# Q115A. IB, 19" (48 cm), Late midseason bloom. Standards warm mid pink; style ar...
■(SDB) 'It's Love' 1986/87, Blyth 'It's Love' (Barry Blyth, R. 1986). Seedling# S16 A. SDB, 12" (31 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards lemon; falls lemon gol...
r12 - 01 Feb 2019 - 20:33 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'It's Not Over' 2014, Black 'It's Not Over' (Paul Black, R. 2014) Seedling# S280AR. SDB, 13" (33 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Standards light blue, darke...
■(SDB) 'It's So Fine' 2004, Lauer 'It's So Fine' (Larry Lauer, R. 2004). Seedling# 964 3. SDB, 9" (23 cm), Early bloom. Standards light yellow ground, wisteria bl...
r11 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:47 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'It's Tops' 1979, Tolman It's Tops' (Bion Tolman, R. 1979). Seedling# 73 29 A. SDB, 14 16" (36 41 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards gold; falls gold, washed b...
■(SDB) 'Iuna Vesna' 2015, Yakovchuk 'Iuna Vesna' ЮНА ВЭСНА (Svetlana Yakovchuk, 2015). Not Registered. See below: * * References References: Description en...
■(SDB) 'I've Got The Blues' 2018, Price 'I've Got The Blues' (Nancy Price, R. 2018). Seedling 14 003K. SDB, 9" (23 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards blue, hint ...
r4 - 26 Sep 2019 - 22:55 by Harloiris
(SDB) 'Ivory Shimmer' 1976, Palmer 'Ivory Shimmer' (Cleo Palmer, R. 1975). Seedling# 7433. SDB, 12" (30 cm), Early bloom. Standards white with yellow tint; falls ...
r7 - 02 Feb 2019 - 00:14 by Harloiris
■(SDB) 'Izzotrapol' 2017, Altenhofer 'Izzotrapol' (Pia Altenhofer, R. 2017) Seedling 14 Dunatilat 3. SDB, 14" (36 cm), Very early bloom , Standards light pigeon b...
Number of topics: 168
Topic revision: r3 - 16 Nov 2015, BobPries
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