

■ (SPEC) Iris heylandiana Boiss. & Reut.

1877, Boissier & Reuter, ex Baker

Iris heylandiana Boiss. & Reut, ex Boiss. (Pierre Edmond Boissier, 1877, Northern. Iraq); Section Oncocyclus . 16" (40 cm); Overall brownish appearance;

See below:
Clay Osbourne photo


Boissier & Reuter, ex Baker, Jour. Linn. Soc. 16: 142. 1877;
Wal. 1913; Van T. 1916; Berry 1922a;
Chaudhary (1977) provides a new description for Iris heylandiana as: "Plants about 40 cm tall. Rhizome not known. Leaves 7, 1.0-1.2 cm wide, up to 20 cm long, falcate to strongly arched, completely or partly enclosing the peduncle. Stem leaf one, the node visible between the basal leaves or not. Flowers up to 15 cm tall from base of the valves tightly clasping or only slightly inflated; ovary c. 2.5 cm long. Falls c. 6.5 cm long, 3.5 cm wide; beard linear of rather long, mamillate--apillate (not echinate), clavate hairs. Standards erect, c. 7 cm long, 4 cm wide, laterally reflexed. Anthers c. 2 cm long, filaments 1 cm long. Style branches c. 4.5 cm long, 2 cm wide or less, rather oblique (like in I. auranitica Dinsm.), wider than the combined width of the two lobes. Pollinator tunnel open ventrally. Pod not known."
Our illustration from Clay Osbourne has been identified several years back by Awishai, Rodenenko, and Mathew as Iris maculata, Iris heylandiana, and Iris nectarifera. One might conclude that there is still some confusion with this species.
(Boissier & Reuter named two specimens Iris heylandiana but these have turned out to be two different species; one Iris gatesii the other determined by S. A Chaudhary in 1977 as Iris heylandiana; [1939 checklist shows as a synonym of Iris iberica., the logic of which could not be determined].
Foster received material said to be heylandiana which he described in The Garden, February 18, 1893; but according to Chaudhary this too has proved to be Iris gatesii.
Dinsmore in Flora of Syria, Palestine and Sinai gave the following description. Height "45 cm, Rhizome short-creeping. Leaves linear, falcate, 20 to 23 cm long, 8 mm wide. Spathes herbaceous, 1 flowered, valves lanceolate, green, 7.5 cm long; pedicel short. Perianth-tube 2.5 cm long; limb 3.5 to 5 cm. falls obovate-cuneate, veined with brown-violet on a whitish ground, dark-brown at the throat, diffusely bearded with white down the haft. Standards rather broader, orbicular-unguiculate, white, veined with brown; capsule obscurely trigonal, narrowed to both ends. 6 cm long." Blooming April in fields on Plain of the Orontes (Tr).



Chromosome counts






Distribution & Cultivation

Clay Osbourne photo

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-- BobPries - 2010-02-01
Topic revision: r7 - 30 Jul 2016, BobPries
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