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■(TB) 'Andante'

1930, Williamson

'Andante' (E. B. Williamson, R. 1928). TB. 36", Extra early bloom. Color Class-R1D. 'Alcazar' x unknown. Williamson 1930. Fragrant. Synonym: Anadante.

Nursery listings: Longfield 1930, 1939; Marshall 1933; Peckham 1938; Tip Top 1938.

Additional Nurseries not listed: Fairmount (Nesmith) 1931; Tip Top 1936.

See below:

Andante budAndante std


Awaiting original catalog description
From Cooley's catalog, 1932: ANDANTE. The Longfield Iris Farm introduced Andante in 1930 as a greatly improved 'Germaine Perthuis'. It bloomed for us this last season and was one of the surprises of our garden. The great, black buds unfolded into flowers of perfect form and wondrous beauty. General effect is darkest purple, with very bright orange beard. One of the excellent features is the almost total absence of veining. Each $4.00; three for $10.50.
Peckham, E. (Ed.). (1940). Alphabetical iris check list: 1939, (p. 94, 95). The American Iris Society.
American Iris Society. (n.d.). Alphabetical iris check list 1949: compiled from the records of the Registrar, Charles E.F. Gersdorff and Assistant Registrar, Mrs. Walter Colquitt, (p. 35). The American Iris Society.

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BetsyHiggins - 2012-07-07
Topic revision: r11 - 23 Oct 2020, Harloiris
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